Optimal growth



Ok so here's my thoughts, I've trained 4-5 consecutive days then take 2 off...for years and know many use a similar routine...I've been considering going to Eod , the reasoning behind this thought - if I say work back on Monday then take tues off my body can use every available amount of nutrients ect to repair back muscles for 48 hours or so...then train the next muscle lets say chest and take the following day off..
My question is do u think breaking down one muscle group then allowing it to repair before working the next muscle group would be beneficial ?
I tried that for about 6 months several years ago and it worked awesome for me!! I was so energetic every time I went to the gym that I could lift much heavier and just smash like a freak!! I think u should try it out for a few months and c what u think
Yea, no matter what you do.....switch it up! After too long of the same routine your body gets ingrained to the stress and learns to anticapate it. Switch it up to M,T, Th, Sat or everyother day like you said. Even same days as you're doing but switch body parts. Any deviation will bust a plateau!
I often can't do eod, just because of work and life stuff, but I have found when I do I grow much better than when I do 4-5 consecutive days. And like you, my energy level is just so much higher in the gym. I'm going to really try and stick to 2 and 1-2 off (depending on intensity and volume)
I go 5 on 2 off... Been doing 5x5 for a while going to switch to 2 4 6. Then I'll switch to high reps
I am a eod person and it works well for me. They say to much of a good thing isn't always a good thing.
Some of the biggest guys I know do full body work outs everyday... Love to see u tell them they are wrong...
Vicious 13 said:
Some of the biggest guys I know do full body work outs everyday... Love to see u tell them they are wrong...
Vicious 13
Sure they're big. They've learned how to work out everyday and change it up enough for continued, or maintained, growth. You can't bench press huge every day and expect to grow. It is physiologically impossible. But, if you switch it up, growth happens. Take the Bench Press again for example. Bench Press heavy twice a week for low reps, then bench moderate for high reps. Or, switch up Flat bench with DB bench. Each time you alter the excercise it is different. You can Full body workouts everyday and still being doing things different.
Ok which means eod is pointless... Hit chest tri/ then back bi/ then shoulder legs/ then abs cardio... Eod fits no where in there
Mon: Chest/Tri
Weds: Back/Bi
Fri: Shoulders/legs
Sun: Abs/Cardio

EOD....Following week will begin on Tues. Still EOD.

I have done just about every split there is. As long as you are not over training and letting muscle groups rest. You should grow.
Vicious 13 said:
I spend weekends w the wife stay out of the gym but I guess to each his own
Vicious 13I understand that! Fortunately, my wife comes with me on Sat. I do a Mon, Tues, Thur, Sat..split.
personally believe every one has to find what works best for them. and yes change up is good.
You however can change up so many different ways wo effecting your daily split.

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