Poor influence



I help a few people out when it comes to aas. They're grown men and going to do it anyway so I help make sure they don't fuck themselves up. One of the guys I help told me today he had started fucking this chick from his gym. He's married with 2 young kids. He was always saying how he'd like some strange pussy. I always told him not to let his high test levels get him in trouble at home. I know it's not my fault, but I can't help but feel somehow partially responsible. He's a good bro I've known for many years and this is his first cycle ever and already he's about to fuck up his home life. Fucker has great genetics and went from 190lbs solid to 220lbs of pure muscle in 12 weeks. He looks great I'll admit, but just couldn't be satisfied with just taking compliments from the strange pussy, he had to go and actually fuck her. He's even got a few nude pics on his phone of her. I told him the best thing he could do is erase them and leave the home wrecker alone! What the fuck man! I started to slap the shit out of him when he started bragging about it!

This is just my rant....
No good for him bro...cheating sucks!!! He may get caught, not your problem...you didn't tell him to.
not your problem.... there are a lot of guys here on all kinds of AAS and faithful at home... he just wanted to do it more than he wants his marriage to be good
Anonymous said:
I help a few people out when it comes to aas. They're grown men and going to do it anyway so I help make sure they don't fuck themselves up. One of the guys I help told me today he had started fucking this chick from his gym. He's married with 2 young kids. He was always saying how he'd like some strange pussy. I always told him not to let his high test levels get him in trouble at home. I know it's not my fault, but I can't help but feel somehow partially responsible. He's a good bro I've known for many years and this is his first cycle ever and already he's about to fuck up his home life. Fucker has great genetics and went from 190lbs solid to 220lbs of pure muscle in 12 weeks. He looks great I'll admit, but just couldn't be satisfied with just taking compliments from the strange pussy, he had to go and actually fuck her. He's even got a few nude pics on his phone of her. I told him the best thing he could do is erase them and leave the home wrecker alone! What the fuck man! I started to slap the shit out of him when he started bragging about it!

This is just my rant....
You are exactly right. That.Is.Fucked.Up.
Thank you guys. Your words really help ease my mind. I came from a rough up bringing. My dad was unfaithful and got caught. My mom put a gun to my dad's head in front of me and my sister one bright summer day and made him confess to us, in detail. Some 30+ years I can tell you every detail from what my dad was wearing to how hot it was in the back of the car. I was 7 yrs old at the time. You think your actions today don't affect your kids later your only fooling yourself!

Anonymous said:
Thank you guys. Your words really help ease my mind. I came from a rough up bringing. My dad was unfaithful and got caught. My mom put a gun to my dad's head in front of me and my sister one bright summer day and made him confess to us, in detail. Some 30+ years I can tell you every detail from what my dad was wearing to how hot it was in the back of the car. I was 7 yrs old at the time. You think your actions today don't affect your kids later your only fooling yourself!

At least you didn't follow him, and it's not like you didn't warn him well in advance, plus he's a big boy now. I have zero respect for someone who would let anything, anything get between them and their family, especially a fling with a slut.

So true, every action you make imprints upon your child's mind, they are watching us every second, learning how to live properly .... or not.
Your exactly right Hanzo. I watch my boy pick up lil habits good and bad from me all but daily. I hope my son treats his wife like I treat mine. I'd die before I stepped outside of my marriage. I'm 100% faithful to my family. I'm talking to the guy right now trying to steer him in the right path.

Anonymous said:
Your exactly right Hanzo. I watch my boy pick up lil habits good and bad from me all but daily. I hope my son treats his wife like I treat mine. I'd die before I stepped outside of my marriage. I'm 100% faithful to my family. I'm talking to the guy right now trying to steer him in the right path.

Keep up the good work and your son will turn out just like you.

It takes a man to always do the right thing, sometimes it's not popular and that's the best time to stand for what's right. Especially in front of your kids.
No its not your fault.... and you cant control others however when he comes to you for his next cycle, tell him you cant help him if it bothers you.

I went about it this route, I get the compliments etc. I tell my wife bout all of them we laugh about it together. She literally shows me off to her friends. We have no issues cause we're honest
Cheating is wrong but you cant blame yourself. He didn't cheat because he just had so much test running through his system. There are other factors that played into. Last September I cheated on my girlfriend. Sure I was on a TON of shit but that didn't make me cheat. I was not getting much attention at home and feeling underappreciated. So here comes along a hot little blonde that is all about me and boom I took the bait. Fucked her and got caught the next day. I probably would of continued to sleep with both of them, who knows. It was the wrong decision, I should of broke it off with my gf first or simply just not fucked the other girl. I will tell you this, if his wife finds out he is fucked regardless if she wants to work through it or not.
Fuck that a good freind would have jumped in and offered soe DP action 8)
Anonymous said:
I will tell you this, if his wife finds out he is fucked regardless if she wants to work through it or not.
This is true. He's almost more fucked if she tries to forgive him. It may be forgiven but never forgotten.

It ain't worth it homies. Get a fleshlite and keep it handy. Most women can't keep up with a guy on high test. No reason to step out.
The children are always the one's who suffer the most, sometimes it's not realized until adulthood, sometimes never realized. But then the next generation suffers .... and the next .... and the next ....
Yeah it is not your fault bro...he just was looking for a reason to do it. Cheating is wrong, my mom cheated o my dad when I was young and divorced because of it. Then my first three or four relationships ended with me being cheated on, but now I have the most incredible wife in the world that I would never cheat on her nor get into a position to be tempted...you guys know what I mean, my wife says the same thing, will show me a picture of some hot little number and say "if you were all alone with her and she stripped naked and threw herself on you would you fuck her?" No, because I would not put myself into that situation. Anyway, not your fault, you didn't do anything wrong at all.
If he cheats while AAS then he would cheat when he is not geared up as well. I know my test is high...I have ladies who stare at me...flirt with me and even get the occasional offer. But as flattering as it is as well as stroking my ego...I just leave it alone. Am I tempted...oh shit yeah. But it comes down to risk management. Does the risk of getting caught and throwing away 30 years of marriage worth the pleasure of nailing some ass. I weigh...I decide...I decline. And besides...Ms Tuna has super fine pussy that makes me smile. Jack-off...get it out of your system and move on.
Hanzo said:
The children are always the one's who suffer the most, sometimes it's not realized until adulthood, sometimes never realized. But then the next generation suffers .... and the next .... and the next ....
Which then leads to monsters like me 😛

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pB6Fa_pJqRQ 8)

Fuck it! People that are shit get wut they deserve. Karma gets everyone one day
Hate to read threads like this........Strange just isn't worth messing up your entire life over!
TSizemore said:
Hate to read threads like this........Strange just isn't worth messing up your entire life over!
Serious, when you have kids and you cheat, your cheating them. Some people just weren't or aren't ready to have kids...

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