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The real deal with HGH


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The real deal with HGH
October 15, 2014 By John Doe

Everywhere you look now, someone is talking about the benefits of HGH.

People are talking about improved sleep, better looking skin, more energy, and increased energy and sexual function with HGH therapy.

We hear of men and women using HGH at just 1-2iu’s a day and benefiting from it, and we hear of bodybuilders taking as much as 20iu’s a day and making DRASTIC changes in hyperplasia(development of new muscle tissue) and muscle growth.

This fountain of youth drug sounds like the best thing since a slice of bread. But there is a lot about HGH you may not know about. There is a dark side to HGH that isn’t all peaches and cream.

When I first used HGH about 10 years ago I used a brand called Kexing. Kexing was a 192aa and not a 191aa, and a lot of people claimed it was no good because of that. Well that was false, it worked pretty decent for myself as well as the guy I got it from(who was a monster and had been using HGH for several years).

I ran it for about 4 months and then switched over to a brand called Hygetropin. These were the unlabeled brown tops that were the originals when Hyges first hit the scene. They were stronger than hell and worked very well.

Here is where I fucked up; I took my dosage too high too fast.

You need to ramp up dosages with HGH very slow, you don’t want to start off using 8 iu’s/day. The proper way to use HGH would be to start off with 2-3iu’s/day for a solid month, then try to go to 4 iu’s/day for another month, then ramp up to 6 iu’s/day another month, etc etc.

I decided that I would go from the 4 iu’s/day of Kexing I was using to 8 iu’s/day of Hygetropin. I did this for a week and I was fine. But everything that happens with HGH is based on what you did the week prior, and once those levels built up my body reacted in a very bad way.

I felt like I had the flu, and I couldn’t even eat half a banana. I had no taste for food at all, and this was on a trip to Florida. My stomach felt like a rag that was constantly being churned and twisted. I had bloating and gas that would make a dog leave the room. I’m talking about nasty gas that I couldn’t control that smelled like sulfur.

This trip was the most miserable trip of my life, and the worst part is there was nothing I could do other than ride it out and let the levels come back down when they were ready to.

I was in a hotel room on my trip and vomited. I’m not talking normal vomiting, I mean like projectile, exorcist style vomiting. I wanted to take a gun to my head I felt so rotten.

I came off the HGH for a few days, and then got smart and took my dosage back down to 3-4iu’s/day for a good while. I used the HGH for a total of about 6 months my first go around, and my muscles were denser looking and much bigger.

I didn’t need to use as many anabolics during this time either. The synergistic effect between the HGH and the little bit of gear I was on was enough to put me into some new growth.

Now, honestly I felt like absolute shit the entire time I was using it. I was not motivated to train, I was sleepy as hell pretty much 24/7, and the hand numbness became very annoying (another side effect of HGH). I didn’t touch HGH again for several years.

My next bout of HGH was about 4-5 years ago, and I started with Riptropins and then went to using Keffei blue tops and a brand called Asunme. Again I had some pretty good results, and I didn’t go above 6 iu’s/day.

I would run it as many days in a row as I could stand, and then take a couple days off. I felt much better the days off, not so tired. I believe my muscles looked denser while using it, similar to the first time. I may have lost some bodyfat, but nothing that was miraculous. I slept deeper and my skin did look better on my face.

Was it anything that was worth $1000? FUCK NO!!!

I got to the point with bodybuilding that I stopped looking at physiques that were morphed and cartoonish looking and began aspiring to look more like the bodies of the 1960’s and 1970’s. I started seeing the direction the stomachs were going and the waistlines and decided that I was not a fan of modern day bodybuilding.

It was so bad that competitors not only had these huge pregnant looking guts, they couldn’t even control their midsections on stage like they needed to in order to pose or try to hide it. The last of the great bodybuilders IMO was the Kevin Levrone/Shawn Ray/Flex Wheeler era. And I’m pretty sure HGH was being used to SOME DEGREE, but not like today.

I am glad that I never stayed consistent with it because my waistline didn’t take the hit from it. My midsection didn’t take the hit from it either, and my physique has remained closer to the type of body I find appealing.

Now, I AM NOT SAYING THERE IS NO BENEFIT TO USING HGH, but I’d have to say it depends on how you’re using it. IMO high dose and prolonged usage of HGH will absolutely destroy a physique and cause irreversible damage.

Abusing this drug will destroy the facial structure of a person, as well as the cranium. I’ve seen guys go from a handsome and chiseled looking face, to that of a mutated freak.

HGH is a great way for a guy to eat more garbage and stay lean. The days of discipline and working hard are pretty much over if you’re using enough HGH.

With enough HGH it really doesn’t matter as much if the diet is clean or not, just get enough protein and Burger King 3x/day is ok. This makes it much easier to get up to 275 lbs and stay fairly lean, if you don’t mind a gigantic GH gut and a Frankenstein head.

Get ready to go up a size or 2 in sneakers too, because your feet may grow more.
Day to day functioning on high doses of HGH will be very difficult. You may find yourself feeling like a zombie, not thinking clearly, lazy as hell, and so tired that you don’t even feel safe driving your damn car at times.

There were times when I would have to pull the car over and have my wife drive because I was too exhausted. This lethargy can affect many things, including work performance and comprehension. This was when I said this shit wasn’t worth it.

HOWEVER, for someone in their mid 30’s and older, who has REAL HGH, it can be beneficial when used PROPERLY. When I say used properly, I’m talking just a couple units a day. To use HGH to try to actually grow, the side effects were so nasty that I didn’t think it was worth it.

Something else about HGH is sometimes you almost have to eat a little dirty.

It has a tendency to lower your blood sugar and make you feel hypoglycemic from time to time, so often times a cheeseburger is actually more beneficial than a skinless chicken breast. But guys get carried away with it, they eat massive amounts of junk.

But you may have to throw in a little on occasion. The other side to it is if you already have blood sugar issues, HGH can cause the opposite effect and raise it.

This is a reason I can no longer use it even if I wanted to, I have issues with glucose already so taking HGH isn’t a good idea for me.

Another issue nowadays is the legitimacy of HGH and knowing that what you have is real and dosed properly. This makes trying to even run it at a replacement dosage difficult.

What you think may be 2iu’s is really a half unit.You may have just purchased 8 kits of HGH and you’re only getting the equivalent of 3 kits. Congrats, you just blew a bunch of money for very little benefit.

You definitely want to make sure your HGH is very real and most generics just aren’t real. Pharm grade HGH is what you want, something like norditropin or humatropin. These are very expensive but you know what you’re getting.

Generic HGH is a crap shoot nowadays, and the only way to know if it’s decent is to have it tested or have a good level of trust with your source.

Something else about HGH people don’t consider is the effects on the pituitary gland. If you take too much testosterone or use it for too long your nuts quit producing test, well the same holds true for HGH. Your own pituitary stops making HGH or produces much less from that point forward, so you might be worse off than before you started.

The upside to HGH is the results don’t just go away like they do when you stop using steroids. It seems to be muscle that stays with you much longer, since the HGH actually made new muscle cells, where steroids just made bigger cells.

So if there is any benefit to it, that is one of them. With that being said, I have found injuries to be more common with HGH, since there is new muscle cells, but since they are new they are not as strong and established yet. I always found higher reps to be more beneficial with HGH use, since they were just safer.

The development of secretagogue’s is really the new thing with increasing levels of IGF-1 and HGH in the body. The science behind them is they don’t shut down the pituitary after use since they simply activated it more, and the body did not detect them as an exogenous source of growth that wants to bind to whatever tissues it can.

So unlike HGH, the gut growth isn’t going to happen. HGH will bind to any receptors it can, including the organs and intestines, not just the muscles.

Secretagogues such as Sermorelin, CJC-1295, CJC-1293, and Hexarelin don not do this. They can be manufactured cheaper than HGH, and seem to be more readily available.

To be totally honest with you guys, I’d put my money on secretagogue’s over HGH now. HGH is way too much of a crap shoot nowadays, and pharm grade HGH is just far too expensive.

Unless you become friends with someone who has AIDS and wants to sell you their HGH kits, I’d personally go with the CJC’s or Sermorelin runs myself. This is the next step for me anyways, since I can’t even use HGH if I wanted to, because of my glucose issues.

I wrote an article called the “20 wk HGH/IGF-1/Insulin blast” awhile back. I talked about a 20 wk run of HGH/IGF-1, and insulin, with the insulin and IGF-1 used in 4 week blocks.

If you were to do something like this and had REAL HGH then I would run it. Just a couple iu’s a day of REAL HGH, and then come in with the IGF-1 and insulin. But to use several iu’s/day of HGH for years, not me.

You may disagree with me here, and that is fine. I’m speaking from my own experiences here, I did not feel good on higher amounts of HGH. It’s very easy to feel like you need to use this stuff with all the talk on HGH the past few years, but this is no miracle drug.

You have to go through some serious $$$$$ and living hell to get some mass from HGH. It was a commitment that I didn’t think was worth it myself. That is why my talk on HGH on here is very limited, I just don’t place much emphasis on it like everyone else does.

If you think you need to have HGH, go pull up some pictures of Arnold, Serge Nubret, Frank Zane, or Franco Columbo. You might change your mind.

I will have more talk on Secretagogues in the near future. I will share my personal experiences with them when I use them.

But to sum all of this up, does HGH have it’s benefits when used in proper amounts as a form of replacement, and when using REAL pharm grade HGH?


Is it worth running a bunch of different generics to find something legit, spending thousands of dollars, and walking around pregnant looking for 20-30 more lbs of muscle?


Stay safe, train hard!!!!


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