Paxton Anavar PLS HELP!


Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
Hey guys, kinda in a bit of a pinch. I had my wife on a respected vendors anavar, 5 mgs daily, split into 2 doses. After less than three weeks she is virtilizing pretty bad.

I am in need of some pax anavar ASAP! I had an order in, unfortunately pax closed doors and cancelled all outstanding orders for a little while due to payments. Please help guys, Ill send $, gear, replace them in a couple weeks, what ever works for you 🙂 I dont need very many of them to keep her going

Pax is the only anavar I feel good about giving her right now, I have seen the multiple mass spec and HPLC testing on recent batches. thanks you guys its appreciated.
I'll check my stash to see how many tabs i have left from last cycle. I'll let you know tomorrow.
We have disagreed in the past on stupid shit but I have some 10mgs ones left over too if you still need any.
I love seeing bros be there for one another. This is what eg is more than anything!
I just want to send out a BIG heart felt THANK YOU to this board and its members. Wacker thank you bro, you are awesome. Jshredz, daredevil thank you guys as well. This is what it's all about! It's awesome to be apart of a community like this where we all look out for one another. Thank you 🙂
This is why eg is the best😉Try this on Any other fucking board and badgers would HAVE to chime in with dumm shit..
Trust me when I tell you... do not use PAXTON gear. I have an un-opened pack of Geneza anavar if nobody else comes through for you.
Daredevil said:
Oh I just read your review on Paxton and see how you feel the way you do.
DaredevilYes I am new here. Thankfully someone from the other board I was on was also a member here, saw what I went through with PAXTON, and sponsored me on this private board! Everything I said about PAXTON is 100% factual. I hope I help others avoid wasting their $$$
JoeFixIt said:
Trust me when I tell you... do not use PAXTON gear. I have an un-opened pack of Geneza anavar if nobody else comes through for you.
First off, this is very disrespectful to myself as well as Paxton to come in here and bash pax, and recommend another brand not sold on this forum. I don't buy your story of switching from 370 mgs test a week with a prohormone to 1200 pax test and dbol. You clearly have a motive in destroying Paxton's reputation. I would appreciate it if you take your baloney somewhere else. This is not the forum for your nonsense, you will do much better somewhere else.

It is especially frustrating when someone new, with a gmail account, taking 1200mgs of test with no results tells me what to take. Currently I'm right around 10-11% 220lbs, and have been running hormones for many years. I don't need your input or advice on taking some generic European hormones that over the years have consistently fluctuated in potency. Take it somewhere else man, I vote for you to be removed from this board. Pax has proven himself 10k times. You have proven your self to be nothing but a pain in the ass
Man me and 6 people I know and they don't know one another all say his shit is underdoesd. 800 mgs of thest and npp 300 and mast 300 a week for 10 weeks I did not get Shit out of it hurt his is all I will say I'll take the loss on it lol
Pax has been proven!!! Anavar 9.12 of 10 MGs on a MS test and primo dosed @ 100.9 out of the labeled 100 MGs. GET IT RIGHT BRO. clearly everyone is entitled to their opinion. But. PX is been tested independently and has a great reputation. It's sad too see people bash with out proof. I can blast 2 grams of gear and eat like shit and train poorly and I'd get little to no results too. Gear is NOT MAGIC. but it can surely help with correct diet,sleep and training. I grow more from less gear , than too much.
JuicedVenom said:
Pax has been proven!!! Anavar 9.12 of 10 MGs on a MS test and primo dosed @ 100.9 out of the labeled 100 MGs. GET IT RIGHT BRO. clearly everyone is entitled to their opinion. But. PX is been tested independently and has a great reputation. It's sad too see people bash with out proof. I can blast 2 grams of gear and eat like shit and train poorly and I'd get little to no results too. Gear is NOT MAGIC. but it can surely help with correct diet,sleep and training. I grow more from less gear , than too much.
I 100% agree with your last statement bro. I make my best gains on moderate doses. Once I go over a gram a week of gear total, I just feel like shit and my gains aren't any better than they were at 700-900mg total.
Any batch can be tested...blah blah blah. I've gtn shitty gear from other vendors and their followers swear I was fos and whatever. Halfnatty is a good bro...respected here at EG. I don't believe him to be liar.
I dont believe he is a liar either. I am also not saying Paxton was not a good UGL. Even good vendors can go bad in the end. I know personally I have been quick to discredit otheres on a personal experience I have had in the past with a vendor. Nothing lasts forever with this stuff. I need to keep a more open mind.
LittleTom said:
I dont believe he is a liar either. I am also not saying Paxton was not a good UGL. Even good vendors can go bad in the end. I know personally I have been quick to discredit otheres on a personal experience I have had in the past with a vendor. Nothing lasts forever with this stuff. I need to keep a more open mind.
Tell us what you thought of your paxton gear LT?? Lol...

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