Taking the plunge... my 1st cycle

I thought about a kick start to my cycle... so I ending up getting Dbol tabs (105 10mg tabs) I wasn't sure on the kick start but it would be nice since it does take a few weeks for the Test to kick in. I would run Dbol for 4 weeks.

But doesn't Dbol aromatize quickly though when starting it? And at what dose would be good to go with for my natural gyno issue... 10mg, 15mg, 20mg ED? Plus wouldn't I need to run more Aromasin now having Dbol and the Test building up?
HulkSmashes said:
I thought about a kick start to my cycle... so I ending up getting Dbol tabs (105 10mg tabs) I wasn't sure on the kick start but it would be nice since it does take a few weeks for the Test to kick in. I would run Dbol for 4 weeks.

But doesn't Dbol aromatize quickly though when starting it? And at what dose would be good to go with for my natural gyno issue... 10mg, 15mg, 20mg ED? Plus wouldn't I need to run more Aromasin now having Dbol and the Test building up?
Dbol does aromatize so definitely hae more aromasin at the ready. 20mg per day will work well for your first time
20mg is good for your first Dbol dose.
I run Nolva and Aromasin together...but, as I mentioned before, I'm extremely gyno prone. It's a 1,2 punch.
tbonexl said:
Don't know why it was suggested to run a serm instead of an ai. Bitch tits aren't your only side with high e2. An ai manages e2 while a serm just keeps you from getting gyno. Still got high levels of estro...
tbonexlWell the Nolva or tamoxifen is the serm suggested by a few. Personally I feel I do better in a cycle using 20mg nolva ED and my ASin EOD or Adex ED at full dose (25mg and .5mg respectively)
HulkSmashes said:
So I've decided to go with 400mg/Wk of Test E. (Pin twice @ 200mg - Probably Monday and Thursday)

I'm kinda torn though... should I use Aromasin or Nolva for my natural gyno issue???? Or both??? Some of you guys say use Nolva, then some of you say use Aromasin, or some say both are good.

I know Nolva blocks gyno from happening, but what about controlling my estrogen? Isn't Nolva mainly used for PCT to help bring back LH/FSH you know help bring your "boys" back? So would this act like HCG a little bit then on a cycle?

Aromasin I know is good at keeping gyno away and its also good at controlling my estrogen. What about using both then???
My answer is both knowing you are gyno prone from puberty.
Thank you guys for all the good input. I'm still trying to decide whether or not to use the Dbol for a kick start. (My kick start with Dbol would be 20mg/ED) I guess I'm afraid of how fast Dbol converts to estrogen and how I might "balloon up" with bloat and then possibly get more bloat from the Test E when that kicks in.

My question is since I will be using Aromasin 12.5mg/EOD (Maybe ED, might have to play around with it) will that help keep the water/bloat down since the water/bloat comes from estrogen?
misterB said:
look it up guys, those long numbers are in testing on women, in Men its much shorter

make it easy for you

loll now start taking your aromasin like MisterB says
Go to phizer website for that in the prescribing section they have studies done with men that show we have the same reaction times as women no differance at.
Alright guys. So I thought everything out and I'm actually gonna skip the Dbol for a kick start and save it for a different time (I just don't want to risk turning into a balloon right now. Lol!). I did however adjust my Test E dose from 400mg/wk to 500mg/wk (Pinning 2x /wk).

As far as keeping my natural gyno at bay I have chosen to play it safe by using Nolva 10mg/ED and Aromasin 12.5mg/EoD. If I feel/see any itching, pain, swelling, puffiness I will adjust those doses..... Nolva 10mg/ED TO Nolva 20mg/ED. Aromasin 12.5mg/EoD TO Aromasin 12.5mg/ED. I do have Adex as a backup AI incase I really don't respond well with the Aromasin.

After I pin my 1st week when do (you guys with natural gyno like me) start to feel gyno tingling/flare ups? Is it right away? Or does that take a little while too like when the Test E. kicks in? On EG a lot of people say Test E. kicks in around the 4-6 weeks mark? That true, that long? I read around some other places and talked with a few friends and they were saying it kicks in around the 3rd week...

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