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ou can gain muscle mass by eating, lifting weights, and sleeping. That's basically what most people do, and they gain more muscles. However, some people find it challenging to put on muscle mass despite how hard they lift weights. The problem is their nutrition; they have no nutrition plan, and they eat as they like.
To gain muscle mass, you need to have a proper nutrition plan and keep your diet in check.
In this article, you'll learn what to consider when making a meal plan for muscle gain and the foods you should avoid when building muscles.
The body types are different in terms of muscle mass, probability of putting on weight, and general structure. However, not everyone can be specifically typified - these types are mixed.
Nutrition: Carbohydrate-heavy nutrition. An extra calorie is needed to build mass. The diet should include plenty of protein, good fats, and ole ty fruits and vegetables.
Nutrition: Increase carbohydrate intake during the day, and reduce carbohydrate consumption in the evening. The diet should include plenty of protein, good fats, and fruits and vegetables. Also, ensure to drink plenty of water.
Strict nutrition: (a diet low in carbohydrates and fat) is essential. This body type, on the other hand, requires a lot of protein for muscle building, as well as a lot of fruits and vegetables. Also, ensure to drink enough water too.
To gain muscle mass, you need to have a proper nutrition plan and keep your diet in check.
In this article, you'll learn what to consider when making a meal plan for muscle gain and the foods you should avoid when building muscles.
What to consider when making a meal plan for muscle gain
For your muscles to benefit from your diet, here are some things you should consider:Determine your body type
Your body type plays a vital role in determining how best your diet work on your muscle. In weight training, there are three body types:The ectomorph body type
(Hard gainer): A petite body with long limbs, low percent body fat, and slow weight gain.The endomorph body type
(Soft gainer): A round physique, fats gather quickly around the waist, hips, and thighs. Wide hips, primarily in women. Slow metabolism but fast muscle gains and fat deposits.The mesomorph body type:
Athletic body with broad shoulders, strong arms, and legs with a slim waist. High muscle mass with an athletic build. Fast results when building muscles.The body types are different in terms of muscle mass, probability of putting on weight, and general structure. However, not everyone can be specifically typified - these types are mixed.
Proper nutrition and training for your body type
The ectomorph body type/hard gainer
Training: You should focus more on weight training because endurance training makes you burn more calories. Naturally, this body type should focus on increasing muscle mass and flexibility. It would help if you were careful because ectomorphs quickly become over-exercised.Nutrition: Carbohydrate-heavy nutrition. An extra calorie is needed to build mass. The diet should include plenty of protein, good fats, and ole ty fruits and vegetables.
The mesomorph body type
Training: You should focus more on flexibility training for the muscles. This body type gets strong quickly, but its muscles and tendons are usually shorter than other body types.Nutrition: Increase carbohydrate intake during the day, and reduce carbohydrate consumption in the evening. The diet should include plenty of protein, good fats, and fruits and vegetables. Also, ensure to drink plenty of water.
The endomorph body type/soft gainer
Training: A mixture of weight training for building muscle and endurance training to combat excess weight and fats on the body. The endomorph body type rejuvenates quickly from exertion.Strict nutrition: (a diet low in carbohydrates and fat) is essential. This body type, on the other hand, requires a lot of protein for muscle building, as well as a lot of fruits and vegetables. Also, ensure to drink enough water too.