
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
Just wondering your opinions. EQ seems to be a real "love it" or "hate it" compound.

Personally I am all about the "dry" cycles, and I'm not in a position to want to add as much mass as possible anymore. These days, slow and steady, and always lean wins the race.

I love NPP, great mass builder, I prefer it will a TRT dose of test. I am yet to run EQ. The RBC promotion always steered me away from it, as I was on finastride and could not donate blood. Well I have come to terms (sort of) with my hair loss and quit fina. EQ is now on the horizon.

Do we have some EQ fans out there?
My train of thought is both compounds can be used in a lean bulk.

I have read and heard many mixed reviews on EQ. Some seem to love EQ and can get 5-10 lean pounds on a cycle, some get nothing from it. I am after lean gains, slow and steady.

I suppose this thread doesn't have a whole lot to do with NPP as I know the compound very well. I am more so interested in equipoise thoughts.......
I'm an EQ junkie. What do you want to know?
I like EQ, it puts on good muscle for me, nice and slow. I love running long cycles too so this is a great compound for that.
How's the strength on it? It seems to be the Tabu compound. People love to hate it. I am pumped to give it a run. Kinda thinking about bumping it in front of my next cycle to run now. Who's do you run Jinko?
Use massive amounts of EQ , ull love it bro !!! Make sure to keep the Test high , that's what I like to do anyways .
Everyone's different so think about how ur gonna dose it . But u will def like the results !!!
ive never tried EQ fro the reasons people always state, its slow, real slow , it really increases Red blood cells, more than others and thats not good for me , it needs a high dose to function well but it can cause anxiety at this level
misterB said:
ive never tried EQ fro the reasons people always state, its slow, real slow , it really increases Red blood cells, more than others and thats not good for me , it needs a high dose to function well but it can cause anxiety at this level
You should try eq...i have had none of those side effect from it. Its not amazing like tren...not even close lol but it does its job
One of the most fun compounds I have ever ran. I added it in conjunction with test and tren. Honestly within 2 weeks I had more vascularity than I've ever had in my life. Didn't notice much on the strength but I was into a heavy cut and strength was diminishing regardless. All in all I felt great. I will most likely add it in my upcoming bulk with Sylver products.
I love EQ and never have any negative sides from it.I have however always put on great size and strength.
I'm definitely going to run it next cycle. Started some npp today, been on tbol and test already. Want to gain a few lbs, then after a short break its eq time baby
Skunx said:
Hog how come you can't take it brotha? Rbc increase?
High triglycerides but it doesn't matter cuz I got a shitload of it and I'm going to take it anyway I'll just have to stay on gemfibrozil to keep levels down. A friend of mine that squats 800 pounds loves it. It'll keep you nice and trim good stamina and strength. I like to stay lean and mean. Never been one for all show and no go. I jumped up a couple times to around 240lbs and didn't real like it.

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