Poor influence

goodfella said:
Serious, when you have kids and you cheat, your cheating them. Some people just weren't or aren't ready to have kids...
My kids are what help keep me on the straight and narrow. The thought of my little man not having daddy to tuck him in every night? I won't let that happen.
Like most of y'all. I get looks all the time, smiles, comments and occasional blunt offers. I tell the wife about most of it, not all because I don't want to make her uncomfortable. BUT. My family is second only to my Lord and Savior. In my eyes cheating on your spouse is cheating on God and family. I take my vowels serious and will keep them sacred. If I ever feel that I need more I'll get a divorce first. But that's not likely. I'm more than happy with my marriage and pray it's till death. My $.02 worth.
dowork said:
This is true. He's almost more fucked if she tries to forgive him. It may be forgiven but never forgotten.
doworkMy girl is still trying to work it out with me but we have talked about it almost everyday since it happened. She wanted every detail. Main problem is the girl I slept with is actually a tenant of mine, so you better believe my girl wants her to be kicked out when the lease is up. It is your decision if you want to work through it or not but be prepared for a long and very tough road ahead of you. Much harder if je just ends thinks.
My kids are what help keep me on the straight and narrow. The thought of my little man not having daddy to tuck him in every night? I won't let that happen.

i feel you there bro....my little ones love their daddy and i ain't going nowhere...lol

i told her if she has to have another boyfriend, just move him in (hope he likes to work out)... because i ain't leaving these kids
My wife and I had a semi open relationship for a long time. Eventually we both started doing some things that the other one didn't know about and ultimately that caused hurt feelings. We were able to work through it but once we had kids both of us changed our entire thought process now its just not worth going outside the marriage, cheating and screwing up our family. It seems everything I do these days has my kids best interest at heart. I can't imagine doing anything that would screw up their lives or take me away from them. I also agree with previous posts. AAS has nothing to do with him cheating. That's in his mind and was probably something he would have done regardless. They may have just given him an opportunity to be noticed by more girls but he would cheat either way in the right circumstances.
Nice post - thanks for sharing.

Maybe I'm alone in this opinion - but I actually do think his AAS use has something to do with his cheating, indirectly.

Over a 6 year period I went from 6' 150lbs to 230lbs at ~12%.

This body transformation completely changed the way women perceived me and it was the first time in my life I actually considered cheating. It opened up doors that I had only dreamed of.

Be careful bros. With extreme body transformations you will also need to transform your mindset to keep pace. If your mindset lags behind, trouble awaits you.

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