
why doesn't everyone just use countermail?
it's well established and uses pgp end to end, and sends no ip address with your email

anonymousspeech has servers in the USA, in spite of what they say, and they are in a Central Am country(so they say).
with the history of corruption that those countries have, anonymousspeech is probably in bed with or even owned by US LE!

securenym in USA

and unseen.is?
or myswissmail.ch?
or whatever?
who's even heard of this crap?
'secure free email', give me a break!

for a sponsor to use anything other than countermail, seems to me, to be just asking for LE to track you down!
just pay the pennies it takes to make yourselves and your brothers more secure.
your putting anyone who emails you at unnecessary risk!
im sure the sponsors would get a lot more orders and EG would get a lot more support if everyone used countermail

and btw, stay away from TOR, it's compromised by LE all the time. a simple web search will confirm that.
think about it, the military creates a 'super-encrypted' tor for spy/military purposes, and gives it away to the public.
yeah right!
think about it
it's so they can track you down dummy
use a trusted vpn instead
just my 2 cents
Hhhhmmmmm….. somebody encrypted this post by using anonymous …. come out of the closet now.
I think everyone here including me uses a trusted vpn, besides taking other precautionary measures.Someone seems upset??Most things now days may be a crap shoot accept for Grim and his security set up here as he explained earlier it seems to be one of the best I have come across.
Anonymous said:
why doesn't everyone just use countermail?
it's well established and uses pgp end to end, and sends no ip address with your email

anonymousspeech has servers in the USA, in spite of what they say, and they are in a Central Am country(so they say).
with the history of corruption that those countries have, anonymousspeech is probably in bed with or even owned by US LE!

securenym in USA

and unseen.is?
or myswissmail.ch?
or whatever?
who's even heard of this crap?
'secure free email', give me a break!

for a sponsor to use anything other than countermail, seems to me, to be just asking for LE to track you down!
just pay the pennies it takes to make yourselves and your brothers more secure.
your putting anyone who emails you at unnecessary risk!
im sure the sponsors would get a lot more orders and EG would get a lot more support if everyone used countermail

and btw, stay away from TOR, it's compromised by LE all the time. a simple web search will confirm that.
think about it, the military creates a 'super-encrypted' tor for spy/military purposes, and gives it away to the public.
yeah right!
think about it
it's so they can track you down dummy
use a trusted vpn instead
just my 2 cents

It was not TOR that was compromised,it was when using FIREFOX with TOR.The newer version of FF was what was hacked.If you use TOR with Linux they could not get in.
The government runs many of the unencrypted exit nodes


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