Summer Cycles What is everyone going to run?

Just test cyp at 200-240 and eq at 400 per week. 15-20 weeks. "May" add a very light, short run of winstrol somewhere in the middle of the run around the middle of the run.
Just test cyp at 200-240 and eq at 400 per week. 15-20 weeks. "May" add a very light, short run of winstrol somewhere in the middle of the run around the middle of the run.
puff88Puff how long have you been using gear? Are your cycles usually dosed in this range?
Leave it to MSG to be non exciting. Just finished up my run. Summer will be in cruise mode.

Yeah, i know. Booooring. 😕😀
I noticed not one of us are running a gram of test weekly. Just goes to show more is not always needed. Just got to find that sweet spot were gains are maximized with lowest possible sides as possible.

Same with tren most of us all are cycling 350mg to 450mg. I tried running it a few times at 700mg and realized the gains start leveling out around 450 to 500mg.
I noticed not one of us are running a gram of test weekly. Just goes to show more is not always needed. Just got to find that sweet spot were gains are maximized with lowest possible sides as possible.

Same with tren most of us all are cycling 350mg to 450mg. I tried running it a few times at 700mg and realized the gains start leveling out around 450 to 500mg.
sityslicker1Exactly all you get is more sides if you get to that 500mg range and beyond.
I noticed not one of us are running a gram of test weekly. Just goes to show more is not always needed. Just got to find that sweet spot were gains are maximized with lowest possible sides as possible.

Same with tren most of us all are cycling 350mg to 450mg. I tried running it a few times at 700mg and realized the gains start leveling out around 450 to 500mg.
sityslicker1I used to always run low like 300-500 each tops and got laughed at, yet I got great results
test p/tren a/mast a w/gh is what i'm thinking. will be first time running tren
test p/tren a/mast a w/gh is what i'm thinking. will be first time running tren
R2D2Holy shit man your in for a ride. There were 2 cycles that will always have a special place in my heart and that was cycle #1 - just piles and piles of new muscle grow. Gains iirc around 35-40lbs in 16 weeks using only sustanon 250mg weekly. And cycle #2 tren ace- gave me strength where i was achieving new PRs on a weekly basis and very dramatic body recomposition, hard as nails, scale not moving.
I did a test/tren/mast GH cycle about 7 years ago. I was in 270’s with top and middle abs. That cycle will always be in my top 2.
Been traveling last two weeks getting maintenance workouts in. Will actually start cycle next week. May return to the world of hgh
i'm planning on 175 of each per week and 3-4 ius of hgh. do you think that will be enough?
i'm planning on 175 of each per week and 3-4 ius of hgh. do you think that will be enough?
R2D2GH? Yes I Do. I rn 4 iu's after my knee surgery. They threw me out of therapy in 2 weeks and I was more vascular than ever with abs
i meant for the gear, sorry should have specified. i'm already on 4 iu's now while running 250 mg test e per week.
Off all ATM took my back completely out
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Im pretty much bed bound ATM
GRIMWish you a quick recovery. Had to take a week off last week due to a back injury. i was just barely capable of wiping my own ass.

Lighter weight, higher rep sets with a bit more volume is what i'll be sticking with going forward.

My body's been telling me i'm not in my 20's any more, but i always ignored it. This time i'm finally going to listen.
Wish you a quick recovery. Had to take a week off last week due to a back injury. i was just barely capable of wiping my own ass.

Lighter weight, higher rep sets with a bit more volume is what i'll be sticking with going forward.

My body's been telling me i'm not in my 20's any more, but i always ignored it. This time i'm finally going to listen.
MisterSuperGodcant even sit to get to gym, ive done the light weight before on back. this time however much worse

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