tne... hmmm i don't know


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
ok ..i've done 2 doses of TNE... first one i shot in my thigh with a slin pin and didn't go deep enough and it hurts pretty good 2 days later... the next i did with mt regular needles and it's much better, but still a little sore. is this the norm for TNE? is my bod not liking the guiacol?

and i'm not sure yet if it's worth the extra pinning during the week before workouts? i already pin about 3 times a week on this latest blast.. plus pinning peptides sub q daily...
Im not much on tne myself. No pain for me, definitely smells potent as fuck, but I don't feel much of anything from it myself.
Everybody has a different reaction to TNE , that I've seen. Don't know about pinning it ED pre workout, but some stick by that. I for one did see a boost in stamina at the gym than anything else tbh. As for the reports of anything else , can't respond cuz it really never did that for me to a major degree . And for me it wasn't an ED thing .
I gotta say I love it, if I'm tired TNE gives me a kick in the ass and I don't wanna stop training. I really don't even want to train without it. I guess I'm one of those individuals that get a strong reaction to it.
i'm gonna give it a few more tries... but only pin it on my heavier workout days.

do you guys use while you cruising on test?
I have only done TNE in water and that stuff hurt pretty good for a few days after. I was pinning it twice a day too so I only did it for one cycle cause I was hit up with pain and lumps from it, I will say the gains from it were great but it didnt offset the cons. I have yet to try TNE in oil but I am in no rush to try it.
I have found that If I use TNE multiple times per week post workout it loses its efficiency. For me only when I am not into it I will use. I use a 5/8 27G pin ONLY in my delts Then I wash the Injection area.
TNE never hurt me that bad. Didnt really feel much but im used to mtr. I use slin pin in the pec. .5ml in each pec with no pain. 1ml in one pec hurt like a bitch.
I pin about 1.5 ml right in the ass. And wait about an hr.
I do not use it more then once a week. Usually on my chest day. Which is today. It for sure puts me in animal mode.
I always pin my delts as well to...I do agree that the more you use it the less potency it has ... I use it for a big bang when im not wanting to work out... It does seem to have a lil bite to it too...Goes away in about 5 min though... I love it mixed with some dbol!!!
JM750 said:
I pin about 1.5 ml right in the ass. And wait about an hr.
I do not use it more then once a week. Usually on my chest day. Which is today. It for sure puts me in animal mode.
This is what I do JM, I only use it 1 or 2 times a week on heavy days.
mine has PIP for 2-3 days now? am i just not agreeing with the guiacol solvent?... i have been spoiled recently by relatively pain free so this kinda sucks...
krustus said:
mine has PIP for 2-3 days now? am i just not agreeing with the guiacol solvent?... i have been spoiled recently by relatively pain free so this kinda sucks...
krustusmight just be getting used to it?
I pin my tne in the bathroom and 2 or 3 hrs later, I can still smell it! LOL
yeah that could be it grim... i'm gonna give it a few more tries... if i don't get an obvious boost. it wont be worth it, but i'll give it an honest attempt.

and JM i fucked up a shot full and shot it down the sink it has stank up the whole my wife does not understand
krustus said:
mine has PIP for 2-3 days now? am i just not agreeing with the guiacol solvent?... i have been spoiled recently by relatively pain free so this kinda sucks...
krustusDid you get deep into the muscle? If you don't, that stuff will burn for a couple of days as it is absorbed SubQ
krustus said:
and JM i fucked up a shot full and shot it down the sink it has stank up the whole my wife does not understand
Yea, that shit has a distinct smell. If it matters, I'm using Digitals tne.
Imma TNE addict. The smell and taste are awesome to me. I was running 75 mg /25mg dbol ED for several weeks. Rico has great TNE. Lol

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