So, it's time....


Iron Killer
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For the next cycle.
Gonna keep it real simple and short this time.
Just gonna run Prop, Tren, Mast with Tbol. Loading with short ester for a week, then switch to long. Mainly I'm just wanting to see how long esters treat me since I mainly stick to shorts. (Except for TRT) Tbol at 40mg for 7 weeks. (That's all I have)
Good deal TS. Throw some pics up if you get a chance. Always impressive.

Like the cycle, you can't go wrong with the cut stack and some T-Bol
TSizemore said:
For the next cycle.
Gonna keep it real simple and short this time.
Just gonna run Prop, Tren, Mast with Tbol. Loading with short ester for a week, then switch to long. Mainly I'm just wanting to see how long esters treat me since I mainly stick to shorts. (Except for TRT) Tbol at 40mg for 7 weeks. (That's all I have)
I've always read that most people experience the best from Tbol @ dosages averaging 50-60mg a day.

Wouldn't it be a better idea to up the dosage of Tbol and run it for 6 weeks?
like it grandps!

49ER said:
My little sister takes 40mg tbol and shes only 8
49ERI know it just happens to be all I have. I can up it to 50mg and get 6 weeks out of it.

Now...I'd your little sister has some Tbol to spare, I'll send some Trix in exchange!
Why not Sdrol ? Or just Tbol & Sdrol for that little xtra !!!
So I decided to add triceps into the pin rotation......and Holy Fuck it's on fire! Just 1cc and obviously the oil is stationary. Going on third day, nice and red, round and painful. Needless to say, I switched to the felt and will skip the other triceps.

Historically, I've always left the lower body for oils and the upper body for Gh, Peps, and Igf.
My calves used to get red n swell up for days. Now 3 cc each no problem. Virgin muscle takes the oil so easily, yet the pip can be horrible
TSizemore said:
So I decided to add triceps into the pin rotation......and Holy Fuck it's on fire! Just 1cc and obviously the oil is stationary. Going on third day, nice and red, round and painful. Needless to say, I switched to the felt and will skip the other triceps.

Historically, I've always left the lower body for oils and the upper body for Gh, Peps, and Igf.
TSizemorehistorically, as in dinosaur days?
TSizemore said:
I know it just happens to be all I have. I can up it to 50mg and get 6 weeks out of it.

Now...I'd your little sister has some Tbol to spare, I'll send some Trix in exchange!
TSizemore T hit me up about the T bol, I'm on my third vial of the Test/Tren/Mast mix at .75mg ed. And, I've got to say....I have never felt as bas for as long as I do now! I'm every just hits. Tired, body aches, and every single shot I take just friggin hurts.
Now to be completely honest and up front, the first vial was from Syngen ( same dose) and it hurt real bad too. I am in NO WAY saying the gear is bad....I have all the Tren symptons I usually get, some crazy dreams, a little aggression, and obscene amount of night sweating. I have absolutely no problem with the gear, and don't have any reason to believe it's underdosed or bad. My body just seems to be rejecting this cycle for some reason....and it's really taking all the fun out of it.

I guess the next step is to go get a blood test and see what's going on. I don't know, I just feel like shit, and actually have lost a slight amount of weight ( which I planned, so no real surprise there) This keeps up, I'll finish this vial and just cancel the rest of the cycle.
What I can't remember, is in all the years I've been in this, if I ever have done Tren every day. I've always had good success with the 1:1 Test/Tren ratio, so I'm not concerned about that.

And yes, The Tbol is at 50mg Ed if anybody was wondering

I ordered some Aroma, Nolva, and Hcg from Kai.....but, I think he forgot about me, so If anybody has some they can get rid of, hit me up and I'll send funds.
Have you ever ran tbol before?

Reason I'm asking is because my body for some reason can NOT handle tbol. I get severe stomach pain from them, extreme tiredness, etc. It hurts so bad for at least 4 days after I stop taking it. I tested it out 3x just to see if it was infact tbol and every time I got back on it. Symptoms come back on a few days into it. And goes away few days off.

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I have had Tbol before, but last time I did I had to come off them because of a completely different situation involving a different country. It's an interesting theory though, one definitely worth checking out. But, it doesn't explain the constant PIP from the shots. They were so bad, it was debilitating for a week. One shot I took in my shoulder, left my shoulder motionless for a week. All you had to do was breathe on my shoulder and it would send me through the roof. That was the Syngen vial.....I just figured it was an old vial and it was breaking down
AnAdrol and Dbol do that too me. Try lowering dose. Keep hydrated
TSizemore said:
I have had Tbol before, but last time I did I had to come off them because of a completely different situation involving a different country. It's an interesting theory though, one definitely worth checking out. But, it doesn't explain the constant PIP from the shots. They were so bad, it was debilitating for a week. One shot I took in my shoulder, left my shoulder motionless for a week. All you had to do was breathe on my shoulder and it would send me through the roof. That was the Syngen vial.....I just figured it was an old vial and it was breaking down
TSizemoreI'm pretty sure someone else on here was complaining about Syngen pip that it was unreal.
Try adding T3 to your cycle perhaps to combat the Tbol effect???

Also if your experiencing surreal pip, sometimes ya got to take the Loss and try another.

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