
the prototype

Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
I've never used proviron before but have read some people swear by it. I've read the basic description of it on various sites. I was wondering what a good dose would be for a first time user? I've read 50 mg ED to 100 mg. should I split the dose to twice a day or is once a day fine? Also, what type of benefits do you all see except lower estrogen levels? Thanks!
50 mg a day is plenty, 12 hour half life so 8 am / 8 pm 25 mg is fine, even just 25 dosed once a day is good. its mild non toxic to the liver, its real advantage is in raising free test by binding to SHBG
Thx misterB. I've been doing 50 mg once a day for 3 days now. I'm going into Week 3 of a blast of just Test for now, anywhere from 750-1,000 mg a week. Probably add some NPP once it arrives or when I can afford to order more. How long does it take till it kicks in?
it will start right away, as its released it binds to SBHG and to a lesser degree the aromatase receptor so it can assist in lowering AI requirements but don't count on this its just a nice side affect . run it the full term of the cycle
I use 50 mg every other day. I use it because I'm on tren, and that kills my libidos. So to combat this, I take a cc of test, and a half cc of tren, then provirin every other day and arim every other day. I use provirin because of the tren.
Is it safe to drop arimadex or aromasin(whichever your using) if you add in Proviron at 25mG daily? Read an article on a forum that suggested that 25mG of Proviron a day handles all aromatization.

Currently doing 800mG test, 350mG Tren and 400mG npp
Daredevil said:
Is it safe to drop arimadex or aromasin(whichever your using) if you add in Proviron at 25mG daily? Read an article on a forum that suggested that 25mG of Proviron a day handles all aromatization.

Currently doing 800mG test, 350mG Tren and 400mG npp
Let's put it this way .... hell no.
Agreed with Hanzo on this brother.You definitely dont want to drop your ai's in replacement of just prov.Prov can "help" but not as a full "replacement" of.
AlphaGunne said:
I use 50 mg every other day. I use it because I'm on tren, and that kills my libidos. So to combat this, I take a cc of test, and a half cc of tren, then provirin every other day and arim every other day. I use provirin because of the tren.
IMO, I think you should do what Tuna said above .. 25mg's/e12hrs. Proviron will help free up some of the steroidal metabolites as well and has a very strong binding affinity for Sex Hormone Binding Globulin. Def does help libido and aromatization issues.
So Proviron is safe to run at 50mG every day no matter how many or how much compounds your running?
It's has zero estrogenic activity and the progestational activity is not significant. 50mg's is easily a starting dose. Try 75 1st.

Also Mesterolone is not c17-alpha alkylated, so no hepatotoxicity.
What's the life of Proviron as far as taking it and stopping? Suppose your cruising at a prescribed dose of 200mg a week and take 25-50mg a day of it. How much time should you stop it before going in to see your TRT doctor for checkups?
Daredevil said:
What's the life of Proviron as far as taking it and stopping? Suppose your cruising at a prescribed dose of 200mg a week and take 25-50mg a day of it. How much time should you stop it before going in to see your TRT doctor for checkups?
48 hours and you should be fine

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