Time between cycles


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
How much time do you guys take off between cycles? or how long are your cruises between blasts?
I have been off everything for about 3 weeks now. I havent lost any weight yet but i feel so unmotivated to lift and cant wait to hop back on
usually time on = time off.
but most noobz don't follow that rule
Damn i dont want to wait that long :'( lol
I feel like all the really BIG guys are on for longer than that
Agreed..........nobody likes to sit and watch the calendar, but, that's part of the game. Those that blast and cruise, tend to cruise a little less than the blast. But, that depends on the size of the blast.
Morrey, I know you are younger than a lot of us, especially the ones that will up and answer this question. We will always promote responsible use first. This is a slippery slope when wanting to promote responsible aas usage because Realistically your on/off time should be close to equal, Practically we all know that off time gets cut in half, Ultimately its your body and you'll do what you want. That isn't going to be a popular answer with most.

Now that said, I understand you desire to be a bodybuilder. To me, one who aspires to do this sport finds discipline and motivation through all situations. Whether on gear or off, whether offseason or contest time. To me, that determines a whole different need for aas and scheduling is substantially different. In other words, if you are so fuking serious about bodybuilding that you eat, breath, sleep and live it 24/7 then your gonna be on gear all the time in some way shape or form. You mourn lost gym time and make it up without excuse. You carry food with you anywhere you go so you are prepared to stay on top of your nutrition. You even piss off grandma cause you bring chicken and rice to thanksgiving dinner. You put your bodybuilding goals before any other goal in your life, sometimes even forsaking the people in your life. Your rest time is rest time, an going out isn't even on the radar. Every ounce of your being is striving towards the goal of adding muscle and staying lean. If you are there, stay on. If not, time on = time off.
Listen to what we speak of !!! This last cycle I actually had to abruptly stop twice, it was more like 2 months that I was off, but at different times. So I couldn't really benefit off my cycle. This is gonna be the 3rd week on and after I finish this cycle there's one more and then it's off time for me. Yea I know it sucks, and yea I know ur body seems to respond better when u know u have anabolics running thru it, but the body needs time to rest . Me personally , I hate to miss the gym, if it was up to me I would go 7 days a week, but then I would burn out. So yea ur body needs time to rest !! Ull be in better shape in the long run bro !!! Stay focused , it's worth it when ur blowing everyone else in the gym out the water or at whatever u do !!!
RockShawn said:
Morrey, I know you are younger than a lot of us, especially the ones that will up and answer this question. We will always promote responsible use first. This is a slippery slope when wanting to promote responsible aas usage because Realistically your on/off time should be close to equal, Practically we all know that off time gets cut in half, Ultimately its your body and you'll do what you want. That isn't going to be a popular answer with most.

Now that said, I understand you desire to be a bodybuilder. To me, one who aspires to do this sport finds discipline and motivation through all situations. Whether on gear or off, whether offseason or contest time. To me, that determines a whole different need for aas and scheduling is substantially different. In other words, if you are so fuking serious about bodybuilding that you eat, breath, sleep and live it 24/7 then your gonna be on gear all the time in some way shape or form. You mourn lost gym time and make it up without excuse. You carry food with you anywhere you go so you are prepared to stay on top of your nutrition. You even piss off grandma cause you bring chicken and rice to thanksgiving dinner. You put your bodybuilding goals before any other goal in your life, sometimes even forsaking the people in your life. Your rest time is rest time, an going out isn't even on the radar. Every ounce of your being is striving towards the goal of adding muscle and staying lean. If you are there, stay on. If not, time on = time off.
Thanks Rock. I think this is the answer i was looking for. I already knew it I just needed a vet to tell me
Torres said:
Listen to what we speak of !!! This last cycle I actually had to abruptly stop twice, it was more like 2 months that I was off, but at different times. So I couldn't really benefit off my cycle. This is gonna be the 3rd week on and after I finish this cycle there's one more and then it's off time for me. Yea I know it sucks, and yea I know ur body seems to respond better when u know u have anabolics running thru it, but the body needs time to rest . Me personally , I hate to miss the gym, if it was up to me I would go 7 days a week, but then I would burn out. So yea ur body needs time to rest !! Ull be in better shape in the long run bro !!! Stay focused , it's worth it when ur blowing everyone else in the gym out the water or at whatever u do !!!
Thanks for the input man
The rule of thumb is time on equals time off, but I have talked to an ifbb pro and a couple guys other that compete and they tell me that they usually only take 4-6 weeks off between cycles. They told me that is ample time for your receptors to clear.
are you including pct as time on or time off?
RockShawn said:
To me pct is time off. Some guys include pct in the time on though. Good question. Why does everyone think?
RockShawnpct is off to me
PCT is POST Cycle Therapy. If you're doing it during cycle, then it's not PCT
TSizemore said:
PCT is POST Cycle Therapy. If you're doing it during cycle, then it's not PCT
This is true and if it is post cycle then it should be considered time off.
I've never considered pct part of time off. Ive always heard of time on = time off but that's more of a bro science. I take labs before starting get all base line numbers. I run my pct and then wait two or three weeks and have blood drawn. Ill do that until I know I've recovered. This cycle has been a very long one and I know ill recover much faster then time on. This is what works for me but everyone's body is different hell some guys don't ever recover
I don't consider pct time off cause ur still playing w your hormones I consider time off when u are taking absolutely nothing and your night trying to jump start things

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