Sandy Hook Hoax? or Coverup?

lol wabbs the same link that shasta already posted, this was during the 2 days where the shotgun was thought to be the AR15.

Stop looking @ lune sites linking to out of date reports :/
It's not the same link, nor the same station. What are you afraid of?
it's the same story as Shasta posted, 99.9% sure. Watched about 5 seconds.
I'm afraid of nothing, it's you guys buying into these lune sites that's another thing...
I never said I bought into anything. What I do know is that I clearly remember the video footage of them pulling the rifle out of his was live footage, and it was definitely not a shotgun. Where is the video now?
Wabbitt said:
Grim, I don't know. You seem so eager to chalk it up to sloppy reporting, but, there is an awful lot of conflicting information.
Wabbittshastas story based off of and links to..

ghee looks the same as your link. am I the only one who actually researches beyond shock value?
Wabbitt said:
I never said I bought into anything. What I do know is that I clearly remember the video footage of them pulling the rifle out of his was live footage, and it was definitely not a shotgun. Where is the video now?
Wabbittright and with all the quacks out there recording every single detail, even google searches and other things they don't understand for proof they forgot to record the 'smoking gun' right....
Truthfully, there was a LOT of sloppy reporting, including posting a facebook account of the wrong person. All of these clowns should be fired. I hope the guy who was wrongfully accused gets a settlement so huge it bankrupts the news agency.
took me 10 seconds to find..
Not the same video. It was not dark when they searched his car
so an out of date inaccurate video is proof, but from same news agency it is now 'faked' ?

Snopes, other fact checking sites all put these conspiracy theories a grade A bullshit rating
lol a right wing lune site, I'll buy that :/
Snopes isn't the only 1 btw....

You guys are hanging on shreds as everything has been systematically dis proven you are still trying to find a way to call it a hoax, really? :/
RockShawn said:
So are we to suppose you are a left wing liberal?
RockShawnlol no, Ithink both parties need to die.
I'm prob more pro gun than you even..

I believe the NRA weakens the 2nd, not strengthens it. There should be zero laws against gun ownership imo period.

But making up crazy conspiracy theories doesn't help that cause, it hurts it as the moderates view you as well.....brutally honest...

Gun crazy nuts. and the facts kinda make it easy....
I have to agree with that point. All those wackos marching on capitals with all their weapons do more to hurt the cause than anything. The media has a field day with these events because they get to portray all gun supporters as extreme radical nut jobs.
I know. I'm just poking at you grim. I'm a licensed CHL and avid hunter. But I for sure always support responsible gun ownership and anyone with a gun damn well better know how to use, clean and store it so the wrong peeps don't get it. I actually like the proposal of a biometric system. Saw that on Skyfall and thought that was damn cool.

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