tne... hmmm i don't know

krustus said:
mine has PIP for 2-3 days now? am i just not agreeing with the guiacol solvent?... i have been spoiled recently by relatively pain free so this kinda sucks...
Krustus I cant use anything with glycol in it...just does not agree with my body. I get like eraser to dime size black/blue/red mark where I pin and just feel like I want to puke. Halo has really done me good as a preworkout-using Drakes and loving it gives me energy and stregth with little crash.
tsize... the first shot wasn't deep enough (tried a slin pin)... but the secound i used 1.5" ... it's not near as bad as the other but it is more pip than i thought...

maybe i'm same as you wacker ... may have to look into halo.. thanks bro.
I like TNE but it can be a hit and miss thing for me. Sometimes it makes me feel like a beast, sometimes not so much. I think it's best used only a couple times a week personally for me. But like wacko said, I was using drak halo pre and it is nice.
ok... under the advice of a good friend i tried shooting in the delt... (was using thigh) ..but i must be allergic or something to the solvent (guiacol.. i think..) as the moment i shot it in i started swelling at that spot and hurting... still pretty bad pain now..

so i'm gonna sell the rest of the stash to a friend.

i see erik (chem muscle) sells with no guiacol... have any of you use it?
I have TNE on order and she be in soon. I can relate to the pain everyone describes. Sounds like when I first ran prop. That first quad injection was a bitch the next day. I seore I got shot by a 44 right in the leg. I tried heating it ... no help ... tried cutting it with oil ... no help. But Fter every use the pain was lessening and my body got used to it. In addition to the pain I had test flu every 3 dayd. But once my blood levrls settled doen it was all good. So with that in mind I'm hoping TNE will be the same and will have to man up thru the pain.
Anyone use it prior to getting laid?
No but I will...with the oil based TNE the kick-in takes about 2 hours and lsst about 8. soon as it comes in I will inject about 2 hours before a house party we are going to attend and lets see what happens. I hear that when your test levels spike that it releases pheromones that will have the ladies a buzzin. We eill se!
I use TNE 3x a week and can say I love the stuff. I hardly get any pain from it in the shoulders. I do if I hit the quads. As for before sex I have tried it but it doesn't do anything really. That I noticed anyway. I have got to where I shot 1.5 ml 3x a week and get great pumps some so good that my arms feel like the skin is going to rip in half or I should cut it to release the blood.
I used it 7 weeks straight Alphas 100mg per ml only on chest day Injected 1 ml with a 23g 1" pin into the delt. I love the smell and taste. I didn't think it did anything for me however my first chest workout without I realized it did. I wasn't the same animal..... I always had pip for a few days but it was manageable....

I had best results one hour as I was doing towards the end of my cycle

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