AGAIN enabled trying for the love of god to get people to WAKE THE FUCK UP!
its also like facebook but worse when it comes to your data as every forum youre o that you use tapa it tracks/records.
I am AGAIN trying to reach the NUMEROUS members who STILL are using TapaTalk

REMOVE that AP from your phone if you value security at all!

How can I put this in plain english it is recording EVERYTHING, every forum you login to with it, threads you view, your iP address, Pm's simply EVERYTHING.

It is LE's WET DREAM come true a neat little packaged data base dump on YOUR forum viewing, your PM's EVERYTHING, attachments simply EVERYTHING.

So many other security issues beyond even that, it's horribly updated, often riddled with security flaws! Breaching your Tapa Account breaches EVERY forum you use it for!

A browser YOU can clear history/cache TAPA you CAN'T!

for the love of all that you value REMOVE TAPA TALK IMMEDIATELY

Any forum should be mobile compliant, if it isn't that alone should tell you to RUN from that FORUM!!!

Why do so many of you still refuse to listen to a tech who knows what he's talking about and who's soul reason of running EG being SECURITY and instead listen/run to forums that are as secure as a wet paper towel ?

What's it going to take to get everyone to Wake UP and REMOVE TAPATALK!?!?

remove/delete Tapa and your Tapa account EG plans to TOTALLY phase TAPA out for good.
Bump this!! People I understand tapatalk makes things easier but with all the neg light pointed on juice and forums protect yourself.... rant over!!
Yea I have never used it, never trusted it.
I don't use it but my phones have all been hacked software tampered with somehow since I met my x gf 3 years ago. Like she gotta magic key to all my shit I don't do social media at all. Then I was told they should have never let me out and one of the rules I have to follow is keeping a phone with me everywhere I go so they know where I am. It's a learning in progress you could say real experience
Its very easy if someone gets access to your phone to install a logger

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