The Test-flu...Real or Myth


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Im back to normal now...but...I pinned 1 ml of EGH Prop200 and I got one the worst case of test-flu I have had in a while. Body ached and was sensitive. Felt dizzy and lethargic. Chills and hot flashes. Wife thought I was full of shit and was trying to get out of some work that was needing to be done around the house. I was trying to tell that test-flu is real but really couldn't explain why it happens.

So many have had it? And to your understanding...why does it occur?
never had it but many swear they have.
I pinned my buddy a few months back, his first pin ever(tri test) and my boy got the flu....bad. He was fine after a couple weeks though. I told him to suck it up and it's a right of passage. I have never had it my self but I have seen it so I think it's real.
I've never had it but i do know a few people that say they got it while using QV products years ago
I have gotten it a handful times. It seems that its only occurs when I use prop. Last nites was the first time i had it in over a year.
I notice it happens the most when too much hormone enters the bloodstream at one time. Like if you nic a vein and catch bleeder or if you pin in an area that gets pinned a lot you have more blood vessels there to help heal the traumatized are better. The oil will seep into the blood faster.

You may need to give heavily pinned areas a break for a month or two before going back.
Oh yes, it's real. I've had it, back in the days when I used to run 1.5gms+ Test/week, usually subsided after about a week or a little more.
Never had it before. Maybe some people just get the regular flu when there on their cycle and just assume its from the Test??? Guys only certain people get it.
Like I said, I only got it when I ran high dose. I know other's who have also. It's not really influenza per se, just similar symptoms.
Z82 said:
I notice it happens the most when too much hormone enters the bloodstream at one time. Like if you nic a vein and catch bleeder or if you pin in an area that gets pinned a lot you have more blood vessels there to help heal the traumatized are better. The oil will seep into the blood faster.

You may need to give heavily pinned areas a break for a month or two before going back.
That sounds plausible. Plus I've been pinning my quads (alternating each pin). Think I may start hitting my delts and give my quads a break!
Hanzo said:
Like I said, I only got it when I ran high dose. I know other's who have also. It's not really influenza per se, just similar symptoms.
I'm going to run 1.5G of test when I start my HGH this week
I felt like I got it when I first started. Symptoms went away after a week or so. I started with Sustanon and felt like shit the whole time I was on it. Don't know if it was a coincidence or test flu, either way wasn't fun.
Hanzo said:
That's interesting, I've never came across that in my research. Which ester are you using?
Test E. It uses more of each steroid you use. Came from a Well know Vet that has been running GH for Years.
5'8 215lbs 10% bf. I already know where this is going. Yes this is to much test for my body weight. But the GH is suppose to use it unlike running test alone at 1.5g it would be a waste bc your body won't use tht much.
Hanzo said:
Waste of $, IMO. Ask TS for his opinion.
higher test definitely will yield better results in overall mass, if things are done right. Those at high levels will say that higher test is needed at higher weight classes and to maintain that size, and even to stay looking full for those who have problems in that area. Not necessary for all or even anyone unless they're at or heading for a higher level, but its definitely not a waste if used correctly
4everstrong said:
I was told HGH uses more of the Test than running Test with no HGH.
Nothing has ever been shown to prove hgh utilizes more test. The myth that high test REQUIRES HGH to not be wasted is definitely a myth. Higher test will produce more results regardless. Now, if the benefits outweigh the sides that the individual encounters is entirely up to them. You will see more gains on high test with hgh than without, but that's most likely simply because you're adding HGH, not necessarily that the test is being utilized more efficiently. Now, no one can necessarily disprove it, but HGH and testosterone are entirely different hormones working through entirely different pathways. But, that being said, you will still have excellent gains with 1.5g test and HGH, although with the stats you could definitely do damage on much less test.

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