Sandy Hook Hoax? or Coverup?


Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
IJ May be the least of our worries. This was brought to my attention last night.

I'm still digging through everything but watch the video below (I know it's 30 min) This Made me sick to my stomach. Our 2nd amendment rights are being threatened by a dictator guys, and I believe he needed an unimaginable, horriffic tragedy to push his agenda. I'm more sure of that now than ever. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but the stuff in this video is not made up and is all documented. If I've been duped then so be it, but I'll be damned if I'll be run over by the government. The 2nd amendment protects us from a rogue government, it keeps them in check.
What made me sick is the video tbh, it's playing on your emotions...

While I agree obama and congress should stay the fuck away from the 2nd, that video is a joke.
How can you explain all the anomilies and contradictory evidence? Medical examiner says all the wounds were caused by the long rifle when video shows police pulling that rifle out of the trunk of the suspects car, after dark.One ambulance on the entire scene. People just milling around, unlike any other mass shooting we've ever seen. Just too much wierd stuff surrounding it. Emily Parker a supposed victim having her picture taken with the president after the shooting long with father mother and Aunt who has refrenced Emily as having older sisters, not baby sisters like the pictures of the family show.

this is way eff'd up
sloppy ass reporting, jumping the 'gun' on many things, focusing on every little thing possible.

Honestly I stopped watching after the father part, that in itself was a joke to be used as 'proof'

This is worse than 911 truthers imho...


i watched the full medical examiner video, yes he talks out of his ass. Would it even be his job, or would the forensics even have been carried out yet? sounds like a guy talking where he should not of spoken..
Oh come on. that dude is an actor. No one would act that way after losing a young child. NO ONE. I heard about what supposedly happened and was in tears in from of all my employees, cause I have kids and couldn't imagine. I haven't seen one redeyed, puffy face in any of the videos. Not even a tear. that's the joke. These people are actors, plain and simple, and i know I'm digging myself into a position here, but really. check out all the other evidence. The memorial pages setup days in advance? wtf even the united ways response was created on 12-11
you really are buying into crap.....

It's simple humanity, ppl will try to put on a brave face and when faced with the issue break down.

That is not acting, it is reality. Hell even while I was dying in the ER my family 'laughed' to try to cope...

A time stamp does not equal the date something was created. Time stamps on servers and server software is often off or overlooked esp for daylights savings time etc..

This guy is digging for anything, it's pathetic really..

there are plenty of articles that debunk this so called 'facts' btw...
How do explain this little girl getting her picture taken with the president after she was supposedly dead. I know there's a lot of strange stuff that happens and people's account of the events are all different, but some of the evidence is hard to disprove.
RockShawn said:
How do explain this little girl getting her picture taken with the president after she was supposedly dead. I know there's a lot of strange stuff that happens and people's account of the events are all different, but some of the evidence is hard to disprove.
That was her sister! Not the deceased girl.
exactly T, most of what's in that video is bullshit....
Your wrong grim most of what's in that video is not bullshit all of it is. People can post some of the most ridiculous things on YouTube or Facebook and someone will buy into it.

But there is no dought the liberals are using this tragedy to play politics and push there radical agenda
I thought it was a hoax the first day it happened, but shit, if I was to say anything like that without proof people would call me a monster and second I'm not going to be the one that publicly speaks about it.
Bronco said:
Your wrong grim most of what's in that video is not bullshit all of it is. People can post some of the most ridiculous things on YouTube or Facebook and someone will buy into it.

But there is no dought the liberals are using this tragedy to play politics and push there radical agenda
Broncooh i wont disagree @ all with anti gun nuts trying to use this tragedy to their agenda and its sickening.
The only things that I question is why the doctor lied about the kids all being killed from long guns, and the fact that if you do a search online for video footage or pictures of the aftermath of columbine they had no problem getting those up. Unless I suck at search engines or info gathering, I can not find any pictures or footage of anything from the aftermath.

That does not mean i discount what happened, but I do raise my brow at that.
All of the videos they have released look strange. Like you said Shasta where's the surveillance footage like columbine.

And grim, That link you posted doesn't dispute anything. It simply points the finger back at the NRA but gives no proof or disproves anything that the video or any other videos questioning what happened contain. I don't know that they have even shown any proof of the deceased. The parents weren't even allowed to view their children to identify them. That is bullshit, if my child was killed in any accident or murder or anything, I will be viewing the body personally not from pictures. Does anyone know if there was a body viewing of any of the deceased in this case? It's just very strange that's all I'm saying and I'm keeping an open mind about it.

I am in no way trying to downplay anyone's loss in this event. Just putting the puzzle pieces together doesn't make sense.
the point behind me posting the link wasnt to disprove, simply to show how these truther movements get started.

It has been proven the girl was the sister not the 1 killed, numerous 'facts' on this video are not facts @ all.

The few that are, have been grossly exaggerated to their meaning.
BTW a little researching finds he did in fact have the AR15 in the school.
What was in the trunk was an extra shotgun. Sloppy reporting, and zero willingness to follow up feeds this crap.

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