Joker said:
You Fuck head. Shoot me a pm. I got you .. silly Fuck. Funds are tight I'll send you some shit...
We go back to E . I know your a good dude.
As far as the rest. ..
That's life. .. suck it up. Keep your chin up and keep focused. If life was easy EVERYONE would be happy and wealthy.
Believe me. . I've been way up. .. And I've been way down.
One thing threw all my struggles. ..I never gave up.
Giving up is for pussys...
Feel me.
Now shoot me a pm Fuck face. I got you
Mmm Karma points^^
Joker, I'm new to the forum but you've impressed me. You're definitely an asset to the community.
Joker said:
You Fuck head. Shoot me a pm. I got you .. silly Fuck. Funds are tight I'll send you some shit...
We go back to E . I know your a good dude.
As far as the rest. ..
That's life. .. suck it up. Keep your chin up and keep focused. If life was easy EVERYONE would be happy and wealthy.
Believe me. . I've been way up. .. And I've been way down.
One thing threw all my struggles. ..I never gave up.
Giving up is for pussys...
Feel me.
Now shoot me a pm Fuck face. I got you
Not much you can add to that!!! But know this quitting will get you in the same place place you are or worse! At you age I had shit just like you my friend nothing!!! I was hanging drywall with 10 Mexicans that couldn't speak English, I had no car, no family to fall back on, nothing. It does get better but shit takes work...just like the big guys keep telling me here slow, sleep, train and you will achieve your goals.
Set you goals!! I went started school at 35, graduated in the top 3% of my class while raising kids and married and working full time. You can beat this shit called life but only if you keep your head up and mind set on the goals you want...
Sometimes a change of environment helps. I grew up around nothing but negativity, everywhere I looked. We are a product of our environment. One day I realized I would never make anything of my life unless I got the hell out of where I grew up. I scraped and saved and one day I just bounced and never looked back.
dowork said:
Sometimes a change of environment helps. I grew up around nothing but negativity, everywhere I looked. We are a product of our environment. One day I realized I would never make anything of my life unless I got the hell out of where I grew up. I scraped and saved and one day I just bounced and never looked back.
I totally agree with this.

And good post wack as well.
WOW JUST FUCKING WOW BROTHA'S. I cant even describe the words on how much it means that all of you are saying things that you are saying. I confided in my best boy that goes back to grade school to streets to time, mother fucker was to busy to even just meet up for a agame of pool to shoot the shit and chat. I will get out of this, i will be stronger, i will be better then ever. I appreciate everyone of you and your words, so many of you i would like like to thank personally, I think you know who you are though. I love this place, and all the boys that come with it. If any of you ever need someone to shoot the shit, or need some back up please hit me up, i will do anything i can do to help or just be a boy to chat with. wish some of you were in my area haha get some real training in. Again THANK YOU to all of you for your words, means more then you know. Just reading that makes me motivated and drivin to keep pushing back, and right punch this shit and take my life back.
Some motivation from The Rock...

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