The 10 Worst Foods to avoid when building muscle


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I want to look at caloric intake through the bulking phase. We all know that everyone is different and will vary their diets accordingly. What do you guys feel are not things that should be varied? For instance: Macros: A fair standard has always been 40/40/20. Do you guys see this as set in stone? I think that most guys, especially those that are new struggle when it comes to consideration of their diet. I would like to get a dialog going so that anyone/everyone can chime in. If this goes well, in the Spring I will follow this up with” Eating for the Cutting Phase”.

Rather than providing some random numbers, I am going to use my own demographics for this. Also, I’m telling you all now, I am not the best when it comes to bulking, I struggle. I can Cut like a beast, anyone that has followed my logs can attest to this, and I function quite well on a low carb low calorie diet. Here is a pic from my last cut cycle, it ran from April 2022 through August 2022.

I will also be starting my bulking cycle in about a week and any input I get from you guys will be evaluated and some will be included in my cycle.

I am most interested in what you guys are doing and where you may deviate from the norm. So away we go!!

This is what I am looking at and the information that I am using to calculate my needs.

56 y/o Male – 5’6” current weight of 175 lbs. or 79 kg. very active (Cardio/Lifting 5-6 days/week/ yoga/1 day/week) and an active/physical job

BMR = 1611

RDI = appx 2800 calories to maintain current weight.

I am looking to hit 200 lbs. by the end of my bulking cycle, that means I need to add 25 lbs. Obviously I do not want to be a bucket of pudding and be 30% body fat. That would be easy, id just hit mcD’s 6-7 times a day. That’s not what I am shooting for. I am currently around 18%- that is an estimate, Ill be running calipers and military tape later this week to evaluate. I am gunning to maintain around 15-18% max BF so that when I start cutting, I will be in a good place.

I will be running my bulking phase for 12 – 16 weeks, end date will mostly be determined by my performance/ weight gain and body fat composition. I anticipate gaining 2-3 lbs a week (goal) so 12+ weeks 25 lbs. is attainable.

To put on 2 lbs. a week I am looking at around 3700 calories and 3 lbs. a week at 4200 calories. Based on this I will be running 370-420 gm/day protein/carbs (4.6 – 5.3 gm/kg) and 82-93g/fats. Seems high! What do you guys think?

Should I switch this up? My thought was to increase my carbs and run something like 50/35/15.

Keep in mind, this is currently a living document and over the next week or two with you guys input, there will be some modifications. At the end if 85% of you agree then that is the direction that I will run my diet for my cycle.

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