PCT/HCG Advice


Vino 1

Alright bros I've decided to completely come off in a few weeks. I want to give my body a nice break from everything. I've been off and on for a good while now. Mostly on with a couple short breaks. I want to use an aggressive pct. I have nolvadex, clomid, and will be getting hcg. I've never used hcg so I'm asking for advice pertaining to dosing etc. Thanks guys
Ive personally done 5000 iu of hcg for 2 weeks. monday friday, monday friday and have came back fine. Nuts dropping and getting huge within the first 3 days. But I was looking at rich piana videos. He mentioned how he uses 5000iu per shot with pct.. which is a shit load. I'm thinking since he's been juicing for over 20 years he needs that amount to come back. I was thinking of splitting up 2x hcg at 5000 iu per week next time for pct. Anyone chime in on this?
Vino 1 said:
How many weeks do most run hcg?
Vino 1
After a lot of reading I planned on using 2wks before last shot and 2weeks after for a total of 4 based a long ester test. Haven't done it but that was the plan should I ever decide to stop-lol
Lol ok thanks bros. As much as I'd love to stay ON I think I would benefit from cleaning out all supplements from my body. Thinking about trying growth next year and see how that goes. Again thanks for the advice
Good for you bro! It's good to clear things out once in a while. As for HCG, I ran it 500 iu's EOD for about two weeks as the gear cleared my system, then two weeks of clomid at 50 mg a day. Simple and I had a smooth transition off the gear.
So my plan is to blast and cruise for 10 months a year and come off for two to clear things out, I've read that many pros run this way(not that I'm anywhere near a pro). I start my next 10 month run in two weeks and I can't wait.

Good luck
flyingfox said:
Good for you bro! It's good to clear things out once in a while. As for HCG, I ran it 500 iu's EOD for about two weeks as the gear cleared my system, then two weeks of clomid at 50 mg a day. Simple and I had a smooth transition off the gear.
So my plan is to blast and cruise for 10 months a year and come off for two to clear things out, I've read that many pros run this way(not that I'm anywhere near a pro). I start my next 10 month run in two weeks and I can't wait.

Good luck
^^^I like that plan^^^might try that myself!
Thanks fox. That's about how long I been running. How did u feel
Coming off? Did U lose a significant amount of weight/strength?
Vino 1 said:
Thanks fox. That's about how long I been running. How did u feel
Coming off? Did U lose a significant amount of weight/strength?
Vino 1
I'll be honest I actually felt OK I broke out with a few pimples but my sex drive returned quick which was a pleasant surprise. We had another baby 4 months ago and he threw a wrench in my training as you could imagine, so my size is down.
Congrats on the little one Fox - But you saying that two weeks of HCG and 2 weeks of clomid and you were good??

I was planing my PCT to last about 45-50 days running HCG and Clomid/nolva at the same time. All three starting at the same time and then HCG stops first, then nolva and finally clomid. I am about two weeks into it and feeling pretty good - but I would like to stop sooner rather then later....
I would just run HCG, nolva and adex or xstane for PCT no clomid just me though...

2000 IU of hcg first week and second week then 500 split for two more weeks and run to nolva 100 100 60 40 20 one extrta week of nolva. You can run adex or xstane but I am not sold on it.. I have done it both ways.

Also for pct I would run some pep like cjc and ghrp. the way I described it above and peps is how I cam off this last cycle with my gerbil and he was completely back to normal with labs done. Also I didnt feel shitty like i have in the past I contribut that to the peps.
Big Moose said:
Congrats on the little one Fox - But you saying that two weeks of HCG and 2 weeks of clomid and you were good??

I was planing my PCT to last about 45-50 days running HCG and Clomid/nolva at the same time. All three starting at the same time and then HCG stops first, then nolva and finally clomid. I am about two weeks into it and feeling pretty good - but I would like to stop sooner rather then later....
Big MooseThat's quite a bit of PCT.....how big/long was your cycle?
Big Moose said:
Congrats on the little one Fox - But you saying that two weeks of HCG and 2 weeks of clomid and you were good??

I was planing my PCT to last about 45-50 days running HCG and Clomid/nolva at the same time. All three starting at the same time and then HCG stops first, then nolva and finally clomid. I am about two weeks into it and feeling pretty good - but I would like to stop sooner rather then later....
Big Moose
GTG brother Moose! There is a well known pro who runs this protocol and he comes off for two months a year and is on for ten. With one variation, I ran clomid at 50mg for two weeks he does the first week at 100mg. It was simple and it worked I get morning wood and everything works!
there are opinions that HCG is not a good idea for someone who cycles on and off.. theories are that it desensitizes you to your own leutinizing hormone and make restarting more difficult? i have never done it in that manner so...??????

but HCG for someone on trt is probably a good idea.. as your testes are also the males largest producers of pregnenolone and you may start feeling incomplete without it... since you won't be restarting them naturally again....

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