Quad Injections....


Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
Hey guys I'm just looking for your input. I've been pinning my quads ever since I started using AAS. I like pinning them because of how easy they are to get at. I pin on Mon/Wed/Fri. - Test E./ EQ/Tren A. So about a week and a half ago I had 1 painful injection and that injection I also nicked a vain coming out and I had a squirter. (I always stretch the skin with two fingers where I'm gonna pin then hit that area.) So ever since that painful injection I am hesitating way too much now.... thinking about it too much...I find myself asking the questions should I pin slow or should I pin quick? Will I have pain this time? I'm just looking for your opinions on your way for a painless injections. (Quad or other sites)
Personally i never push the gear to fast, kinda a crap shoot if you do , difference in bad pip and just a good pin lol.
I used to hate quads but know its my favorite spot. Nothing has changed bro its in your head , pin that shit bro.
yeah man quads are def a great spot to go at considering the amount of muscle in the area. from what I've read and experienced squirters aren't too terrible of a thing and happens to just about everyone atleast once. delts are also a great spot if you need to rotate which is recommended considering the ester of your test which is a little slower. when I'm on i do a rotation of quad, other quad, to delt, then other delt. I've read you should give each spot at least one week before the next pin. try it!
My gear is so thin that I am able to use a longer slin pin. It allows multiple site options including ALL areas of the shoulder, the arms, even my calfs....lol
Eventually scare tissue will become a problem considering the limited injection area of the quads
Brother I have been there and it's a fucking mind game! Lmao and it sucks. Have a bad pin in the quad and you'll never forget it. Can't walk. Hurts for your pants to even fucking touch it!! I know it's not funny but I find the humor because I have been there so many times. Gotta suck it up and pin it. One good pin and your back on track 😉
I always put the pin in slow on quads, for one I've pinned in the same spots so many times I have a ton of scar tissue so I'm searching for new areas in my quads, so if I don't go slow I might do what you did and hit a vein or worse a nerve bed.
Protocol is 1 minute per ml NOONE is going to do this. But it's the way endos say its proper procedures are. As well as rotation of sites as for oils to have proper time to dissipate. 5 days is the recommend time per site. As well as building up of scar tissue. Which is USUALLY why you get a rejection and squirts back out or you're pinning to fast. Take your time. Otherwise a abcess is bound to occur. There's many sites that are very easily used and once the technique is perfected, your gonna be happy you started to rotate.
The calves and delts are very easy and can build up to a few ml per spot.
I have always pinned quads but I do move each pin sight on my quad.
i pin quads and push that needle in super slow, maybe 2 min to get the needle in, and then maybe 4 min or longer to push 3 mls
Thanks guys for your input. It's sounds like most of you guys pin slower vs going in faster. I've never gone in slower/real slow. I guess cause I thought I would feel it more and have more pain that way. Mmmmm I'll try it!
HulkSmashes said:
Thanks guys for your input. It's sounds like most of you guys pin slower vs going in faster. I've never gone in slower/real slow. I guess cause I thought I would feel it more and have more pain that way. Mmmmm I'll try it!
HulkSmashesNope you won't feel a thing once you break through the skin, that's where all the nerves are it's the nerve beds that you have to worry about once your in!
Yeah I agree it was definitely in my head. Damn, I hate those mind games. Also considering I am not the biggest fan of needles. (I've been like that ever since I was a little kid) Anyway I ended up iceing the area with a ice pack, that helped me with numbing the area really good before I pinned. For the 1st time I pinned really slow going in. No darting it in. Lol! I like it this way. So I will continue it this way going forward.

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