
i totally agree DGAF.

I have ran true sust twice. I ran it a EOD for 12 weeks pain in the ass I dont really like pinning that much I mean it doesn't bother me but it becomes a pain in the ass when you have to remember what days you are pinning and what days your not. They seem to start to run together after awhile.

Sust bloats the shit out of me regardless of how i pin it.. I dont mind the bloat at all.. Somethings you have to sacrifice

the second time i ran sust i pinned it 2xW. same result as EOD. I did notice that I had a bit more side effects such as sensitive nipples and oily skin. but nothing major and nothing a little OCT didn't take care of.

I dont really fuck with blends anymore.. I keep cycles pretty simple 2 maybe three compounds at a time. maybe an oral if i chose. and if I run an oral it is usually anadrol. I love drol.

I just dont get the hype of running a shit ton of gear at once I have done it and its such a headache and two I have had better results from running fewer compounds vs running the supermarket cycle.

I keep to the KISS analogy now. I eat a shit ton kill it in the gym and pin as little as I have to.. I try and use everything else to get me big and just use the gear to help keep pushing the envelope.

Although I am about 50 lbs lighter than I was 8 months ago I have a lot of catching up to do.. but i wont be losing any weight in the near futer. Only gaining from here on out.
if he pinned cyp E3D thats a fucking waste of gear. SO I really don't get what your fucking saying " either way he is covered E3D". cyp don't start to fall of if my memory serves me right until the 6th day. So theoretically you could pin cyp E6D and keep your levels relatively level.

30 mg testosterone propionate = Propionate 2 days by the third day test prop is 7.5mg
60 mg testosterone phenylpropionate = Phenylpropionate 4.5 days 45mg still havent even used half of this steroid yet.
60 mg testosterone isocaproate = Isocaproate 9 days you have not even taped this one
100 mg testosterone decanoate =Decanoate 15 days same with this one still in it little protective coccoon

we could keep goping for the length of a 12 week cycle but I dont have the time nor do I feel like doing it...

so would you please enlighten me as to how E3D off pinning sust will keep your blood levels accurate!! I will save you the time IT wont. because the biggest issue with sust is the prop ester. But who am I?? obviously not a pharmakenetics book.. But numbers don't lie. ALso with this we are just talking about what is available we haven't even began to talk about how much your body is going to utilize and how much your going to shit and piss out.

Cypionate 12 days sorry I was wrong as you can see it is 12 days before it even starts to fall off.
Enanthate 10.5 days

We all do understand that the only difference in these compounds is how water soluble they are correct??? Just want to make sure... And the only way to keep blood levels with sust is to not pin it. Plain and simple. It is impracticable to conceive that one could even attempt to keep blood levels stable on these four compounds.

And everyone that keeps calling sust thats not really sust stop.. It is a good marketing ploy but its not sust is is a custom blend of different esters. IF, it's not actually just a single compound.
JUST SAYING...................

Save your money and buy test cyp or enan or buy the real shit. or just pin prop..
I will oad pictures of Cypionate starts to fall the 4 th day....I have studied hormones for years and have published refences to site.

will upload pictures.

everythree days for cyp and enath hold the most stable.

Most pros I know will do them e2d in smaller does.

E3D you are COVERED whether cyp and prop or its real sust.

If its cyp and prop...
The prop falls at day 2, and the cyp picks up after 18-24hour so e3d is PERFECT.

Cyp and enathate both start to decrease overll level on day 6 they decrease EXTREMELY or "crash"
It wont? lol

I will save you the time.....I been designing cycles for about 6 years on a professional level.


Half lifes tell us VERY LITTLE, you need actual pharmokintic of release and blood levels.
At day 6, the hormone ester is really low! day 4 it begins to fall SIGNIFICANTLY.

DAy 10.5-12 your in the dumps....

been doing this along time brother, like I said I will uplaod pics of charts...


I actually wrote an article called "stop looking at half lives" because they only tell us half the picture.

I appreciate your efforts, but I will post the article on here and perhaps you may be amazed at actual test concentration 24 hours post injection, then the 96 hour mark what happens.
Couldbnt get pic turned right way! lol

Day 3 is the start of the decline....This why every three day is best, because you have to wait 18-24 hour for next release..

I will post my article and graphs
Hmmm...interesting. I wanna see the study and article.......and more charts.
jdb3 said:
I will oad pictures of Cypionate starts to fall the 4 th day....I have studied hormones for years and have published refences to site.

will upload pictures.

everythree days for cyp and enath hold the most stable.

Most pros I know will do them e2d in smaller does.

E3D you are COVERED whether cyp and prop or its real sust.

If its cyp and prop...
The prop falls at day 2, and the cyp picks up after 18-24hour so e3d is PERFECT.

Cyp and enathate both start to decrease overll level on day 6 they decrease EXTREMELY or "crash"
OK so prop starts to fall at day 2 which is the actual ester half life the half life of test prop is said to be 4.5 days. Yet you say a ester that is 12 days long cyp begins to crash in 4 days. 1/3 of its desined intent.

So what your saying is that all the study and developmet on esters is Bullshit and in fact they dont work???
yes...they do work! Theres a chart showing the release! You see my friend...half lives dont tell us full picture, the acid chains of diff esters have diff release activity of actual hormone.

I will upload the article for you, with ALL grpahs for basic esters.

Your in the right direction brother, I will show you the other side to half lives 🙂
one more question if what you say is true about the cyp ester then why does it have such a long ass detection time if it is falling out of the blood stream so rapily 3x faster than it intended use. that means that you should be clear of any drug test 3xs fast than what is said. CORRECT??
Prop actually holds PERFECTLY stable for 2 days..its amazing...but yes 3rd day it crashed...the half lifes says 4 days!!! WTF! yes there is still some LEVELS left but very low....Half life direction IS NOT PERFECT! esters are different acid chains that decompose or "release" differently

Again, I will upload article.

I found that prop with cyp e3d is perfect, or! phenyl prop with enathte e4d is great too!
jdb3 said:
yes...they do work! Theres a chart showing the release! You see my friend...half lives dont tell us full picture, the acid chains of diff esters have diff release activity of actual hormone.

I will upload the article for you, with ALL grpahs for basic esters.

Your in the right direction brother, I will show you the other side to half lives 🙂
OK I will wait for your post. before going any futher
one more question if what you say is true about the cyp ester then why does it have such a long ass detection time if it is falling out of the blood stream so rapily 3x faster than it intended use. that means that you should be clear of any drug test 3xs fast than what is said. CORRECT??
What I say is medical fact...theres apublished medical graph! I didnt say that the half life was wrong...just the overall blood concetration level....Yes...12 days later there is some external test in blood levels...just not condusve to bodybuilding where we want high levels.

I am simply showing you how to keep test levels STABLE! gets more technical because larger doses with some ester have actual slower release due to overall hormone being absorbed!

Everyone thinks half lives tell us how the ester acts, and it tell us how long it can be found in our sytem.

12 days later Test cyp will still be in your system...just at areally low ass level because the last acid chains are finally being broken down
one more question if what you say is true about the cyp ester then why does it have such a long ass detection time if it is falling out of the blood stream so rapily 3x faster than it intended use. that means that you should be clear of any drug test 3xs fast than what is said. CORRECT??
Not correct. You just want have the desired stable/high levels needed for bodybuilding
Brotha s I appreciate the time y'all put into ur responses.thanks for the good info....
I was just hoping to get away with as few shots a week as possible but without compromising hormone levels.
With the collective of information here's what im thinking...
600 mg a week.....mon fri....
300mg a week.... same days

Now here's what I can't decide...
Dbol or anadrol to kick start this bitch..

What y'all think?
Would u believe I have been cycling off and on for 20 years and have never tried anadrol.....
Done enough dbol to kill a cow though...
I was always told that drol was for hard gainers and since I wasn't one I just never messed with it but me and mr dbol have been buddies since back in the day

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