Putting on weight.


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I am just on a TRT dose. But going to be adding in 30mgs of Superdrol a day starting sometime this weekend.
Going to be doing it spit into 3 doses through the day.
I'm sitting at 188lbs right now. Basically do cleanish bulk diet all the time. I dont mind a lil fat. Looking for size just. Just workout at home.
I am guessing about 14% BF??


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This pic was from tonight. 11/17/20
size always goof plus lil fat wont look bad!
Superdrol is awesome for strength gains....not sure how much mass you'll put on. I wish I could tolerate the side more I would use it more often.
Superdrol puts on mass like crazy.. I do agree I wish I could still tolerate it.. The lethargy is unbearable anymore.
I do agree. It does put on alot of mass. But it is ALOT cleaner mass cmpared to Dbol or Especially Drol IMO and with no bloat if your diet is good.
But the lethargy is hella bad. I am tired all the time. I can nap and be ready for another nap 2 hour later.
I do agree. It does put on alot of mass. But it is ALOT cleaner mass cmpared to Dbol or Especially Drol IMO and with no bloat if your diet is good.
But the lethargy is hella bad. I am tired all the time. I can nap and be ready for another nap 2 hour later.
GoProI get the same way.......lethargy is just too much for me.
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I get the same way.......lethargy is just too much for me.
01dragonslayerYep. I usually will suffer though about 1 to 1 and 1/2 months of it then I'm done for a month or 2 with it. But I got a nice lil supply of it on the way now. So may do 2 months of it this time round. It doesnt mess with my liver values that much like it does to other people.
Hit the nail on the head with that one @GoPro also no need to space out your doses take it all in one sitting more of a personal preference really.
EmanI just spaced it out cause the half life of it. But that's just what I have normally done just.
But I will try it all at once at first. Then second month see if spacing it does anything different.
I get the same way.......lethargy is just too much for me.
01dragonslayerI get a little less lethargy from the injectable version... and I dnt get much benefit from extending my cycle much past 3 wks. Again, personal preference...
I get a little less lethargy from the injectable version... and I dnt get much benefit from extending my cycle much past 3 wks. Again, personal preference...
Snakeman@Snakeman superdrol is def good to go I still have a half bottle in my box of orals haven’t finished it ever because that damn lethargy.
Im not saying your wrong bro like I said personal preferance really I havent noticed a diffrence between spaced or all at once is all im saying
if ypou do the math and compare all at once versus splitting them up the difference is a few mg. i did the math using dbol with a 5 hour half life, and either way its a personal preference. the difference was less than 10mg if i remember correctly.
if ypou do the math and compare all at once versus splitting them up the difference is a few mg. i did the math using dbol with a 5 hour half life, and either way its a personal preference. the difference was less than 10mg if i remember correctly.
jstoneGood to know brother.
I am running a log on it under their stuff.
Not bad so far for being on a winter bulk. Slimmed up but still got size. And this is on slightly about my regular TRT dose.
But gonna be doinb a modest cycle soon. Thanks to a buddy from our EG family. Will update in the future.
Yes...traps are my weak point. I basically only workour at home and not much since I do construction all day everyday. I workout maybe twice a week at this point.
Once I start my cycle I will be working out 4-5 times a week then.


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Broscience consensus on the prohormone board I used to be on was that SD lethargy was caused by low Test, and that running a Test base would help. Obviously I don't think any of us are doing solo SD cycles at this point so it must be caused by something else. Anyone have some good info on what causes that with SD and M1T for example but not stuff like Epistane or Halodrol?
Broscience consensus on the prohormone board I used to be on was that SD lethargy was caused by low Test, and that running a Test base would help. Obviously I don't think any of us are doing solo SD cycles at this point so it must be caused by something else. Anyone have some good info on what causes that with SD and M1T for example but not stuff like Epistane or Halodrol?
tech123The only thing that would make sense to me is that it drops your blood sugar with SD. I know for a fact that my blood sugar would drop down to in the 50s sometimes on SD. Never ever had a problem with any other oral doing this though, only SD.
I am a diabetic, so I know when my blood sugar drops i get extremely tired and have that feel of lethargy and see blue spots in my vision.
But that's just my guess. Read a few other posts saying that their blood sugar drops on it too.
The only thing that would make sense to me is that it drops your blood sugar with SD. I know for a fact that my blood sugar would drop down to in the 50s sometimes on SD. Never ever had a problem with any other oral doing this though, only SD.
I am a diabetic, so I know when my blood sugar drops i get extremely tired and have that feel of lethargy and see blue spots in my vision.
But that's just my guess. Read a few other posts saying that their blood sugar drops on it too.
GoPro@tech123 I also know this to be true bro. I've always been very intune with my sugar dropping especially post work out. SD has def caused me to go borderline hypo.
Which for me also explains the quick mass gains associated with SD.

@GoPro looking good in the offseason. SD should help put on some quality mass. Take in a few extra calories in order to make those gains. 200 extra calories per day should do the trick with almost no fat gain.

I also suffer from the lethargy sides, but I've been able to utilize as preworkout only to bring up lagging bodyparts. I don't take it more the 2x per week, 20mg, at least 1hr preworkout for lagging bodyparts.
I can say that the gains add up slower but can utilize longer with virtually zero sides.
@tech123 I also know this to be true bro. I've always been very intune with my sugar dropping especially post work out. SD has def caused me to go borderline hypo.
Which for me also explains the quick mass gains associated with SD.

@GoPro looking good in the offseason. SD should help put on some quality mass. Take in a few extra calories in order to make those gains. 200 extra calories per day should do the trick with almost no fat gain.

I also suffer from the lethargy sides, but I've been able to utilize as preworkout only to bring up lagging bodyparts. I don't take it more the 2x per week, 20mg, at least 1hr preworkout for lagging bodyparts.
I can say that the gains add up slower but can utilize longer with virtually zero sides.
jshredzThat is a great idea. I didnt ever think of just using it a couple times a week. Great idea!!

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