The Test-flu...Real or Myth

That's why I said IMO, AJ. I couldn't be a competitive BB'er if I wanted, don't have the genetics. I'll stick with being a fighter. ;D
Hanzo said:
That's why I said IMO, AJ. I couldn't be a competitive BB'er if I wanted, don't have the genetics. I'll stick with being a fighter. ;D
HanzoHahah I gotcha man, just spreading wisdom from oz 😛 yeah for the average gym rat or fighters in your instance or anything like that, even in sports, that high test is useless. Only helpful in reaching inhuman muscularity or strength in some individuals. Aka genetic freaks and people who have REALLY put in the time and work, or are still in the process.
ajordana said:
Hahah I gotcha man, just spreading wisdom from oz 😛 yeah for the average gym rat or fighters in your instance or anything like that, even in sports, that high test is useless. Only helpful in reaching inhuman muscularity or strength in some individuals. Aka genetic freaks and people who have REALLY put in the time and work, or are still in the process.
ajordanain time I 'might' go into those doses BUT such a long journey before that..
ajordana said:
higher test definitely will yield better results in overall mass, if things are done right. Those at high levels will say that higher test is needed at higher weight classes and to maintain that size, and even to stay looking full for those who have problems in that area. Not necessary for all or even anyone unless they're at or heading for a higher level, but its definitely not a waste if used correctlyNothing has ever been shown to prove hgh utilizes more test. The myth that high test REQUIRES HGH to not be wasted is definitely a myth. Higher test will produce more results regardless. Now, if the benefits outweigh the sides that the individual encounters is entirely up to them. You will see more gains on high test with hgh than without, but that's most likely simply because you're adding HGH, not necessarily that the test is being utilized more efficiently. Now, no one can necessarily disprove it, but HGH and testosterone are entirely different hormones working through entirely different pathways. But, that being said, you will still have excellent gains with 1.5g test and HGH, although with the stats you could definitely do damage on much less test.
How much test do you suggest?
Simple answer: High testosterone reduces your immune systems response making men more susceptible to the flu virus.

Long answer: testosterone reduces levels of certain transcription factors (regulatory proteins) that ordinarily prevent Module 52 genes from “turning on.” In other words, higher testosterone levels result in more Module 52 expression. Several Module 52 genes have known immune-system connections; activation of one of these genes, for example, results in the accelerated differentiation of cells whose job it is to suppress, rather than foster, immune response.
4everstrong said:
How much test do you suggest?
4everstrongdepends on your aas history, brotha. I've personally yet to go over 1gram and I still make consistent gains and hold a lot of mass, and on my first GH run at the moment, still in the beginning of it. I wouldn't go over 800-1000mg until you really feel you can't grow on that with an added 500-700 of another anabolic during grow season. More compounds and total dosage will be needed while preppinf for stage if you plan on that, though, to come in diced and still hold your mass.
GRIM said:
in time I 'might' go into those doses BUT such a long journey before that..
GRIMI catch your drift, grimace. As long as you're growing and morphing don't up the dose. You can only grow so much at a time O0

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