SuperGirls new cycle


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Starting SuperGirl on her new cycle today. Going with 20mg Var (split am/pm) and 100mg wk Primo. Gonna run this for 10 wks and see how it goes. Blood work came back real good this morning
Did you get injectable primo ace or oral primo ace?

My wife loved her var/primo cycle. Hers was all orals. She did 40mg var and 30mg primo ed. She made awesome strides on it.
I will have to post up some pics of the wife before and after. She will be doing another cycle here in a few weeks of the same var/primo.
Interested in her results, DGAF. It's Pharm Grade Depot. This is her first run with Primo, so I'll keep it light to start with. She has run Npp and had good results, but it wasn't stacked with Var
Week 1: First shot was on Monday....She had a good deal of PIP from the shot. But, I think that was from my application. The second shot was on Thursday and there was no PIP from this one. Side glute on Thursday, Monday was upper middle glute. So, I'll be sticking with the side glute on her from now on.
Her diet is pretty solid and she's on 2300 calories (give or take a couple). Her weight starting was 132.2. Training is 5 days a week. I do upper body split (push and pull) with her on Mondays and Thursdays. On Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday she does a more of Crossfit type workout, usually Hiit moves for about 45min to an hour.
lith56bigguy said:
awesome thanks for posting this as Mrs. Lith will be doing similar. Wheres the pics????
lith56bigguyLol......There's a couple of Pics in the EG Tank thread, but, that's gonna be it. She really can't stand taking pics. She takes progress pics every two weeks, but none she will release just yet. 🙁
3rd pinning of Primo was today. Went smooth. Anavar has been better than I expected. She's still splitting the 20mg morning and afternoon. Libido is actually up after one week. I'm assuming it's the Anavar and not the Primo (not this early anyway). I've had the Var for awhile, and was pretty skeptical of the supplier, so.....I'm real stoked. Here weight is up to 133.8 this morning. Her diet is pretty consistent (2300 calories), but, this weekend was a little bit of an unscheduled carb load, which is probably the reason for the weight increase. She's reported small pumps....nothing exciting yet. Overall, things are going extremely nice!!
TSizemore said:
3rd pinning of Primo was today. Went smooth. Anavar has been better than I expected. She's still splitting the 20mg morning and afternoon. Libido is actually up after one week. I'm assuming it's the Anavar and not the Primo (not this early anyway). I've had the Var for awhile, and was pretty skeptical of the supplier, so.....I'm real stoked. Here weight is up to 133.8 this morning. Her diet is pretty consistent (2300 calories), but, this weekend was a little bit of an unscheduled carb load, which is probably the reason for the weight increase. She's reported small pumps....nothing exciting yet. Overall, things are going extremely nice!!
great log Tsize,

hats off to the wife. You two have me excited for her cycle lol. Keep this log going as we're going to clone it soon. Best of luck.
looking forward to tracking this, my GF does 16 mg per day of var split am / pm
Into Week 3. Her weight on Monday was 135.2. So, it's staying steady....Calories are at 2223 daily. We've got her Macro breakdown at 242Carbs...52Fats....and 213Proteins.
Libido is progressing as expected, and there's something special about sticking your wife in the ass with a needle, IDK!! 😉

The White shirt pic was last night....I was going for the Ass shot, but the camera angle is off. Everything else looks great I think. Her traps are in awesome shape and I believer are her "genetic" muscle.

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TSizemore said:
Into Week 3. Her weight on Monday was 133.2. So, it's staying steady....Calories are at 2223 daily. We've got her Macro breakdown at 242Carbs...52Fats....and 213Proteins.
Libido is progressing as expected, and there's something special about sticking your wife in the ass with a needle, IDK!! 😉

The White shirt pic was last night....I was going for the Ass shot, but the camera angle is off. Everything else looks great I think. Her traps are in awesome shape and I believer are her "genetic" muscle.
Thanks for the update. Supergirl is looking incredible. Hard work definitely showing..... Give her congrats on my end bro.
Nice pics T! Bro you dont have to redeem yourself we know the shirt from yesterday was not yours lol
TSizemore said:
Libido is progressing as expected, and there's something special about sticking your wife in the ass with a needle, IDK!! 😉
TSizemoreSame size as yo cawk!
Ok...a couple days late, but...I believe we're in week 4. I'll have to count back and make sure. She's getting so much better with the Pins, either that, or I'm getting better at pinning her! If you've never done it, it ain't the easiest thing. Anyway, weight on Monday was, she's up 4lbs since the beginning. Her diet has just been changed. We needed to lower her carbs and fats a little and increase her protein. It's time to start leaning her out a little bit. I'll post the Macro breakdown later, left it at home.
TSizemore said:
Ok...a couple days late, but...I believe we're in week 4. I'll have to count back and make sure. She's getting so much better with the Pins, either that, or I'm getting better at pinning her! If you've never done it, it ain't the easiest thing. Anyway, weight on Monday was, she's up 4lbs since the beginning. Her diet has just been changed. We needed to lower her carbs and fats a little and increase her protein. It's time to start leaning her out a little bit. I'll post the Macro breakdown later, left it at home.
TSizemoregive her plenty of cardio!
I'm not gonna give any updates today...just gonna post pics and let them speak for themselves. Weight is holding at 136-137.

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