Recommend a first time cycle


"I call architecture frozen music" Goethe
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
[font=arial, sans-serif]Anybody want to recommend a first timer a cycle? Below is info about my history and what my goals are. I downloaded and read a couple eBooks off eg and one recomended a general beginner cycle of Decca and Dianabol stack to add mass. Mass isn't exactly my primary goal. So I thought if I included more info some experienced members may have another suggestion. [/font]

[font=arial, sans-serif]Stats[/font]
[font=arial, sans-serif]I'm 33, male[/font]
[font=arial, sans-serif]6 ft[/font]
[font=arial, sans-serif]210 lbs[/font]
[font=arial, sans-serif]16% bf [/font]
[font=arial, sans-serif](BF is a rough estimate; there's a pic attached. I'm nude in the shower; junk is all covered. This pic is from September when I tried to cut using a 30 carb a day diet. I did this for 12 weeks and did cut fat but not as much as I wanted. I'm little fluffier after the holidays but not much.)[/font]

[font=arial, sans-serif]History
Never done a cycle, no pro-hormones.
I am on TRT; 200 mg per week, no AI. Started TRT at 100 mg w/ an AI then adjusted after a few months b/c I don't convert to E well.
HCG, 2 injections per week (sorry but I don't know the dosage I just fill the needle up).

[font=arial, sans-serif]I've only been training 22 months. Used to be a functioning alcoholic. Partied all weekend with booze, extra curriculars, cigarettes, no sleep. Lifting weights changed my life. I traded a bunch of unhealthy addictions for a healthy one. [/font]

[font=arial, sans-serif]In 2016 I only went out 3 times and two times I barely drank. I follow programming (currently just doing simple linear programming for power lifting. Was doing Layne Norton's PHAT before that, and started w/ ICF 5X5; so 3 programs in nearly 2 years).[/font]

[font=arial, sans-serif]Goals[/font]
[font=arial, sans-serif]Add strength, cut belly fat, not too concerned with adding mass but I am by no means opposed to it. I'd like to add mass at some point but my body fat is driving me nuts. I was a D1 athlete in college in sport where at 6 ft 175 lbs I was normal sized. Being 210 is nice but the added body fat is annoying as shit. So cutting is more of the immediate goal and size/mass can come with time. If I could do both at once while remaining conservative due to health/baby goals I'm not opposed. [/font]

[font=arial, sans-serif]I want to keep my gains; this is a priority. [/font]
[font=arial, sans-serif]I want to be conservative and stay healthy because I want to have kids one day. [/font]

[font=arial, sans-serif]Honestly, maybe it's too early to jump on something, but I've wanted to for over a year and I'm already on TRT. At 33 I'm not getting any younger so why not make the most out of the years I have left to build muscle.[/font]

[font=arial, sans-serif]Current Lifts: Squat 375, Bench 250, Deadlift 445 (I've only been deadlifting something like 20 weeks)[/font]
[font=arial, sans-serif]Goal Lifts: Squat 500, Bench 315, Deadlift 600. I don't expect a 8-12 week cycle to get me to these goals, they probably wont happen even in 2017, just putting down some reasonably and attainable goals to shoot for in a roughly 18 month period. [/font]

[font=arial, sans-serif]Other[/font]
[font=arial, sans-serif]I'm still making gains in strength, which leads to small size gains that I've earned; this feels great. I just can't shed this lower belly and hip fat while making those gains, which drives me crazy. [/font]

[font=arial, sans-serif]I work in sales. When 2016 ends I will have been on the road for 48 of 52 weeks. This means I eat many meals on the road. I don't eat fast food but since I'm often in a new city it takes a bunch of planning to figure out where to eat. Usually chipotle on lift days, other days a sit down restaurant where counting calories is difficult. [/font]

[font=arial, sans-serif]I lift 5-6 days a week and missed one training day this year. I don't use the shitty hotel gym's either, I go to an actual gym. I want to keep progressing with my strength gains but shed the belly fat. I know I could diet down but honestly I want the extra help. Being 33, constantly on the road, finishing graduate school, dedicated to lifting, I'm not sure I have the mental energy to diet down to where I'll have better abs. Not looking to get to sub 10%; but would like to be very close to 10% (I'm probably 3-4% above the attached pic now the holidays are done) where abs are more visible.[/font]

[font=arial, sans-serif]Sorry if this got long; any help appreciated. [/font]

[font=arial, sans-serif]Thanks,[/font]

[font=arial, sans-serif]Bombsaway[/font]


  • Shower1.jpg
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easy first run, stick to the basics 1 ml of test twice a week, ,so probable 500 to 600 mg
Use AI meds
go for 12 weeks

your base is good, good legs so you will add muscle pretty easy. eat clean but plenty of it 5/6 times a day
I was acually thinking of doing just test. Already got a package from Dyel (super awesome service) and still have an AI I kept after the TRT doc told me to stop taking it. So all my bases are covered if I go this route. Two questions though

1) I use HCG on the weekends pe my docs TRT instructions. I'd assume it's okay to continue to do so?

2) If I'm on TRT do I need to run a PCT?
No need for a pct..The hcg will hurt nothing so keep doing as told there.
500mgs of Test per week. 1 cc (250mgs) twice per week. Run for 12 weeks. PCT is a waste IHO. Get ready to add an oral to your next cycle.
i agree with test only, maybe kick it with some dbol for 3-4 weeks as it is winter.
yes you may continue the hcg, i use Dr Crisler's protocol but if your docs got as schedul stay on it
Thanks everyone. Looks like I'll run test c only as that what everyone suggests. I have blood work sometime in Jan for TRT doc and as soon as that's over I'll start the cycle. Kinda pumped about this
Nice base to start with. You should put on some nice lean gains as long as your diet is clean

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Please, no more nudes, only tunaman used to be allowed, since he was the 1st and hopefully last.
My mom's deceased, you cocksucker. Now why don't you get silicone stretch implants in your neck so you can get sex on your own, you know, without having to pay for it.
Truthfully. .if had a chance to do my first ever cycle wouldn't be test only... lots of test bloats me and hard to find the right AI dose to keep sides down.. my second run was NPP, Mast E, and tbol. .. with just my trt dose of test... no noticeable sides and the best gains... dry gains too.. that I kept

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krustus date=1483199449 said:
Truthfully. .if had a chance to do my first ever cycle wouldn't be test only... lots of test bloats me and hard to find the right AI dose to keep sides down.. my second run was NPP, Mast E, and tbol. .. with just my trt dose of test... no noticeable sides and the best gains... dry gains too.. that I kept

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krustus date=1483199449i agree. i see so many dudes overloading on test and bloofing up and looking like fat frogs. they look good 2 weeks out of the year at the end of the their cut. masteron and tren ace and some orals with some test will give amazing results, much better then 1 gram of test which we all know 97% of people simply cant metabolise. too much test turns into estrogen and sides come, libidi falls, water add and look suffers. GH can and does increase how much test one can take
Ya every one say test only for first cycle always. Lol. If your already on TRT 200mg a week, Moving test from 200 up to 500 won't give you any amazing difference. Why not add in npp
tkasch30 date=1483211433 said:
Ya every one say test only for first cycle always. Lol. If your already on TRT 200mg a week, Moving test from 200 up to 500 won't give you any amazing difference. Why not add in npp
tkasch30 date=1483211433this is a good point, since you're on TRT you're already familiar with how test only affects you @ 200 mg a week probably puts you in the 900 range so id feel fine saying go with 2 compounds and see the added affects of two steroids together, test / npp - test/bold cyp - test/tren lol
Id do Test at 500mg for sure and possibly add another compound. I wouldn't do Tren yet tho. Maybe NPP or dbol.
well shit; tables have turned. new information has come to light man.

I believe I get bloods in a few weeks from my TRT doc. I'll see where 200 puts me.

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