
Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
Do you guys ever feel like that? Lately i have been feeling like its me against the world with no crew to call upon. All my "boys" arent down like they use to be, cant count on them for shit. Even though a lot of them wouldnt be alive to flake on me if i didnt have there back like i have. I am 28 yrs old, and have very little to show for it, i make shit pay, live in a trailer (that my girls pops bought), and have shit ass credit. Tried to get a small loan to get a new bike after i laid mine down on the highway and totaled it, no dice, not even a smooth four G's. Just feel down and out, running out of gear and no funds to re up. Shits just getting hard lately, my chick thinks me putting all my time on the weights is dumb. She doesnt get that if i dont do that, ill hit the streets again, iron up and get money the old way. Trying to stay strong and focus on the BB, just at a rough spot. ha i really dont know why i am saying all this, but i feel like i have more support here then in my own home or with my own crew. sorry to come off like a bitch, i just ran out of adex so estro is high lol. anyways boys, hope you are all doing great.
Every day man, if it wasn't for the gym and the peeps @ EG I'd be crazier than I already am!
Dude keep your head up.
I'm 44 got what I got... and I'm happy with it.
Got shit credit, no retirement to look forward to, go to work, come home, wo, and eat till bed lol. Your young still bro. It'll get better, just gotta keep grinding
Been there too bro, and it's not easy !!!
What makes u a real man is how u work thru it and overcome !!!
Def, def the gym is a life helper and changer . Without the gym I would be lost, it gave me drive to do something better and still does .
Keep moving forward, things will get better bro !!!
I feel u. I'm a lil older than my chic (8 yrs). All my friends are either still up to no good, jail, dead, or even worse married... My real good friends moved way out of town. My family is a bunch of bitches that ask me for money. Don't even talk to them. Chic always gets on me for not hanging out with my friends. So we went outta town and met up with one of my friends and he broke it down for her. The whole way home she was in disbelief. I told her don't take kindness for weakness lol. I pretty much am on my own too. If I get financially fucked, I got nobody to turn to. I don't really have good good friends to talk to. Just u guys.
First of all, you are venting to the right ppl. We all care for each other here like a brotherhood. Don't get down on yourself to much. I'm sure there are other positive things going on in your life. I was in total kaos just a few months ago, and I pulled thru and am doing better then ever.
As far as credit goes. That is something you never want to fuck up. But it happens.

To build up your credit again, you can go to any local bank and get a secured credit card. This means you give them X amount of money, and you can use this credit card for purchases. (They hold your money as security) When your bill comes in, you pay it. After some time, they will up your limit and this is how you establish, or re establish credit in your case. Building up credit takes time, but you are still very young.

Now if you need some supplies (cause you are broke) hit me up. I can send you a small care package. I do not mind as long as you really need it.
And for heavens sake, do not go back to the streets! Bodybuilding and EG is what keeps me fucking clean and sober…..
Yea man were all in this together. You guys are about the only people I talk to aside from old lady and family. U can lean on us anytime u need to bro.
Damn boys, thanks for all the words. I know i am not the only one going through shit, just hard feeling like you're alone in it. Thank you all for no judgement and keeping me positive, i know things will get better. Just hoping its sooner then later, i am not exactly pleasant to be around right now lol
Been there done that. Only way to learn is on your own with no help and just a kick in the ass to get moving!
killinit88 said:
Damn boys, thanks for all the words. I know i am not the only one going through shit, just hard feeling like you're alone in it. Thank you all for no judgement and keeping me positive, i know things will get better. Just hoping its sooner then later, i am not exactly pleasant to be around right now lol
If you were to go back and read some of my threads, I was down in the dumps. My kids hadn't talked to me in 3 months. I made a tuff decision but it payed off. I have a great relationship with them now. Better then ever. The guys support here kept me going. Heck, I'd cry my eyes out over them kids. Now I'm happy as a pig.
I have my G/F to give credit to as well, as she stuck by my side the whole time.

So no! You are not alone. Hang in there, and take my offer if you need it.
I've lost everything twice houses cars you name it twice. Its a bad feeling but I always told myself they are things and I will get them back. I'm turning 40 this yr and I have everything back and more. It's how you react brother you can and will get up and you are young with the world in front of you. Good luck you will be ok
Hang in there brother. We've all been there at some point when things seemed bleak. I've been on my own since I was 17 with no real family support to speak of. Had no choice but to dig myself out of my bad spots. But it made me a better man in the process. The key is to not let it get you down. Keep moving forward and try to keep your attitude good. I'm a believer that hard work and a good attitude will get you through no matter how bad it seems at the time. Good luck.
Upward and Forward Killingit!! Each day is a gift, what you choose to do with that gift is up to you! Make the best of it, and stay strong. The gym is obviously your oasis......anything that brings you joy and contentment needs to be a part of your life, Period! Especially when it's something so healthy and productive for a healthy lifestyle.
As far as your homeboys go,.......maybe it's time to be hanging out with a better class of loosers! We will always have your back here, bro!
Yeah, time to buck up mate. You're in your 20's and you have your health. Don't dwell on the negativity in your life bro. Don't have a fake positive attitude either, just live each day as a man should. You'll make it bro, I know you will.

Btw TS, that's loser's. lol
I'm not a bible beater or a reformer. The only time I have had true peace in my life is when I try and follow a spiritual path. The gym has not given me peace, it helps to stay healthy... Gear has not given me a peace of mind because I know that's a fleeting moment and I will not be huge forever. Finding peace within myself and being comfortable in my own skin and following a spiritual path is the only way I know to find a peace of mind. Good luck brother.
Joker said:
You Fuck head. Shoot me a pm. I got you .. silly Fuck. Funds are tight I'll send you some shit...
We go back to E . I know your a good dude.
As far as the rest. ..
That's life. .. suck it up. Keep your chin up and keep focused. If life was easy EVERYONE would be happy and wealthy.
Believe me. . I've been way up. .. And I've been way down.
One thing threw all my struggles. ..I never gave up.
Giving up is for pussys...
Feel me.
Now shoot me a pm Fuck face. I got you
Good man.
I feel ya man. Life throws us all curveballs. We all have ups and downs. You'll make it through, set back some cash here and there and let it accumulate and expand yourself. Build up that credit and save up a down pmnt and mortgage a house if that'll make you happy. Just always be working towards something, never just settle. Whether it be a promotion, saving for a better house, classes for a degree, a bodybuilding show, a power meet, a huge gym PR... sometimes its the little things. Just always have a goal somewhere in the lining, something to look forward to. When you allow yourself to have nothing to look forward to, that's when you lose motivation and respect for yourself. Buck up man, you got this.

Sounds like JM and joker have you covered as well, hell of a gesture from you guys.

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