Trap shots



Any one here do trap shots? Im just curious. Ive been shooting into my trap lately
Yea I do, traps and lats both... which a lot of peeps dont do. but with the PIP on prop, for me these muscles dont effect my day when theyre tore up from injections. Like my quads.... man I hate having a limp when I am on my feet all day lol
Ill do chest shots too, but traps feel goofy. they dont hurt its just harder to get a pin in it feels like
I do trap shots too. The only thing with them is sometimes my neck with tense up and or spasm, like twitch while im shooting. They dont hurt but when that happens its kinda freaky. My wife was pushing in 3ccs of gear in my trap one time and my neck tensed up and started twitching and she freaked out and pulled the pin out half way through, that was the first time that had happened. I was like why did you do that for now you got to poke me again in the neck!! So not only did my neck have 3ccs of gear in it I also had 2 holes in my trap and 2 little bandaids.

I love lat shots though. And chest shots are good too but if you put a few ccs in you can tell cause it feels like you have a golf ball in your chest muscle.
fuck traps, lats, calves, chest, tri's' and bi's....... I ain't man enough for that shit. Glutes, quads, delts are my spots for now.
Kuntrykok said:
fuck traps, lats, calves, chest, tri's' and bi's....... I ain't man enough for that shit. Glutes, quads, delts are my spots for now.
I'm with you. Scares the shit outta me. I heard never to do calves, never ever. I'm not even flexible enough to reach my lats (which is a whole problem in and of itself) tricep, maybe.
lats, just lift up your arm, put your hand behind your head, pin from the front while looking in a mirror, simple, painless. Do pullups.

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decided to pin 1.25 mls of my tren mast honey in my left trap(havent pinned there in a while, feels like someone is gripping the pressure point in it. still wont keep me from walkin normal though
decided to pin 1.25 mls of my tren mast honey in my left trap(havent pinned there in a while, feels like someone is gripping the pressure point in it. still wont keep me from walkin normal though
LOL. My head is cocked to one side but dammit I'm not limping.
LOL not gonna lie, feels like I got shanked with a shiv
RockShawn said:
decided to pin 1.25 mls of my tren mast honey in my left trap(havent pinned there in a while, feels like someone is gripping the pressure point in it. still wont keep me from walkin normal though
LOL. My head is cocked to one side but dammit I'm not limping.
giving head is gonna be a bit ackward
There's just too many ways to go with the direction this thread is going!! Lol!!! 🙂 ROTFL!
So after i pinned my thick as honey mast tren.... it hurt.... then I went to the gym to do shoulders and it really fucking hurt for the first few sets, I mean after each set I had my fist balled, teeth grinding and wanted to PUNCH OUT EVERY FUCKING WINDOW IN THAT GYM.... but it went away after a few exercises and now it feels great 🙂 so my advice is pin in the traps as much as possible, you won't regret it. lol
So after i pinned my thick as honey mast tren.... it hurt.... then I went to the gym to do shoulders and it really fucking hurt for the first few sets, I mean after each set I had my fist balled, teeth grinding and wanted to PUNCH OUT EVERY FUCKING WINDOW IN THAT GYM.... but it went away after a few exercises and now it feels great 🙂 so my advice is pin in the traps as much as possible, you won't regret it. lol
Report back in 24 hours please!!!
colochine said:
So after i pinned my thick as honey mast tren.... it hurt.... then I went to the gym to do shoulders and it really fucking hurt for the first few sets, I mean after each set I had my fist balled, teeth grinding and wanted to PUNCH OUT EVERY FUCKING WINDOW IN THAT GYM.... but it went away after a few exercises and now it feels great 🙂 so my advice is pin in the traps as much as possible, you won't regret it. lol
Report back in 24 hours please!!!

On my list to try one day... How many cc can it take? I think id only start with 1/2 a cc
It wasn't bad Bro, after my workout it subsided and didn't fuck with me at all

Sent from my SGH-T769 using Tapatalk 2

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