Not feeling horny lately?



My last blast I ran plenty of test, some deca, dbol then some tren. all thru my blast, I was always horny.
then I took a break for a while and just cruised on a low dose of test.
Now my current blast, I skipped running the hcg, (no reason, just didnt do it) but I'm running plenty of test and also deca again.
But, I haven't been horny at all. I could give my balls a lil rub and there was no sensation. Like dead!

So I said fuck it, I'm gonna blast some hcg and see what happens.
I blasted 700iu of hcg and im telling you, within an hours time, I was fucking horny alright.
I could not believe how fast of a turn around I had. It was like my balls came to life.
So I think I will always make sure that I run some hcg in my blast.

Just figured I'd throw this out there if anyone else may run into this problem.
You can try it and see if you have the same results.
shoulda just watched midget tranny porn
Are you running prop or test E?. I feel like when I run prop my sex drive is not as high.
Here's the deal with hcg. Yes it will turn the testes on, but taking exogenous testosterone tells the testes to turn off. Mixed signals. That's why I believe in only using hcg in pct and not while on cycle. Try MT2 for an instant horny. And you'll get a tan at the same time.
I have the same issue always, but im not cruising and my left nut has a weird aching sensation (no bullshit).
I have ran many different cycles. The cycles that have fucked me up this way are the ones where I've had deca. For some reason I have come to notice that deca really fucks up my sex life. No more deca for me.
I've never ran HCG.
That MT2 does give you a kick like Rock said but for me Aromitase has always done it for me. If I wake up without a hardon I pop 1/2 mg
I just take some cialis, dick hard=fucking hard

Now if I ever get to the point that doesn't work I may seek some alternative method.
RockShawn said:
Here's the deal with hcg. Yes it will turn the testes on, but taking exogenous testosterone tells the testes to turn off. Mixed signals. That's why I believe in only using hcg in pct and not while on cycle. Try MT2 for an instant horny. And you'll get a tan at the same time.
Yea that MT2 does give you an instant hard on for sure.
My buddy that's on trt tells me his doc gives him scripts for hcg to take with trt. I'm sure it has more to do with the fact that he still wants kids.
I will get real horny when I first start my cycles, even test deca cycles using heavy doses. But after a couple months I will lose all sex drive, Viagra and Cialis don't even work for me anymore. I always run hcg with all my cycles long or short. The hcg does help sexual function temporarily but wont maintain it, I take it and it will get me in the mood shortly after I take it but it will subside the next day. I use hcg during cycle to cut down on my pct time. As for the MT2, it will get you horny and for some it will keep making you horny when taking it and for some it wont work anymore, for me it don't work anymore and I take it every other day to maintain my tan, now my wife gets horny everytime she takes it. I have just started taking caber and it seems to work well, I got some from 2 different companies and the latter of the 2 seems to work better. I took it at .5mg and I was ready to go all day long and the next day. I have been taking it 2xs a week with good results. From now on I am going to have caber on hand for all my cycles for when I get shut down.
I have H/G cabaser and some from M/P and that did not do it for me at all. The hcg did tho.
I have noticed that to with the not as horny. I have added some mast in my cycle and its nuts now. I have been fucking for the last 3 days. It has really got my libido going again and im only running .75 eod. Its good shit IMO as far as that goes..

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