Should i cruise and eventually blast?


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i'm not too enthused about the idea of pct'ing any more. Now that i'm finally pinning, should i just stay on? pro/cons??
Depends on a a couple things; having a family, health, legal issues, ect...

As far as the overall benefits of blasting and cruising, IMO its the ONLY way to go if you are gonna do more than one cycle a year. There is no point to PCT if you are going to run multiple cycles or even two longer ones a year... We crush our natural test for 8-12 weeks (roughly 4 months) try to bring them back for two months and then get ready to do it all over again. All in an effort to accomplish what.. During a cruise you can keep test levels elevated, keep your gains, save money and not slide back..

Cons, You will become a lifer... That entails breaking the law on a somewhat regular basis. You will more than likely never fully recover normal function of test, kids are always a roll of the dice ANYTIME we juice. Health is a factor that may need to be more closely monitored and we are playing doctor with our bodies.. Those are some pretty serious things to condenser.

Took me about 2 seconds to decide 🙂 Blast and cruise. I have all the kids I want, I am 37 and as far as I know am only gonna live once. Plus I absolutely love this life style. In the end though do whats right for YOU.
thanks for laying it all out there, LT.
bossman said:
thanks for laying it all out there, LT.
Your welcome and I am sure others will bring up some other good points but those are the ones that I personally took and still take into consideration. You will blast and cruise eventually anyway... we all do..
Going into blasting and cruising it's like going into a marriage.
Don't take that decision lightly.
There are many factors to consider like previously mentioned.
Just think of what you want to accomplish and if your willing to commit to this type of lifestyle.
I agree with the way LT said it.

I'm 41 and have been blast cruise for about 4 years.

Everyone is different.

I recently came off completely for 6 months, no cruise. I kept lifting and eating, and honestly it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it'd be. Lost 15lbs over that time but I still have a good base, and even with my shrunken nuts I never lost the ability to rape at will. (Kidding, regular sex with wifey was never an issue).

But I also am done procreating, so that made my decision easier.

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That's a personal decision IMHO, I destroyed my natural test level to the point I'm on TRT for life, I was able to stay off for a couple years and have my two boys who are 3&4 years old now....but I'm digressing.

Think about the health ramifications and get blood work done at least every 6 months if you decide to stay on, your hematocrit levels will start going up and this is prolly the worst side effect I get, giving blood every couple of months will keep it in check.
I'm a fan off coming off for a couple months a year just to clear out and freshen up the receptors... But that's me
LT probably put it as Succinctly as possible. Pin all year for the rest of your life....or, partial year. Either way, eventually, the repercussions are the all the same.
i'm not too enthused about the idea of pct'ing any more. Now that i'm finally pinning, should i just stay on? pro/cons??
How much are you going to blast? I say stay on, especially if you're just planning trt-like doses. I've changed to longer ester Test for cruising. Less pins and long ester Test is super smooth. Currently using Test Undecanoate.
Best bridge for me is GH.. start at least a month before taper. I drop all gear for about 30 days and blast again.
Best bridge for me is GH.. start at least a month before taper. I drop all gear for about 30 days and blast again.
dukecWhy? There's no way you were even close to baseline. I don't know why you bother, tbh. Taper does minimal because everyone forgets about saturation also.
Best bridge for me is GH.. start at least a month before taper. I drop all gear for about 30 days and blast again.
Why? There's no way you were even close to baseline. I don't know why you bother, tbh. Taper does minimal because everyone forgets about saturation also.
I agree. I'm not preaching by any means; I'm the last one to do that but with only a month between blasts, it might be a good idea to get bloodwork done every once in a while just to be safe if you haven't been. You might be surprised at what you see. Your hematocrit and liver enzymes will probably be pretty high and your lipids, especially HDL, could be jacked. Even bilirubin could be elevated if you use a lot of tren. Yellow eyes arent a good look, lol. Watch that BP too.

Be careful, man.
I agree. I'm not preaching by any means; I'm the last one to do that but with only a month between blasts, it might be a good idea to get bloodwork done every once in a while just to be safe if you haven't been. You might be surprised at what you see. Your hematocrit and liver enzymes will probably be pretty high and your lipids, especially HDL, could be jacked. Even bilirubin could be elevated if you use a lot of tren. Yellow eyes arent a good look, lol. Watch that BP too.

Be careful, man.
Dude, really? Drop the drama-rama, friend.
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Dude, really? Drop the drama-rama, friend.
HanzoThese are things I've seen in my own blood work and some or all of them in others. If you're always blasting, when do they get a chance to normalize? Maybe it's because I'm old but I consider such things. But each man has the right to do what he wants.
These are things I've seen in my own blood work and some or all of them in others. If you're always blasting, when do they get a chance to normalize? Maybe it's because I'm old but I consider such things. But each man has the right to do what he wants.
Oy vey. Everyone on this board should know these things as basic, common knowledge. If they don't, they should stop gear now to engage in research and come back when they are actually ready to cycle.

Besides that, why the straw man? Where did I say I'm "always blasting"?
Where was that in the conversation I was engaged in?
Oy vey. Everyone on this board should know these things as basic, common knowledge. If they don't, they should stop gear now to engage in research and come back when they are actually ready to cycle.

Besides that, why the straw man? Where did I say I'm "always blasting"?
Where was that in the conversation I was engaged in?
HanzoOk, I concede that "always blasting" was an over statement. Dukec said he tapers then takes a month off, then blasts again. You asked him why he bothers to taper as it makes little difference due to saturation. Since it makes little difference, which is true, that leaves duke with a month off between blasts which isn't nearly enough time for things to normalize in the body. However, as we agree, if he, or anyone, considers that sufficient time that's their prerogative because as you also alluded to, everyone here should already understand the cost to benefit of doing whatever they decide to do.

The post I made above IS basic and common knowledge, I agree 100% and I didn't mean for it to be melodramatic but if someone says they only take a month between blasts, I wonder if they are taking this basic stuff into account. If they are and choose to do it anyway, more power to 'em, it doesn't effect me one iota. So maybe I shouldn't have said anything. My post was only meant as a reminder, not an argument or to be in any way self righteous. If you knew me in person, you'd know self righteous is the farthest thing from what i am.

Edit. Just reread your last response and I missed this before. I never said YOU were always blasting. I was referring to what dukec said. Not sure if that helps anything.
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blast is like 500 per week of cyp or enanthate for me, with maybe 3-600 deca thrown in. might mix it up and try eq and/or mast with the test next time though. or maybe even trest! right now i'm on 175 per week test e and 210 per week of deca
HCG will help if you still wanna have kids. I have one kid and I was running superdrol at the time I got my ex knocked up... i'm on a different playing field now and being honest with my wifes problesm we might have to do artificial insemination anyways. I have yet to go to a urologist to see my actual sperm levels. I just wanted to put this out there it IS possible to have kids while on gear but A LOT harder. Don't let that scare you, IFBB pros have kids arnold has kids almost all do. Taking AAS and never having kids is a myth/scare tactic and I don't buy into it. I even had a cousin who had 2 kids while ON gear with no HCG. thats my .02 cents
I personally believe regular blood work is a good thing. I don't personally follow that rule all the time, but, I do believe it's a good one.

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