People at the gym


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
So for the passed couple of days ive had this one kid trying to talk to me and say like "ohh you look smaller now, ohh you have to do cardio after not before" etc etc.

LOL WTF? I do muay thai/boxing first cause thats what I want to do first...

Then today after doing a quick jump rope, burpees, muay thai workout, I'm sweating like a dog, I start doing deadlifts, went up to 405 for 5 reps then went back down. So after 405 some other guy starts saying. "haha man you look like your about to beat someone up with your eyes all red aftwards hahahha" I'm like wtf?? why are a bunch of dudes hating on me this week? lmfao Then after i put my headphones back on and he continued talking shit. The dude that said this is a trainer but all chickened legged, I'm not sure if that has something to do with it.

Anyways! hahaha wtf? I go to a univ school gym maybe thats why. A lot of 18-22 year olds. I usually just mind my own business and push myself.

I just ignored that shit, people are weird.
I know what you're sayin. This clown that works at my gym says to me a few weeks ago, "holy shit man did you lose a bunch of weight? Looks like you lost 10lbs". Which I take as an insult. I said, really?? Well you look exactly the same as you did a year ago. Lol. Probably because all he does is stand around and talk and give others advice when he's completely out of shape himself. Then the dude sees me deadlift 560 and says oh well how many pull-ups can you do. (Which seems to be all he does). Just trying to have some sort of competition I guess. Pull ups are a good exercise but who gives a f*ck. Do you want to deadlift 1,000+ like Eddy Hall or do you want to do 30 pull-ups??
Part of the game. I always like to say "don't hate...appreciate". But these alphas insecurities is what fuels their need to be little and put down someone.
Chase Tail said:
I know what you're sayin. This clown that works at my gym says to me a few weeks ago, "holy shit man did you lose a bunch of weight? Looks like you lost 10lbs". Which I take as an insult. I said, really?? Well you look exactly the same as you did a year ago. Lol. Probably because all he does is stand around and talk and give others advice when he's completely out of shape himself. Then the dude sees me deadlift 560 and says oh well how many pull-ups can you do. (Which seems to be all he does). Just trying to have some sort of competition I guess. Pull ups are a good exercise but who gives a f*ck. Do you want to deadlift 1,000+ like Eddy Hall or do you want to do 30 pull-ups??
Chase Tail
To be honest, I'd rather do 30 pull-ups.
MattyIce said:
To be honest, I'd rather do 30 pull-ups.
To each his own. But if I see you bust out 30 pull-ups I'm not gonna walk up and say well that was cool but how much you deadlift? But yes 30 pull-ups would be cool. I could do 20 when I was 160 lbs haha. It's a little harder for me now.
I've done 30 pull ups, hell I've done 35. I'll take the 1K deadlift.
Yeah it is. A guy dead lifting 1k is prolly a fatass. Lol I know slot of guys benching over 500 can't do 100 push-ups or 10 correct pull-ups.
Its such a personal thing. Its like me, I would rather look like Stallone over Arnold any day of the week. I like the lean ripped look, some guys love that big bulky ripped look. Its just what we value... no right or wrong here but personally I am going with the pullups since it fits my tastes .
ElChango said:
So for the passed couple of days ive had this one kid trying to talk to me and say like "ohh you look smaller now, ohh you have to do cardio after not before" etc etc.

LOL WTF? I do muay thai/boxing first cause thats what I want to do first...

Then today after doing a quick jump rope, burpees, muay thai workout, I'm sweating like a dog, I start doing deadlifts, went up to 405 for 5 reps then went back down. So after 405 some other guy starts saying. "haha man you look like your about to beat someone up with your eyes all red aftwards hahahha" I'm like wtf?? why are a bunch of dudes hating on me this week? lmfao Then after i put my headphones back on and he continued talking shit. The dude that said this is a trainer but all chickened legged, I'm not sure if that has something to do with it.

Anyways! hahaha wtf? I go to a univ school gym maybe thats why. A lot of 18-22 year olds. I usually just mind my own business and push myself.

I just ignored that shit, people are weird.
Thats why...
LT, I honestly used to wear a shirt that said, "Shut up or I'll kill you" on the front, and "Dirt Clump" on the back, both written in black magic marker. It freaked people out so badly that nobody, and I mean NOBODY ever talked to me during my workouts.
T-bar said:
LT, I honestly used to wear a shirt that said, "Shut up or I'll kill you" on the front, and "Dirt Clump" on the back, both written in black magic marker. It freaked people out so badly that nobody, and I mean NOBODY ever talked to me during my workouts.
Well I cant imagine why no one wanted to be your friend :-[
So I'm in a hotel gym today that's actually pretty decent. The only problem is they have the tv locked onto some woman's yap show called Wendy. I called the front desk. It took them 30 min for some snotty bitch to show up and change the channel. She made the mistake of leaving the remote in the drawer when they left, probably because the TV had a code that was required before you could change the channel of the volume.

It took me about 5 minutes to figure out their stupid code. I reprogrammed the code and locked the TV on a channel that plays shows like Pawn Stars with the volume nice and loud, and then threw the controller away. Fuckers.
if love to see that shirt
Maybe should take the dead lift or, can do 30 correct pull-ups. I actually do most pull-ups inverted upside down like the my core to the extreme.


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Jinko said:
You train at Planet Fitness?
Yep... I work two jobs and am a full time single dad to a two year old girl. Problem? Is PF not cool enough? Because I don't post about how I am a menace to society or act like a tough guy to people on a daily basis, am I a somehow not worth? I train MMA two times a week and hold a black belt in Gracie, been boxing for 31 years, You would never know if I didn't tell you...and I would destroy 99.9% of loud mouths at any gym in a matter of seconds...especially the guys that take the time to tell you how bad asses they are. 6'2". 257lbs at 10% bf and can out lift most people I'll ever meet.

Yeah, I workout at Planet Fitness, it affords me extra money for diapers and daycare. And I'm not impressed by grown men who act like idiots because they take a hormone and think they are bad asses. Shut up and lift, if anyone asks you a question, be nice. It's that simple. Thanks for listening.
No prob goin to Planet Fitness . They have pizza on Mondays !!!
Besides that I love lifting the 70lb dumbells !!! Makes me look badass in front of the fat brauds !!! Fuckin love it 😉 !!!

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