Security Guard Sucker punched me


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
So long story short

I was dancing while leaning on the rail at the front of the club like the other 10 people. This guy named reggie punches my chest blindsiding me. I turn and look and he's telling me to come over after he did it. So i walk over to him and calmly ask him whats the problem. He gets in my face yelling at me grabs my collar and chokes me as he's telling me that I was purposely bending the rail.

So after a few minutes of him trying to be Alpha and looking like an idiot. I get kicked out and as he's standing there I tell him to lay off the steroids.


Next thing you know he turns into a pit bull on rabies with saliva foaming out the mouth and everything.. telling me how he's going to beat me up etc etc. He had to have his security friend hold him back. I'm here thinking.. What the fuck just happened? throughout everything i was calm and was like Really Guy? This guy 6 ft dude in a suit acting all tough.

I had plenty of opportunities to elbow him in the face or when he was trying to be aggressive with me give him a good knee to the groin. But then I thought, If I knock this guy out all the other 20 security guards are gonna jump me and I would need to quickly get the fuck out of dodge. LOL. A cooler head prevailed and I got him reprimanded or so they say.

And i got a free water bottle for my troubles. LoL

Plus this fucker couldn't knock me out with a sucker punch and I'm 5,7 LOL. fucking weakling.
Now a days it's best to just be the good guy and walk away brother, it's not worth it anymore. People go to prison over this petty shit and for what? Also you never know if these losers have knives or pistols either. It's just best to be the man and walk away.
you've had a busy weekend!!

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