NPP whats your results

I love npp. Used it this summer pined it m/w/f. I ran test e at 800 and npp at 450. I had no water retention no sides and lean gains. I was the strongest ive ever been hit prs on deads and bench. I also ran anavarbat 75 a day loved that stuff too for 5 weeks. This will basically always be my summer cycle with some minor tweeks but I love it. You cant go wrong with npp! I did break out with acne but I do that on test too so probably the test gotta get thid under control.

krustus said:
is TPA a cutstack blend? or all test?... but to me ( a that's a large cycle...

i couldn't eat or train enough to maximize all that gear... i don't think? but i'm not slamming you for it bro... if you know what it takes for you. i've seen your pics and i know you know what you are doing (jacked)
TPA is a blend of test ace and test prop, 50 mg each. It's good stuff. Less painful than regular prop. I just started using it a couple weeks ago.

Thanks for the kind words. I'm not a Tren guy. I like the high test and the alpha feeling it gives me. Honestly, NPP has a lot of similar properties to Tren, well at least for me. I have a shorter temper, night sweats and insomnia but that could be from the test. I lose water weight and fat so in a lot of ways it is similar to me. I have a log going on IM using AY gear which I need to update soon. Btw, your wife is HOT!
you guys whacking like 5 pins a week how are you rotating? Im interested in pinning more this cycle. Last two cycles I pinned twice a week. End of last cycle was whacking 3 mls into legs and glutes, which I felt was too much(that was test, tren, and mast) When I ran test and deca before I had zero pip so Im hoping the npp is the same and I can go to higher volume, less pins, but if not Im curious how are you guys rotating? I went shoulder, shoulder, quad, quad, glute, glute before six areas
im cutting / recomping on 900 test / 450 nnp right now and its great, Nandrolone increases viscosity in synovial fluids making the joints feel good as they can
lith56bigguy said:
you guys whacking like 5 pins a week how are you rotating? Im interested in pinning more this cycle. Last two cycles I pinned twice a week. End of last cycle was whacking 3 mls into legs and glutes, which I felt was too much(that was test, tren, and mast) When I ran test and deca before I had zero pip so Im hoping the npp is the same and I can go to higher volume, less pins, but if not Im curious how are you guys rotating? I went shoulder, shoulder, quad, quad, glute, glute before six areas
lith56bigguyI just rotate glutes and delts.... 3ml goes into glutes no problems for me especially dig npp in the mct oil I dont even have to warm up the gear it just flows in. When I ha e to do 3ml in delts sometimes I'll do it in 2 shots but its not necessary just harder to push 3ml in that position.
Did yall see the post on injections? I change position on each injection in the glutes, you hit them a lot of times

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TPA rocks! Stuff I got is 75 mg each, 150 mg per ml total.
smoove said:
Did yall see the post on injections? I change position on each injection in the glutes, you hit them a lot of times
YEAH SMOOVE now I have to argue with my nurse wife that she should be hitting all those areas and not scarring me lol

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