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My kidneys are not up for it anymore guys I went to a kidney specialist and scared me a little bit. He said on average we lose 2% of our kidney function a year as we age. Mine are at 50% but I been taking 50 mg oral anavar the last couple weeks and had used deca or came off deca low dose bout a month before that. He said the numbers would not be accurate at this moment and told me to lay off the gear stay hydrated gave me some tips and said he was sure the numbers would go back up after I cleanse my system out. Still I'm.chilling out on the gear. He told me testosterone was fine he had no problems with that. In fact his assistant her brother competes in body building and we had a long talk about AAS. I'm gonna talk to him about hgh my next visit is in a month. I've been researching hgh and kidney effects but not real clear on that yet. So the NPP TEST PROP cycle is off. I've never used hgh anyone wanna comment that has experience I'd appreciate it. Test prop is all I'll be using for awhile
Not really these anavar are the first I've used in over a year I ran some tren ace few months back
Good plan bro get off all orals!!!
Trt only and pick up some "kidney stuff"

Minimize most supplements and try to get most of your vitamins from fruit and veggies.
Adequate hydration with water but don't over over do it and drink too much water.
you sure the anavar you were taking is actually anavar? Cause not gonna lie Iv started seeing a lot of test from company’s getting their products mixed up
Nutrition at this point!!! TRT is fine. 1gal a day is real adequate, since you should get at least another liter from food naturally.
@half Natty yeah I'm pretty sure it's var. I could tell a difference in it from winstrol which is one of my favorite orals
The kidney function test can be variable based on your fluid volume. Ask for you creatinine level (serum) GFR and BUN. Usually a 24 hr urine will be ordered to rule out some things also.
GH is great for me at 3iu at night 5x a week. Watch for rebound hypoglycemia for a week or so when/if you come off.
I have a female bodybuilding friend that was in your situation more than once. She will honestly say that she did not listen to the doc. Just stopped orals and increased water intake and next round of bloodwork miraculously her kidneys were good. I know we rely on doctors for lifesaving advice however if they're bias on thesubject(AAS), so will they're advice be
I've used this product personally and belief it helps.
Don't panic before you have to. Like a few bros have said here, some doctors are biased in their opinions.
Proceed with caution of course and then retest your values in a few weeks.
On the topic of supplements, a guy I work with was on cholesterol meds and started using and within 3 months was taken off he meds and has normal readings.
That is big my doc told me once you go on the meds you almost never come off of them its not cheap stuff but seems to really help.
I really dont think theyre getting them mixed up, and if they are to me that is a worse offense. Getting there products mixed up is an easy excuse, just like some labs blaiming their raw supplier.

There will always be the labs trying to scam, and theyre going to use any excuse to pass the blame. Now if they cant even figure out a system to keep the products from getting mixed, how can you trust there sterilization techniques. What if they mix up their BB with BA?

Does a mix up possibly happen? Sure, but i would never trust them again. Most of these so called mix ups are labs just now being caught attempting to pass one thing off for another.
How much test do you guys consider trt. My kidney doctor told me when it came to steroids he was not concerned about testosterone at all. I get 200 mg test cyp every 2 weeks which I don't think is shit from my primary doc. I was looking online and it said low test was bad for patients with kidney problems or cdk. I was thinking use the test cyp at 100mg per week instead of 200mg every 2 weeks and add 75 mg test prop every other day. Thoughts ?
true trt is actually pretty low, why not grab some more cyp and just run a bit more weekly?
See how kidneys are in a couple months use that time to flush them etc
I go see my kidney doc again next Monday I have blood work this Thursday so he'll have the results on Monday. I use prop because of the short ester.
I ordered some winstrol too for my boy and I'm like pissed I love winny but I'm still pretty good size and shape I think I can do better than most just on test because I been training so many years. I'm not competing so why do I need anything else. I think a solid dose of test nothing crazy 400-500 a week a good diet is all I need. I am having to change things as far as diet goes for my kidneys lots of stuff I didn't know was good/ bad etc..
Diet alone might be what u need.
It can easily throw shit off even so called good items
True I'm not using anything even the prop until I see the doc Monday

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