Morrey, I know you are younger than a lot of us, especially the ones that will up and answer this question. We will always promote responsible use first. This is a slippery slope when wanting to promote responsible aas usage because Realistically your on/off time should be close to equal, Practically we all know that off time gets cut in half, Ultimately its your body and you'll do what you want. That isn't going to be a popular answer with most.
Now that said, I understand you desire to be a bodybuilder. To me, one who aspires to do this sport finds discipline and motivation through all situations. Whether on gear or off, whether offseason or contest time. To me, that determines a whole different need for aas and scheduling is substantially different. In other words, if you are so fuking serious about bodybuilding that you eat, breath, sleep and live it 24/7 then your gonna be on gear all the time in some way shape or form. You mourn lost gym time and make it up without excuse. You carry food with you anywhere you go so you are prepared to stay on top of your nutrition. You even piss off grandma cause you bring chicken and rice to thanksgiving dinner. You put your bodybuilding goals before any other goal in your life, sometimes even forsaking the people in your life. Your rest time is rest time, an going out isn't even on the radar. Every ounce of your being is striving towards the goal of adding muscle and staying lean. If you are there, stay on. If not, time on = time off.