PCT/HCG Advice

Ok guys so I got this hcg. I need more bac water I believe to mix 5ml of bac water with 5000iu of hcg is that right?

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Vino 1 said:
Ok guys so I got this hcg. I need more bac water I believe to mix 5ml of bac water with 5000iu of hcg is that right?
Vino 1No....you don't need that much Bac.
T is right, you don't need that much. You can use the 1ml that came with the hcg. Just do the math to get your dosage. 5000iu with 1ml of solution means that every 10tick mark on a 1ml slin pin is 500iu
2nd shot of hcg today. Feeling pretty good so far. Was running short esters and my last shot was Monday. Gonna start clomid and Nolva tomorrow alon with 500iu hcg x2 a week.
Man does PCT F'ing suck! I'm trying to tough it out till march but been talking to the old lady about just getting back on to a TRT dose. Will be getting bloodwork next week to see where I'm at but I can say that from how I feel and the lack of sex drive and erections I haven't recovered. So it's either blast more hcg and Nolva to try and get kicked back on or just trt dose. I don't know at this point. Shit sucks for real tho. What do y'all think?
Vino try cordyceps from Aloha Medicinals. You can pick it up cheap on Amazon.

I take it whenever I'm not on my trt.
My doc has me cycle on and off trt so that I don't lose my nads.

This last time I was on trt for about 5 months.
I also took about 300iu hcg once or twice per week while on, but I kept taking cordyceps for the 1st 30-45 days of trt and it kept me from needing hcg until that long!

I've been off 2.5 months now and the ONLY thing I took was cordyceps and some exemestane(the 1st month off).
Cordyceps is a mushroom that has been used for a few thousand years for vitality and sexual health.
It actually increases adenosine production. Just do a search on the web for it and a lot of info will come up.

I took 3 caps 2-3 times/day for 2 months and I've stepped it down to 1 cap 2 or 3 times/day for these past 2 weeks(because getting low, need to order again). I'll probably go back up to 2 caps 2 or 3 times/day once my order comes in.

There are a lot of brands of cordyceps out there, but this is the only one that I know WORKS!!!(except, Quantum Nutrition Labs, but they are quite a bit more expensive)

I feel pretty decent and haven't lost a lot of gains.
The boys are about as full as they were before I started my trt, and I'm still getting wood just fine.

I do also take arginine ethyl ester by Nutrabio and niacin(1 cap 500mg)from them as well.
These do both help A LOT with wood, and pumps when working out.
Just thought I'd tell you everything.

Of course, I feel better 'on'. Who doesn't, right?
But anyway give it a go. It's pretty cheap on Amazon.

I also like Nativas Naturals Maca.
It's works great too. I've never ran them both together,
but Coryceps and Maca together should be awesome!!!(I can only fit so much into the family budget at a time, ya know.)
Vino 1 said:
Man does PCT F'ing suck! I'm trying to tough it out till march but been talking to the old lady about just getting back on to a TRT dose. Will be getting bloodwork next week to see where I'm at but I can say that from how I feel and the lack of sex drive and erections I haven't recovered. So it's either blast more hcg and Nolva to try and get kicked back on or just trt dose. I don't know at this point. Shit sucks for real tho. What do y'all think?
Vino 1Yes it sucks, I'm now on TRT for life. There is no point coming off when your test level is under 200 which mine was. I'm not sure of your age but you could stay off everything for a couple months and get bloods to see where your at, then go from there. Depend on your goals and health honestly.
Another thing I wanted to add.
I have a bro that was going to the doc and tried everything to bring his natty t back.
And hcg didn't do crap for him, he said.

He didn't have success until he got on a regular dose of exemestane.
I'm not sure what dose(I'll ask, if you want to know), but he said that the exemestane did the trick for him.

A lot of research says that elevated estrogen will keep your natty levels low.
And that level of estrogen that shuts your natty down is probably different for just about everyone.(Just like natty levels can vary greatly per person.)

I've also read that exemestane can ACTUALLY BOOST your natty t.

I recommend trying the exemestane with the cordyceps to get the natural synergy.

Interesting slayer. I'll check that out. To note Fox I am 27 yrs old so pretty young. I really want to just go to TRT dose but I'm trying to appease the old lady too
Gonna try another hcg blast and some exemstane see what happens.

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