NPP whats your results


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Planning my next bang which as of now is going to be 800mg sust/400 npp weekly. with a kickstart of 50 mg t-bol daily

I just love what I get out of 14 weeks of deca and test so Im hoping to achieve results sooner with npp due to the shorter ester. This will be my first run with npp. Im looking for some feedback from you guys on it. Experiences, etc
i'm doing my first run of NPP too (never done deca) i'm doing NPP, mast e, tbol... curious to hear opinions on this as well.
Im running Digital npp. This is my first run and I love it way more than Deca I gained 20lbs on deca over 5 months. Seems npp is helping me get leaner more vascular and the gains havent slowed down im running until the end of this month its been a great blast.
49ER said:
Im running Digital npp. This is my first run and I love it way more than Deca I gained 20lbs on deca over 5 months. Seems npp is helping me get leaner more vascular and the gains havent slowed down im running until the end of this month its been a great blast.
keep me filled in big guy
The thing i dont like about npp is the fact that the phenyl propionate ester is heavy. Its very close in weight to decanoate, so i would just rather run deca. More bang for your buck
49ER said:
Im running Digital npp. This is my first run and I love it way more than Deca I gained 20lbs on deca over 5 months. Seems npp is helping me get leaner more vascular and the gains havent slowed down im running until the end of this month its been a great blast.
how much you running and with what other compounds? whats your pinning schedule? you using an ai and caber?, how long is your cycle planned for?
lith56bigguy said:
how much you running and with what other compounds? whats your pinning schedule? you using an ai and caber?, how long is your cycle planned for?
lith56bigguyI ve made adjustments I started with a gram of test e and was pinning 150mg npp mon/wed/fri. ... now im on 800mg test and bumped npp 200mgs. Ive been on npp little over 2 months gonna stop right before vegas trip. I also dabbled with anadrol and a little dbol along the way. Drol is a killer add in makes you strong as fuck! Im also running 2.5 ius hgh cuz thats all I can afford lol.
As for ai my estro shot up so im taking adex 1mg eod until I get blood work again I can tell its working wake up with hard ons horny as fuck once again. And im using .5mg caber eod
49ER said:
I ve made adjustments I started with a gram of test e and was pinning 150mg npp mon/wed/fri. ... now im on 800mg test and bumped npp 200mgs. Ive been on npp little over 2 months gonna stop right before vegas trip. I also dabbled with anadrol and a little dbol along the way. Drol is a killer add in makes you strong as fuck! Im also running 2.5 ius hgh cuz thats all I can afford lol.
As for ai my estro shot up so im taking adex 1mg eod until I get blood work again I can tell its working wake up with hard ons horny as fuck once again. And im using .5mg caber eod
Damn thats alot of caber isnt it? Why so much?
Wacker said:
Damn thats alot of caber isnt it? Why so much?
WackerA buddy told me dont be afraid to use eod he said it will keep sex drive up? I dont know ive just been trying itpprobably dont need it.
49ER said:
A buddy told me dont be afraid to use eod he said it will keep sex drive up? I dont know ive just been trying itpprobably dont need it.
JMO but why not try .5-1.0 e5d and see what happens. I have been using .5 e7d and have seen it make a differance.
I made some very decent gains with NPP mixed with TNE preworkout. No water gain from it. Running it again in my upcoming cycle
49ER said:
A buddy told me dont be afraid to use eod he said it will keep sex drive up? I dont know ive just been trying itpprobably dont need it.
You're right, you can run caber virtually the rest of your life, everyday. But, your body only needs .5mg's/e3d while on cycle and .5mg's/e5d if you want to run it year round. Your pissing away $ there my man.
You'll get lean with NPP. I drop a lot of water weight, specially in my face/cheeks. Your joints will feel great while on it and shud gain some solid strength gains as well.
1,050 mg of TPA and was at 100 mg of var but dropped it to 75 mg ED. and 700 of NPP

WOW! are you jay j/k bro.. that's a monster cycle though fo real.
krustus said:
WOW! are you jay j/k bro.. that's a monster cycle though fo real.
You think so? I haven't had any sides and gains were slowing so I started increasing doses. I like high test. NPP is pretty mild for me. Var is pretty mild too. TPA and NPP is 100/mg//ml so i pin 2.5 ml ED.
is TPA a cutstack blend? or all test?... but to me ( a that's a large cycle...

i couldn't eat or train enough to maximize all that gear... i don't think? but i'm not slamming you for it bro... if you know what it takes for you. i've seen your pics and i know you know what you are doing (jacked)

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