No more ped's

Hey Dago, I started having kidney problems from high BP before I knew I actually had high BP.

Diagnosed with stage 3 kidney failure, researched and came across DTS,
It works for liver and kidney recovery and my values did get better even while staying on gear but just test E. There is research behind this product and you order it from Japan. It is a little expensive but worth it, 12 tabs a day 6 in morning and 6 in the evening for kidney recovery. Hope this helps, I am starting on another run of this before I go back to the kidney Dr/ nephrologist.
Ok so these are the labs from my primary care doc. I'm supposed to see the kidney doc Monday. I haven't used any gear in over a month. Testosterone levels pathetic. The only difference in the paperwork here and the one from the kidney doc is he gives am actual percentage of where your kidneys are like 50% or 75 % anyone on here see anything I don't see? Says kidney function is stable. Now take into consideration that I was on deca and playing w anavar when my labs came back abnormal. Now over a month of plenty of water cranberry juice fish oil vitamins etc this is what I got.
sounds like you gonna be fine imo
just be careful
My TRT IS 250 MG Test- E every Friday. Oh snap today! Some proviron now and again.
I see lots of benefits from astraligus. Had never head of this before now
So kidney doc said my kidneys have improved some talked to him today. Said my potassium levels where a bit high tooke off lisinopril put me on something else. So I gotta question if orals are so bad for your kidneys I mean everything I read says they are metabolized by the liver and excreted through the urine. 9 hour half life in winstrol I would think this would be more appropriate as you drink plenty of water during that 9 hours flush it out but still my point is I Google orals and kidney damage and all I get is liver damage from orals. Anyone explain why orals are so much worse for your kidneys or is it bro science
worth a quick read

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