Possible gyno?


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
Currently week 8 of Test Cyp & NPP @ 600mg each. I take 0.50mg arimidex daily.

Noticed that on my right pec, to the right of my nipple, the side closer to my right arm, there's a small lump.

On my left pec there's nothing noticeable.

My nipples aren't sore or itchy and have no leakage.

I'm wondering if this is gyno or small tear in pec or if it's just a piece of fat under my skin.

The lump is somewhat hard.

Possibly my be swollen gyno gland?

I believe this is gyno due to it being a small hard lump. I'm wondering if I've had this for awhile and just never realized it. In the past I didn't run AI on cycles as a novice. Wasn't until my last 3 cycles that I've ran AI.

Since I'm having no symptoms other than the lump, it is quite possible that this is old gyno and would require surgery?

Also if this is old gyno, would taking letrozole get rid of it or shrink it? And if so how much Letro should I take?
Plan to start Letro @ .25mg today and tomorrow at .50mg. Then Bump up .50mg a day up to daily max of 2.5mg and run til it goes away or gets better. Is this good?
If you shave around your nipples it could just be an ingrown hair. First time I went to doctor and he put me on Abotics second time which was just a couple weeks ago I just let it go and it went away. You can understand my concern as I was on 400Npp-800Eq-250Cyp-400Prop-20dbol Ed. Don't look past it but, just something to consider.
Hogslayer said:
If you shave around your nipples it could just be an ingrown hair. First time I went to doctor and he put me on Abotics second time which was just a couple weeks ago I just let it go and it went away. You can understand my concern as I was on 400Npp-800Eq-250Cyp-400Prop-20dbol Ed. Don't look past it but, just something to consider.
I do shave around my nipples but haven't gotten any ingrown hair folicoles or pimples with white heads within the past 8 months that I remember. I do understand what your saying but I don't believe it's that.
I have small lumps under my nipples since puberty. They have become very itchy on deca and or npp cycles. I've taken two weeks of let room and they totally reversed. Post the pic of where this is at. Being on the side of the nip seems different bro
Daredevil said:
I do shave around my nipples but haven't gotten any ingrown hair folicoles or pimples with white heads within the past 8 months that I remember. I do understand what your saying but I don't believe it's that.
Ok carry on then.
Daredevil said:
I do shave around my nipples but haven't gotten any ingrown hair folicoles or pimples with white heads within the past 8 months that I remember. I do understand what your saying but I don't believe it's that.
Both times mine was a full grown lump sticking out of the skin pushing nipple aside. No head on it no resemblance to a pimple.
Daredevil said:
The lump is beside the areola, which surrounds the nipple.
I'd say treat as if but I came right out and asked the doctor if it was gyno naturally he said know and this is why I'm mentioning too you.
In the below photos, one photo where I'm pointing my finger is where it starts and it's bout half an inch long towards my right arm.
Yeah I can't view that. No worries I've tried to post pictures a couple times and it didn't work and I had no time to figure it out
Hogslayer said:
I see it now that's nothing TEEN WOLF. Wouldn't worry about it mine was way worse. Again treat as if with and go about your day.
The lump is about half an inch long and about half an inch in height, it's under the skin. From looking at the skin you can't tell, but I feel it under. And when I press firmly on it, it's tender.

So your saying its gyno but don't worry about it because it's so small right now?
Daredevil said:
The lump is about half an inch long and about half an inch in height, it's under the skin. From looking at the skin you can't tell, but I feel it under. And when I press firmly on it, it's tender.

So your saying its gyno but don't worry about it because it's so small right now?
No I'm saying it's NOT but to cover your ass jump on some AI's which will help you set your mind at easy. You know the whole I'm doing something about it which makes me feel better scenario. Mine also was 1/2 by 1/2 or there abouts plus tender but the nipple or nipples them self we're not. You fine man chill. First time Dr put me on Doxy if you have some there you go.
I'm no expert but I think most people would say if it's tender small lump close to your nip it would most likely be the start to some gyno. If it's tender or itchy I would start some Letro protocol just to be safe. Iv had gear swell the gland befor visibly but it wasn't tender and it happens time to time, if my estrogen gets out of control on me. If it's just a lump and no other symptoms it would just be a decision you'd have to make weather or not to try Letro protocol on it. I would just to be safe.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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