Summer Cycles What is everyone going to run?

50mg tren a, test p, mast p
50 mg sd inject
50 mg npp
75 mg eq
50 mg test e

every day, roughly this not exact science 😉
50mg tren a, test p, mast p
50 mg sd inject
50 mg npp
75 mg eq
50 mg test e

every day, roughly this not exact science 😉
GRIMdropped test e for moment, lowered eq and sd
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Just test cyp at 200-240 and eq at 400 per week. 15-20 weeks. "May" add a very light, short run of winstrol somewhere in the middle of the run around the middle of the run.
Just test cyp at 200-240 and eq at 400 per week. 15-20 weeks. "May" add a very light, short run of winstrol somewhere in the middle of the run around the middle of the run.
puff88Puff how long have you been using gear? Are your cycles usually dosed in this range?
Been awhile since I really blasted so I've got high hopes for this simple cycle.
750mg test e/wk
450 tren ace/wk
15mg sdrol Ed for 4 weeks
Depending on liver enzymes, finish up with a few weeks of winstrol 50mg/ed
4 iu hgh/ Ed

Running this for roughly 14-15 weeks, until August 1 and then back to cruising on test and gh.
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Like to do a low dose test, primo and Mast cycle with some clen and T3

250 Test E
500-700 Primo E
300 - 400 Mast E
Cleaning the gains with Tren ace and Winny
Nordi's or Huma 3 to 6iu ED
Leave it to MSG to be non exciting. Just finished up my run. Summer will be in cruise mode.

Yeah, i know. Booooring. 😕😀
Planning on running as of the end of June
200 test c m/w/f
50mg tren a ED
50mg mast a ED
25mg inj win ED (weeks 8-12)
.5 mg adex 12 hours after injection
.5mg prami ED
4 iu gh ED
After my traveling, I'm going to run
primo @800/wk
Test of some sort 500/wk.

Then I gotta try that dhb I just got in...
Alright... Just gave blood yesterday. Will get my doctor's requested bloodwork next week and then bang this summer cycle.

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