someone broke in my house and stole only gear!!!!!!


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
i had a few buds that i would help out about 4-5 people... i then decided a while back that was too dangerous and risky to be known as the guy to get it from... so i cut everyone off. told them i was out and quit.

there was one dude that wouldn't give up and i suspect it was him.

i was gone over the weekend and it was on face book from the trip... someone wedged in my door and only took gear.

i never heard of anything like this...juicers acting like crack heads... wtf

i have at least 50 vials !!!! only have one of test that i was using and was in a spot i guess they didn't look...this really sucks!!!

i had enough of TMM's test d to cruise for years at least 15-20 vials... 10-15 each of Jokers NPP and mast e... and some drakon stuff.. heisenburg a few of those...
Damn dude. Sounds like that dude who wouldn't leave you alone about it

Or maybe he told someone about you and how u don't sell anymore but "I know he has got a huge stash!!"

Idk sounds fishy. It's got to be someone u use to deal with not just your average "robber"

Only took gear!!!! That tells you something right there!!!!
i really want to beat his ass into icu... how would i do it without going to jail?

like the movies mask and gloves and brass knuckles?...

hell i ain't sure i'm capable of doing that?
U have to make sure Beyond a shadow of a doubt that u know it's him before u do anything

O and not to be mean but I always thought is was a horrible idea to post shit like "being on vacation" and social media networks. Prefect time to "rob rape and steal" this and one other forum is the only "social networking I do. Never was into FB or any other forum of it

Probably would just use it to beat off to all the girls lol
Dont go to jail over it. Lol. Lesson learned...dont put shit on facebook and dont tell anyone you have gear. Lol
Bro that sucks. What compounds are you in desperate need of right now? I have some gear I could spare until you are able to place an order.
thnaks for the offers brothers... that's an incredible gesture... but i'll just buy some. should have gotten in on that joker
Not worth going to jail over...even tho the satisfaction of beating a thief would ALMOST be worth it. I would love to help you out but I'm running low myself and waiting for Joker order to come thru.
thanks tuna... i'm not looking to get anything from anyone to compensate... but i do appreciate the gestures...

i'm really just venting about my stupidity... i knew it was stupid months ago and backed off and told everyone that asked i was done and out.. i was just too late
krustus said:
i really want to beat his ass into icu... how would i do it without going to jail?

like the movies mask and gloves and brass knuckles?...

hell i ain't sure i'm capable of doing that?
krustusJust leave no witnesses
Yeah I'd definitely confront the dude for sure.. regardless of his response don't do shit if you decide to.. wait until no one is around and beat his ass. Then act as if you were with your girl that entire day watching movies in bed taking care of her bc she was sick the last few days. . Even run to a drug store and purchase some Thera flu early in the AM the day of to make it more believable.

Not saying that's something I would do. . But gotta have a story straight. Can't wing it haha
Definitely someone you know and knows that you cycled of course.Time for an ass kickin.
Krutus that 50 vials won't last him long and he'll be looking for more. For his sake hopefully he's not stupid enough to try it again. As for you, life has blessed you with so much. You have a hot loving wife, a boat?, a home and are one hell of an artist. Dood seriously your living it. Don't let this shit get you down.
I'm all for an eye for an eye when I'm pissed as fuck. But I think if you come at this dood and hurt him good, even if your not caught, he'll probably know it was you and may try to retaliate. Some crazy mofos now-a-days. Becareful man. Invest in a big dog or security system and a shotgun.
Krustus my man i feel for you brother. Only a very small select few that I trust fully know that I have a "small" stash of gear.
Anybody i else I supply to i tell them i need to talk to my guy to see what he can get..

I agree with tkasch. Don't say shit take the loss, move on and learn. Your a grown man with too much to lose and arguments can turn ugly quick.
Get a new stash place for your gear. Even if it's home it should never be easily accessible to anyone but you.
This guy will try this again so i would put a few vial of some bunk ass gear fill with estradiol where you use to keep your old stash. Or just plain ole soybean oil.... You get the picture.
Silent celebral assassin style. No violence needed.

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