OMFG… Can't cum now!!

JM750 said:
Thanks for all the reply's guys. I'm done taking them. I don't care what the Dr wants to try next. I never really had any depression issues. Mine was more isolated to the fact that my kids were not talking to me and living in the same house. now that I'm out and the kids have come around and we are talking and doing things together, I'm not even sure that I need these meds? I'm happy as a peach right now.
JM750If you don't need anti depressants....then stay the hell off them, for sure!! But, don't underestimate their usefulness in perpetuating mental health!
Try supplementing with St. John's Wart, 5-HTP, or natural remedies...also get a therapist and talk, find the root of the depression and work through it. When I was laid off my job of 23 years I went into a major depression, the doctor gave me a low dose of Celexa to just help me try and function for my family and get back on my feet...the month I was on it I don't remember at wife said I was a totally different person. I take St. John's Wart daily...told my doctor I am getting off it and now only take Clanazopam for anxiety when needed, mostly due to my oldest daughter. It will get better JM, just start journaling and figure out what is really bothering you and causing the feelings you don't need a drug for that, especially one that causes the worst side effect ever...not being able to perform sexually 😡.
TSizemore said:
If you don't need anti depressants....then stay the hell off them, for sure!! But, don't underestimate their usefulness in perpetuating mental health!
TSizemoreI was put on them as a preventative after strokes, and for my lability..
MuscleAddiction said:
Try supplementing with St. John's Wart, 5-HTP, or natural remedies...also get a therapist and talk, find the root of the depression and work through it. When I was laid off my job of 23 years I went into a major depression, the doctor gave me a low dose of Celexa to just help me try and function for my family and get back on my feet...the month I was on it I don't remember at wife said I was a totally different person. I take St. John's Wart daily...told my doctor I am getting off it and now only take Clanazopam for anxiety when needed, mostly due to my oldest daughter. It will get better JM, just start journaling and figure out what is really bothering you and causing the feelings you don't need a drug for that, especially one that causes the worst side effect ever...not being able to perform sexually 😡.
Back in 09 I was laid off of my job of 25 yrs as well. I was devastated. But it actually worked out for the best. My job I have now is much better. At the old job, I had a lot of assholes out to get me.

Like I said, I believe my depression was coming from the kids not talking to me for 3 months and living at home. That has all changed and I'm feeling like a million bucks right now, and I know it is not cause of the meds. Normally, I'm not the depressed type, I love life always make the best of things. But this one was really hard for me to handle.
Bro, if you feel you need a mind med, Wellbutrin is a intelligent choice, in that it has no sexual side effects, and it actually provides a boost in libido and overall energy. Obviously no meds is the way to go, but research the drug bro, and decide.
stonetag said:
Bro, if you feel you need a mind med, Wellbutrin is a intelligent choice, in that it has no sexual side effects, and it actually provides a boost in libido and overall energy. Obviously no meds is the way to go, but research the drug bro, and decide.
I have tons of wellbutrin as these are what I used to quit smoking over a yr ago. I only used them for the smoking part tho.
Wellbutrin does help with that, but also with anxiety and depression, without feeling tranquilized like the heavier other meds. I wish I could quit tobacco! I have been chewing since junior high.
Sorry to hear this Brother J! I would drop those anti deps fast. There has to be something else
out there that can help you bro!
Sorry to hear this Brother J! I would drop those anti deps fast. There has to be something else
out there that can help you bro!
ooh I did today! If i can't have sex, I may as well commit suicide.

and what makes it worse is when you go to try, your mind is wondering if all is going to work. it sux
That happened to me about ten years ago. I was prescribed anti depressants and I couldn't bust a nut. It would go soft! I was with a very hot, young, horny rican chic. It was a mind fuck of a time...
***** UPDATE***** just went and played with the little lady tonight and after being off the zoloft, no problem having an explosion! BOOM BITCHES! 🙂

I feel like a man again!!!

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