So i guess im a scammer?

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49ER if you want to make amends with this situation, auction off that replacement pack and the money can somehow be sent to Verick. That's a good starting point.

Just because you were banned from SF doesn't mean you will be banned here, but it's quite possible, it's ultimately Grim's decision. I'm sure after he prays he will figure out what action to take.
Im a family man a hard ass fucken worker bust my ass give up 14-16 hours a day and probably make alot more than alot of you members here. So ya its a little insulting to think id try to come up on a fucken pack like thsts gonna save me. Im alot of things but im not a fucken thief or a scammer and i vented here from my past issues and thats fucked you throw it in my face. Ya i was in a bad spot at first all that passed and im doimg very well im goimg to vegas tomorrow and you guys pretty much ruined my fucken mood lol


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Daredevil said:
49ER if you want to make amends with this situation, auction off that replacement pack and the money can somehow be sent to Verick. That's a good starting point.

Just because you were banned from SF doesn't mean you will be banned here, but it's quite possible, it's ultimately Grim's decision. I'm sure after he prays he will figure out what action to take.
DaredevilWtf? I just won a auction here and i told all4 i didnt want it when i was so fucken happy they resent my order thats $190 im not doimg shit i am being falsely accused and hopefully they figure it out
Not that this proves shit but does it sound like im fucken lying this is my convo with trek earloer today when everybodyy stsrted shittimg on me


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Im gonna soumd rediculous right now but for what its worth im gonna try to explain. All4 and varick i am sorry i never had 4 primo im alittle tripped out on wtf is going on with my memory pretty sure the methenolone and drostanone names confused me and i thought i had 4 primo and 4 mast this whole time and i been trying to sell what i thought was primo for the longest i really dont pay attention to what i have unless im using it.

I just dug these out my hidimg spot and feel like im losimg it. I dont remember my orders obviously cuz i wasnt buying them. Im so confused right now lack of sleep and imtense few months has everything in a blur. So you guys are right about not sending me primo and im worried as to why i dont remember orderimg 4 primo this last order. I feel like a jack ass and i basically fucked myself and our relationship thinking i had something that i didnt.

To set the record im not lyimg about not receiving my pack and not lyimg about not remembering ordering primo ive been thinking i jad primo for awhile now. Thos soumds rediculous but im a fucken man and will tell the truth and do t think this is a atttempt to redeem myself because this is a stupid embarrasimg story.

You guys are absolutely right about not sending me primo before. Im seriously scared whats going on with my mind ibe been tryimg to sell my primo for awhile and never had any. All i remember is you guys replacimg a order so in this mess i assumed it was the primo. So go ahead everyone talk shit i wouldnt try to fix this with a whacko story like this but this is the fucken truth but i didnt recieve the other pack and thats the truth. Im sorry for the hassle and i want to slap myself i destroyed my character with something that never existed
Forgot these pics


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So, you have argued for hours and now figured you were wrong. Dude.. it is us who don't lie. Many here know I don;t care about giving anyone in need some free gear - but since I have been around - December, one thing I will not allow are scammers to to hurt a good community. I am not and have not called you a scammer, you did that on your own. What I did tell you is you could not have 8 primos and if you did then you are a scammer. Now after putting two boards thru hell you realized you only have four primo's. Whatever! listen I am not here to tell the mod or anyone else what to do, but you and I have parted ways.
as much as i look like a liar let me do 1 last explenation
I thought i had primo my old posts show that
If i scammed him i wouldnt have pmd him and told him i jad 8 bottles of primo

Truth is i wasnt paying and shit piles up
I wouldnt have asked if i can sell the 8 bottles i "scammed" that just doesnt make sense

Ive showed you older txts me hinestly thinking i had primo when it was really mast
You guus have no idea how much gear ibe been going through and my insomnia

I never asked for a reship they did that wich i am greatful for. I followed all4 advise ro try retrieve the pack

I mad a mistake and told him i had 8 primo but i had 4 i know i know but the fact is i only recieved 1 pack

By me tellimg him i didnt order primo obviously something is wrong with me mentally i nees sleep i guess

I know its hard to understand this fuck cluster im givimg up on forums if this goes as me being a scammer im not startimg over everybody knows who 49er is and im not gonna start a new fake ass character

I could have left this alone even when i got home figured out im out of my mind and left the doubt in your guus heads wether i was telling the truth or not but figured id set it straight dont know why i care so much about being labeled but im not a fucken scammer

I fucken ripped on dago for fucking with my order so for me to do shady shit bo i dont think so. I expected this from everyone i dont exactly follow the hurd and never been shy to piss anyone off and call people out so 1st blemish on me what can i expect but pay back i still swear on my babys life this was a huge fuck up but i didnt steal
verick said:
So, you have argued for hours and now figured you were wrong. Dude.. it is us who don't lie. Many here know I don;t care about giving anyone in need some free gear - but since I have been around - December, one thing I will not allow are scammers to to hurt a good community. I am not and have not called you a scammer, you did that on your own. What I did tell you is you could not have 8 primos and if you did then you are a scammer. Now after putting two boards thru hell you realized you only have four primo's. Whatever! listen I am not here to tell the mod or anyone else what to do, but you and I have parted ways.
verickThank you for everything but you are wrong for thinking i stold a pack dont insult me post my name dint blame the mods you guys mafe this call over something i said do i need to say prive i have 8 primo? I fucked up and thats that
Not once did i fucken ask for the replacement thats what pisses me off i was stressed the fuck out after making the mistake of lookimg for the pack you guus are seroiously throwimg me under the bus understand humans make mistakes i fucked up i dont even remember ordering primo! Think before you call me a thief i refused my auction that i paid for because i lost my pack i make $400 a day working man why would i steal a pack then go and twll all4?
No one is saying you asked for the pack to be reshipped. Not once have we called you a scammer. We simply asked for an explanation about the primo quantity.

Honestly, this was supposed to be handled privately, not on the open forum. The dispute on SF was private, not even I could see. It was closed before I could even get added for response.

You posted on the open forum 49er. We even told the mods/admin that we wanted to handle this off the open board. It was never our intention to blast you on the open forum.
I got banned without being abke to say anything but either way i would look like a dumbass wether you believe me or not dont you wonder why i told you i had 8 primo if i recieved both packs?

Dont you wonder why i pmd you and told you tahnk you for replacing my order but i didnt order primo? As fucked up as it soumds and my confusion it doesnt add up to me being shady.
If you think about it doesnt make sense for me to all of a sudden scam. I start my vacation today 12 days because im exhausted im going to travel im not hurting in any way shape or form i just had a huge melt down and cant recall shit
I'm closing this for now.
I think all the facts have been layed out.
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