Rich Piana



Has anyone seen any of his youtube videos? I just watched a few of them where he was a guest on rics corner with ric drasin. He openly talks about gh/igf-1/steroids/cycles/training/synthol. Just about everything you would like to know he tells honestly his opinions and experiences with it and what he recommends and all sorts of stuff. I thought it was cool and informative.
Yup, seen em all. Rich is a cool guy but claims he uses no synthol, my money is on he does based on the way his muscles sag when there relaxed. That's just my opinion....means nothing but I do enjoy him on Rics corner, he's a mass monster!
flyingfox said:
Yup, seen em all. Rich is a cool guy but claims he uses no synthol, my money is on he does based on the way his muscles sag when there relaxed. That's just my opinion....means nothing but I do enjoy him on Rics corner, he's a mass monster!
He says he did try it to get a better bicep peak, but don't use it anymore or anywhere else. He is cool to listen to cause he seems pretty real and up front about everything.
Watched quite a few of them. Pretty good vid's. He usually completely out of breath by the time he finishes talking lol.
Yeah he seems pretty open about things, he's tried just about everything under the sun and is willing to talk about it. He won't say what he currently takes because everyone is different and we should experiment to see what works for us individually.
flyingfox said:
Yeah he seems pretty open about things, he's tried just about everything under the sun and is willing to talk about it. He won't say what he currently takes because everyone is different and we should experiment to see what works for us individually.
Yea he says knowing what he takes isn't gonna help us any cause we are all different. He did say in one vid that you want to get the most out of the smallest dose and jumping in and taking what he takes you will get gains but you will be so high up the ladder you don't have any farther to go up, which to me is him saying he takes massive doses. He also mentions someone like us taking the amounts the pros use, just that statement alone says the pros are on ALOT of stuff at huge doses. But all in all he is very informational and you can learn a lot listening to him.
Rich is cool. I saw the video where he blew out his knee. He was on a Japaneses (i think) game show and had to "SUMO" wrestle a bunch of little athletic dudes, after 3 minutes he was completely gassed. Thats a lot of weight to be lugging around
smoove said:
Rich is cool. I saw the video where he blew out his knee. He was on a Japaneses (i think) game show and had to "SUMO" wrestle a bunch of little athletic dudes, after 3 minutes he was completely gassed. Thats a lot of weight to be lugging around
I think it was in peru where he hurt it. It was supposed to be a fun exhibition type thing where they got a bunch of guys trying to get him out of the ring but they cant because he is so big, they took it too far and he got hurt.

He also says he stopped all his gear when he got hurt but stayed on hgh to help his knee heal.
DGAF said:
Has anyone seen any of his youtube videos? I just watched a few of them where he was a guest on rics corner with ric drasin. He openly talks about gh/igf-1/steroids/cycles/training/synthol. Just about everything you would like to know he tells honestly his opinions and experiences with it and what he recommends and all sorts of stuff. I thought it was cool and informative.
DGAFIve watched them all i like rich big inspiration for me. honest about his use to since he doesnt compete anymore. cook dude
flyingfox said:
Yup, seen em all. Rich is a cool guy but claims he uses no synthol, my money is on he does based on the way his muscles sag when there relaxed. That's just my opinion....means nothing but I do enjoy him on Rics corner, he's a mass monster!
flyingfoxi dont think he does any more. my understanding about synthol is it takes away the dryness and doesnt let you show to be ass shredded as you really are. i saw a pic of thim the other day and he was ripped to shreds on his arms veinds and muscles popping out everywhere. he may still use it though who knows.
sofargone561 said:
i dont think he does any more. my understanding about synthol is it takes away the dryness and doesnt let you show to be ass shredded as you really are. i saw a pic of thim the other day and he was ripped to shreds on his arms veinds and muscles popping out everywhere. he may still use it though who knows.
I'm just speculating, it's just that I have. Never seen triceps that sag that much...there huge!
Its common knowledge that Rich doesn't use synthrol, but uses PMMA (tiny plastic ball inplants). Rich has admitted to using it many times.
flyingfox said:
I'm just speculating, it's just that I have. Never seen triceps that sag that much...there huge!
flyingfoxhis arms are huge bro i wouldnt doubt it. im not saying your wrong at all. synthol is shit and IF i ever used it (i wont) its the one thing i wouldnt admit to lol
Yea I've watched some of his stuff. He's cool and Interesting to watch.
sofargone561 said:
his arms are huge bro i wouldnt doubt it. im not saying your wrong at all. synthol is shit and IF i ever used it (i wont) its the one thing i wouldnt admit to lol
sofargone561I couldmnt find much on it but you are correct i dounf a small tjhig where he said he goes to mexico and gets the injections i wish i could find more on it tho. is there a vidoe or artciel?
He said synthol basically sucks and hurts like hell. He tells of a lot of bodybuilders that use it wear shirtgs with sleeves a lot to hide the purple bruises and pin marks from it. He said it takes away from definition in the muscle so he don't do it.

I have never heard of the tiny plastic ball implants, that sounds weird.
Heres some info i found

"fillers contain about 20 percent of tiny PMMA microspheres that are suspended in 80 percent of purified collagen gel. A few months after it is injected, the collagen gel breaks down and your body produces its own natural collagen to fill out the space under the skin."

and an artcile:
flyingfox said:
Yup, seen em all. Rich is a cool guy but claims he uses no synthol, my money is on he does based on the way his muscles sag when there relaxed. That's just my opinion....means nothing but I do enjoy him on Rics corner, he's a mass monster!
Def think he uses synthol!!! The way his muscles were sagging it looks like that . But some good info. Def need to watch the rest of them !!!
sofargone561 said:
is this real? i have NEVER heard of this..
Yea and I'm pretty shocked that some of the guys in here think his arms are legit 22-23 inchs. (not saying you, but their are some in here who think his arms are 100% muscle). Check out his before and afters... Compare his arms to other guys who have always had huge fucking arms like coleman and phil. Their arms are hard and have lots of detail.

Goggle his name and PMMA. You will find plenty of information.

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