

Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
I haven't ran sustanon in a long time brothas I wondering if I can run it at 900 mg a week and if I can dart it once a week?
Its digitals gear so I no its fire and its dosed at 300 mg a ml
Basically here's what I got....
1 sustanon 20 ml x 300mg
2 npp
1 30ml x 50mg anadrol
1 20 ml test prop
Wanna run 10 weeks.....done around new years

This is inefficient brother.

The most efficient way for something to be honest is you doing 700mg of primo a week...ok...THE MOST EFFICIENT so your levels are stable and body can make most out of it would be to inject 100mg day instead of 350 twice a week....

but now, this isnt entirely neccassary Im just illustrating two extremes.

For you brother, M/W/F Or once every three days of sust will be great....all at once, and you wont get all of it like you would injecting a few more times and splitting the dose. Plus you will have big valleys and steep mountains (figurativly speaking) with your test levels.
Re: Sustanon

Now would u jump it with the prop, and end it with the dbol or anadrol? Or vise versa
Also, can npp and dbol or anadrol be ran at the same time?
My npp dose is minimal and really only for joint pain relief...
There is two schools of thinking regarding how to use Sust.

1.- Sust was originally developed by pharma companies for the convenience of people undergoing HRT, so they wouldn't have to inject often. I believe Organon mexico redirects even say to use one every two weeks and Ive heard of doctors saying the same.

2.- Now, allot of people think it should be taken every other day because of the short esters (prop & phneylprop). The reasoning is to keep blood levels even throughout.

Thats the short of it.

Personally I have used it injecting only once per week. Grew just fine and had no side effects from "eleven blood levels".

Im inclined to believe Pharma companies are more knowledgeable.

That being said, you may want to inject at least twice a week due to the sheer amount you will be injecting.
If you are paranoid about blood levels and you are already injecting other substances you can plan it so you can inject the dust three times a week.

I just don't think its necessary
We've had big discussions (and arguments) about Sust and frequency here. The way it's designed, it will work once a week. But, it won't be efficient. Do it no less than 2x a week, and 3x is ideal.
Agreed, to gets its full effect and effiency , no less then 2 times a week. I'm running it now with my test E. When I was new , I ran it once a week. My gains were much less.
here is the real question on this.. SUST is actually 250mg per ml. not 300.. So what you really need to know is what esters is he using in his sust.. Once you find that out then you can come up with a pinning cycle.

Until then its pretty much pointless because sht he is using 100mg/ml of prope 100mg/ml of PP and 100mg/ml of cyp. well that is not sust that is a custom blend. so with this ester combo you would have to pin atleast EOD to keep blood levels as level as possible.

That is the real trick to your question.. To many people call shit sust when its not actually sust.. I know of UGL's that run 100mg/ml of propr 100mg/ml of cyp and 100mg/ml of E. And call it sust well is it the furthest thing from sust..

SO with all that said it would be best for you to find out what esters he is using in his SUST then come back here and re ask your question.
True That!.........
I have three bottle of Gene Forza Sust that is 100mg Iso, 100mg UnDecanoate, and 100mg Prop. The Term Sust has become synonymous with a custom blend of long and short esters.
Got some if Rico's Sust but haven't pinned it yet. Was waiting till this winter to tear into it. I think it's Sust 350, I'll have to check the bottle later on. I have used the Oreganon Sust Amps from over seas a few times.
I pin EOD most of the time anyway so it works good for me in keeping levels steady.
I recommend 2x weekly. I am currently running DIGITAL PHARMA SUSTANON 300 myself. 2x is sufficient
with low sides. Again this is what works for me mane. I am also pairing it
with DIGITAL PHARMA LIQUID ANADROL. Keep us posted on your results brother! ;D
here is the real question on this.. SUST is actually 250mg per ml. not 300.. So what you really need to know is what esters is he using in his sust.. Once you find that out then you can come up with a pinning cycle.

Until then its pretty much pointless because sht he is using 100mg/ml of prope 100mg/ml of PP and 100mg/ml of cyp. well that is not sust that is a custom blend. so with this ester combo you would have to pin atleast EOD to keep blood levels as level as possible.

That is the real trick to your question.. To many people call shit sust when its not actually sust.. I know of UGL's that run 100mg/ml of propr 100mg/ml of cyp and 100mg/ml of E. And call it sust well is it the furthest thing from sust..

SO with all that said it would be best for you to find out what esters he is using in his SUST then come back here and re ask your question.
Either way. Your covered everty three days. And the real sust blend is best used every three days.
You are right...most UGL will do half prop and half long ester...eitherway if you got real sustanon or half prop and half cyp...your good everythree days

Sustanon is best used e3d for sustained levels according to pharmkinetics, or every 4th day would be suitable

I personally mix cyp with prop or cyp with phenyl prop
if he pinned cyp E3D thats a fucking waste of gear. SO I really don't get what your fucking saying " either way he is covered E3D". cyp don't start to fall of if my memory serves me right until the 6th day. So theoretically you could pin cyp E6D and keep your levels relatively level.

30 mg testosterone propionate = Propionate 2 days by the third day test prop is 7.5mg
60 mg testosterone phenylpropionate = Phenylpropionate 4.5 days 45mg still havent even used half of this steroid yet.
60 mg testosterone isocaproate = Isocaproate 9 days you have not even taped this one
100 mg testosterone decanoate =Decanoate 15 days same with this one still in it little protective coccoon

we could keep goping for the length of a 12 week cycle but I dont have the time nor do I feel like doing it...

so would you please enlighten me as to how E3D off pinning sust will keep your blood levels accurate!! I will save you the time IT wont. because the biggest issue with sust is the prop ester. But who am I?? obviously not a pharmakenetics book.. But numbers don't lie. ALso with this we are just talking about what is available we haven't even began to talk about how much your body is going to utilize and how much your going to shit and piss out.

Cypionate 12 days sorry I was wrong as you can see it is 12 days before it even starts to fall off.
Enanthate 10.5 days

We all do understand that the only difference in these compounds is how water soluble they are correct??? Just want to make sure... And the only way to keep blood levels with sust is to not pin it. Plain and simple. It is impracticable to conceive that one could even attempt to keep blood levels stable on these four compounds.

And everyone that keeps calling sust thats not really sust stop.. It is a good marketing ploy but its not sust is is a custom blend of different esters. IF, it's not actually just a single compound.
JUST SAYING...................

Save your money and buy test cyp or enan or buy the real shit. or just pin prop..
here is the real question on this.. SUST is actually 250mg per ml. not 300.. So what you really need to know is what esters is he using in his sust.. Once you find that out then you can come up with a pinning cycle.

Until then its pretty much pointless because sht he is using 100mg/ml of prope 100mg/ml of PP and 100mg/ml of cyp. well that is not sust that is a custom blend. so with this ester combo you would have to pin atleast EOD to keep blood levels as level as possible.

That is the real trick to your question.. To many people call shit sust when its not actually sust.. I know of UGL's that run 100mg/ml of propr 100mg/ml of cyp and 100mg/ml of E. And call it sust well is it the furthest thing from sust..

SO with all that said it would be best for you to find out what esters he is using in his SUST then come back here and re ask your question.

The original sust may have been dosed at 250mg/ml, but thats by no means a requirement. Here's the breakdown of our sust by ester according to my source, I believe it is the same ratios as the original sust just at a slightly higher concentration 🙂

"4 different kinds of testosterone, it is contained Testosterone Decanoate,
Testosterone Isocaproate, Testosterone Propionate and Testosterone
phenylpropionate ,the ratio is 400:240:120:240"

IMO sust should be injected twice a week or even 3x a week, but as the guys have already mentioned it can still be effective 1x a week because it contains a fairly high amount of long estered test as well. Experiment and see what works for you, but I think most would be pretty safe and have good results at 2x a week. Hope you enjoy it though bigdude and look forward to hearing your feedback! Sust is pretty new to the list and also in the new MCT oil so I look forward to hearing how everyone likes it 🙂
there was also a 100mg/ml sust as well.. my point is if it doesnt have the original 4 esters in it, it is not really sust it is a custom blend now altering the mg of each compound to hold more test per mg thats not an issue. Could infact make it a better product depending on the breakdown of mg per chemical.

I am not knocking anyones gear in my original statment.. I am just saying there are A LOT of labs who say their shit is sust when its not. Like in the case where you will find someone using 100mg test UD and 100mg of test cyp and 100mg of test E. Thats not really sust it is what it is, a custom blend. the reason I say check your chemical break down of your gear so you can devise a propre pinning cycle.
I agree most labs will slap together 2-3 different esters and call it "sust", sometimes it doesn't really matter because the compounds are fairly close to the original, but obviously a straight prop/enan blend will not be. Most of the time the reason is that it is just cheaper or easier for them to mix two or three compounds than 4, and almost every powder source will carry enan/prop/cyp but sometimes isocap/phenylprop/decanoate etc. can be harder to find. I had a choice from a few different Sust/test blends and chose this even though the cost is a bit higher than my other source it actually has all the right esters/ratios that it should 🙂
I have seen "sustanon" come in many different dosages and compound combinations. I have seen as high as 450mg/ml where the original sustanon was 250mg/ml. I have seen it with the original 4 compounds which was test p, test pp, test isocap, test deca. I have seen a variation of it where the test isocap is replaced with a test base. Then I have seen test p, test c, test e put together to be called sust and also variations where it has test deca. Really just about everything someone wants to throw together and call sust, just because the name sustanon is very popular amongst newcomers that they see a few different compounds and the name sust and they buy it up cause they don't know what sustanon is really.

I have read a lot of different ways to take it. I took it as my very first cycle along with dbol and I put on a good 30lbs. I shot it twice a week and took the dbol at 50mg ed. The sustanon I had was the Russian amps that said cytohoh 250mg on them. They were real good, before the Pakistan and Mexican ones. These were blue writing on the amp in Russian, the Pakistan was yellow(carachi) and the Mexican was green. I haven't seen the Russian ones since I had them back in 1999.

I see articles where people say take it twice a week, three times a week, every day for 3 weeks, and once a week in high dose. I can understand the theory behind them but for me twice a week worked good and that's all I ever did of it. I guess everything is theory till you actually do it and see for yourself and see what works for you cause it might be different than what worked for someone else.

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