Good read - I agree - Suboxone, however, is not something that is prescribed to someone as a psychoactive agent for depression or anxiety, It cannot be lumped in with SSRI's like prozac or welbutrin, etc.
It has 2 very specific uses. #1 - migraine headaches but the thing it is prescribed for most is to combat opiate withdrawal. It needs to be said that it should be reserved for hard cases, people who have been stuck taking pills for long amounts of time, and cannot get off them - not because of the mental aspect - but purely physical. Nobody, I don't care who you are or how strong willed you are - can kick an H or pill habit, without going through debilitating withdrawals which are described as the worst flu you ever had multiplied by 100. No chance of getting out of the bathroom, no sleep, just feel like death - can go on for days, weeks.
Anyway, those people have jobs and children and responsibilities and in order to maintain a normal life, they need to take the suboxone which completely takes care of the withdrawal - no sickness, which allows them to continue to work, etc.
I think the Dr.'s need to also take some accountability when prescribing this drug, because it really should be used very short term, and the pt needs to use the smallest effective dose, in order NOT to become completely physically addicted to the suboxone. But Dr - they make pt.'s pay cash for the "sub visit" no insurance - and that is why they want you coming back every month.
It is a nightmare - first the opiate addiction and then trying to come off suboxone - BUT the point here is it is only used to combat the physical withdrawal from opiates. And luckily is not prescribed as loosely as prozac and the rest of them. Each script of suboxone is federally managed, monthly urine tests to make sure the pt has it in his/her system and is not selling it - and the Dr.'s need to have a special DEA # to prescribe it. It is only these "specialists" who can write for the drug. Unlike opiates which any dr, dentist, proctologist, whatever can dispense.
Interesting read and great responses to the thread - thank you OP