Traveling with gear

Going for competiton overseas there are many tricks but most of the top guys have it sent to them and ready by the time they get there. It is shipped to them by priority mail/express mail all depends (not talking about usps here).. to a specified addy at the location they travel to. It is not shipped by bunch of kidos such as what you see on various boards,,it is shipped by major suppliers with top notch names in the business, major suppliers in europe/east europe and asia. It is shipped from within the specified location many times or from near by country/state.

Some places everything is legal...some everything works according to that...but most of us know the guys for long time and we are top notch clients which mean the amount we spend on hormones is enough for them to buy house with.
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Going for competiton overseas there are many tricks but most of the top guys have it sent to them and ready by the time they get there. It is shipped to them by priority mail/express mail all depends (not talking about usps here).. to a specified addy at the location they travel to. It is not shipped by bunch of kidos such as what you see on various boards,,it is shipped by major suppliers with top notch names in the business, major suppliers in europe/east europe and asia. It is shipped from within the specified location many times or from near by country/state.

Some places everything is legal...some everything works according to that...but most of us know the guys for long time and we are top notch clients which mean the amount we spend on hormones is enough for them to buy house with.
01dragonslayer@01dragonslayer This is exactly right. I don't deal with these items but we can move $90k luxury items to US and get customs clearance before arrival - just shuttled through, 3-5 days tops across the world. But if I tried to move a kilo of powder the same way it would be game over. You either have connections or you play the game of chance. Either way you're going to lose money or product once in a while.
Going for competiton overseas there are many tricks but most of the top guys have it sent to them and ready by the time they get there. It is shipped to them by priority mail/express mail all depends (not talking about usps here).. to a specified addy at the location they travel to. It is not shipped by bunch of kidos such as what you see on various boards,,it is shipped by major suppliers with top notch names in the business, major suppliers in europe/east europe and asia. It is shipped from within the specified location many times or from near by country/state.

Some places everything is legal...some everything works according to that...but most of us know the guys for long time and we are top notch clients which mean the amount we spend on hormones is enough for them to buy house with.
01dragonslayerThey have connections that most don't.
They have connections that most don't.
ThorThis whole industry just fascinates me. I find it so interesting how it all works and how one begins to know who, or how, to develop those types of relationships and connections. One of my big hesitations with starting any type of aas use was the worry of what if I start and then somewhere down the road am no longer able to source the drugs I need or want. Want if the boards go away, what if the quality sources dry up, what if I become dependent on the drug use in order to maintain my build or my athletic performance and then am left not being able to get access to it any longer. So I have always been so curious how one can make the decision to become a professional bodybuilder and be absolutely 100% sure that you will ALWAYS be able to have access to everything you need to be successful. If their access to drugs went away,, so does their career. So howcome i worry about always having a source and they can be so certain that they always will? Because let's be real, for me or you not having access to 1 or 2 compounds is no big deal. But we know those guys require excessive amounts of everything in order to stay the size or shape they are. So without sounding odd, its just always fascinated me how that component of this world works. For me, all I know is sourcing some goods from a UGL on a board like this. But for them, I'm sure it looks totally different. In the past I've had guys tell me that the pros are on boards like these or that some of the top sources we know on here also have extensive client lists that consist of pro bodybuilders and athletes. But I feel that their success and livelihood in their field is too important to rely just on a source board like the average Joe. Is it that once you get so far in the sport, you get introduced to a whole different world of people buying and producing drugs explicitly for the top elite? Like the WWE or something as example, make it so far as a wrestler and then you get introduced to the in house chemist who buys the raws and brews for the athletes? Some also say that the pros primarily brew their own goods, as to not have to rely in online sources, etc. Home brewing has always been intriguing to me but i just know nothing about it and am too scared to buy raw powder overseas. i guess that works just like buying the finished product on a board, with time and reviews you come to know what manufacturer has quality product and a good shipping system as to stay under the radar. Just fascinates me, the inner working of the underground. Part of me feels like yeah ok everyone is using different boards like these and some of the same well reputed sources. But the other part knows there must be something bigger, that someone like me will never experience. As mentioned above, my #1 fear was that I start and then one day can no longer find a place to get my drugs from. After I already crossed over and changed my lifestyle, not being able to continue was always fear #1. Because if the boards all got shut down or some new internet regulation came out, I wouldn't know where to go. Some of you on here, or some of the admins and mods across the boards seem to know some of the UGLs personally, which is great since you would still have a line of connection even without the internet. But that is not my case. Some may be familiar with the dark web or dark net, but I never took the time to learn that component of things. Sorry for my novel here, but yeah, I just always get intrigued about what consists in the true underground world of this sport and industry that I will never have the opportunity to know. Its just cool, thats all lol
01 - by major suppliers, you refering to well reputed UGLs like we have around on some boards that have been doing business with said client for a period of time?
01 - by major suppliers, you refering to well reputed UGLs like we have around on some boards that have been doing business with said client for a period of time?
puff88Maaaaaybe?......I can't say for sure but its always possible. One that have a very solid reputation and stature.
I bring my gear whenever I leave state. Put it up in a zip lock bag in the shifter area. I got a script, but not for 10ml vials or bigger.
And I never do anything bad enough to get my vehicle search hardcore. I don't do anything more than speeding.
Or I refill my script vials just fill em fuller that what they are suppose to hold just.
I bring my gear whenever I leave state. Put it up in a zip lock bag in the shifter area. I got a script, but not for 10ml vials or bigger.
And I never do anything bad enough to get my vehicle search hardcore. I don't do anything more than speeding.
Or I refill my script vials just fill em fuller that what they are suppose to hold just.
GoPro@GoPro I see those stories about people busted for speeding and having newsworthy amounts of narcotics stashed in the car. If someone tried to make my bail I'd be like, 'nah, I'm good'. End up losing your life that way.

I have a friend whose uncle was friends with one of our Presidents. Way, way up the food chain. He ran drugs for him down in MIA. He was tired one day and took a nap at a stash house and the house ended up burning down. Him and the dog barely made it out through the smoke (it was fucking locked up tight obviously to protect the contents - doors and windows welded shut etc.). He his out for two weeks before they could find him - turned out it was an unrelated electrical problem, not a fell asleep with a cigarette problem so all was well.
I had these same questions and worries years ago first time I traveled with my Dbol pills I could have passed out when my bag went through X-ray after that I realized the TSA is only really looking for things that resemble things that go boom detonators your know shit that cowards bring onto planes to harm others(earth is doomed) anyway onto my spiel so after dbol in my younger days I started going out to Vegas and did some dance festivals for a little while.. lift all week to destroy gains every weekend. (I’d kick my old self in the nuts if I could)
I’d take mdma mda blow just dump some capsules out refill them with my doc then throw them back in the bottle. Sure if you cram a bag of 1000 pills in there it’s going to raise some eyebrows. Sometimes things are better off hidden in plain sight. You start jamming pills in bic pen tubes it’s going to look sketchy. There’s always a chance you can get caught but we run that risk with what we do now. Would I try any of this on a overseas flight not a chance in hell. Most places hate Americans and usually the seldom times iv went to a different country customs tears through my bags.. Honestly you just have to think about what you have to lose and if your willing to lose it.. would I do what I did then now.. not a chance iv got a family now it’s not just me I’m going to affect. Juice ya I’d still take if you look at me and not think steroids your a dumbass. I’m willing to take that risk for something that should be available to everyone.
I had these same questions and worries years ago first time I traveled with my Dbol pills I could have passed out when my bag went through X-ray after that I realized the TSA is only really looking for things that resemble things that go boom detonators your know shit that cowards bring onto planes to harm others(earth is doomed) anyway onto my spiel so after dbol in my younger days I started going out to Vegas and did some dance festivals for a little while.. lift all week to destroy gains every weekend. (I’d kick my old self in the nuts if I could)
I’d take mdma mda blow just dump some capsules out refill them with my doc then throw them back in the bottle. Sure if you cram a bag of 1000 pills in there it’s going to raise some eyebrows. Sometimes things are better off hidden in plain sight. You start jamming pills in bic pen tubes it’s going to look sketchy. There’s always a chance you can get caught but we run that risk with what we do now. Would I try any of this on a overseas flight not a chance in hell. Most places hate Americans and usually the seldom times iv went to a different country customs tears through my bags.. Honestly you just have to think about what you have to lose and if your willing to lose it.. would I do what I did then now.. not a chance iv got a family now it’s not just me I’m going to affect. Juice ya I’d still take if you look at me and not think steroids your a dumbass. I’m willing to take that risk for something that should be available to everyone.
EmanAmerican customs is worse than anywhere I've been except Qatar where they made me dump my suitcase in a bit in a communal circular area. Dude asked me to take my new Rolex off and through it in the mix. No thanks. I should mention we were obviously Muslim so they didn't give a shit who you were there.

Canada, sure, they fuck with us, we fuck with them. They'll seize a Timex you've had for 3 generations and make you pay customs on it. Put your stroller in a pipe-bender and hand it to you with a smile on their face.

But I'm telling you, personal use quantity of gear is not rocket science. Offhand in the last couple of years I've been to Ireland, Portugal, France, all over SE Asia, no problems. The tips I listed in my other post will work for everyone. Nobody's opening up a trial sized bottle of baby shampoo in your hygiene bag and running it through the mass spectrometer unless you look like your on meth on your way back from a bank robbery.
American customs is worse than anywhere I've been except Qatar where they made me dump my suitcase in a bit in a communal circular area. Dude asked me to take my new Rolex off and through it in the mix. No thanks. I should mention we were obviously Muslim so they didn't give a shit who you were there.

Canada, sure, they fuck with us, we fuck with them. They'll seize a Timex you've had for 3 generations and make you pay customs on it. Put your stroller in a pipe-bender and hand it to you with a smile on their face.

But I'm telling you, personal use quantity of gear is not rocket science. Offhand in the last couple of years I've been to Ireland, Portugal, France, all over SE Asia, no problems. The tips I listed in my other post will work for everyone. Nobody's opening up a trial sized bottle of baby shampoo in your hygiene bag and running it through the mass spectrometer unless you look like your on meth on your way back from a bank robbery.
tech123Sorry, it was an Omega Seamaster Planet Ocean 007 Edition, not a scratch on it. Confused it with a Submariner I had at the time.
I allegedly walked through a security checkpoint in 2010 with an 8-ball of coke and a big worn prescription bottle for Alprazolam where you couldn't even read the label and it probably had more types of pills in there than I can name.

So I walked up to the security checkpoint with some fucking business dress version of skinny jeans and the lady's like what's that (pointing to my makeup case full of coke, clearly some odd shaped item in my skin tight pockets). I rummaged around in my pocket for a minute and came out with that beat up xanax bottle. She looked at it and was like, no, what's that, pointing again to the coke. I put the xanax bottle back in that same pocket and rummaged around some more and said, nope, I think that's it for that pocket.

She looked at me like a mom looking at a 3 year old trying to pull some bullshit, but she looked me in the eye and said "have a good day sir". It probably didnt help that I did 2 rails off the console before I left my car so my eyes were huge.

I still say a prayer for her some times. She could have utterly fucked my life up but saw a somewhat functional addict trying to get through work instead and had some compassion.

At the time I was heading to Cincinnati with enough Roxy 30s to last me a week. I ran through the coke on the way to the hotel, had to call my Dr. in FL a day later and beg him to send me 1 single 8mg suboxone or I was going to lose my fucking job because I had run through the 30s overnight.
I allegedly walked through a security checkpoint in 2010 with an 8-ball of coke and a big worn prescription bottle for Alprazolam where you couldn't even read the label and it probably had more types of pills in there than I can name.

So I walked up to the security checkpoint with some fucking business dress version of skinny jeans and the lady's like what's that (pointing to my makeup case full of coke, clearly some odd shaped item in my skin tight pockets). I rummaged around in my pocket for a minute and came out with that beat up xanax bottle. She looked at it and was like, no, what's that, pointing again to the coke. I put the xanax bottle back in that same pocket and rummaged around some more and said, nope, I think that's it for that pocket.

She looked at me like a mom looking at a 3 year old trying to pull some bullshit, but she looked me in the eye and said "have a good day sir". It probably didnt help that I did 2 rails off the console before I left my car so my eyes were huge.

I still say a prayer for her some times. She could have utterly fucked my life up but saw a somewhat functional addict trying to get through work instead and had some compassion.

At the time I was heading to Cincinnati with enough Roxy 30s to last me a week. I ran through the coke on the way to the hotel, had to call my Dr. in FL a day later and beg him to send me 1 single 8mg suboxone or I was going to lose my fucking job because I had run through the 30s overnight.
tech123That's intense
I’ve never had an issue traveling with roids domestically... I always ripped the label off the bottle usually test or NPP so it’s clear... For pills, I would use the weekly pill container and add them to all my vitamins and regular medication... I truly believe TSA doesn’t give a shit unless it’s narcotics or weapons.. Drug smelling dogs don’t even notice... As far as international, I have multiple friends that travel with everything (hgh, orals, dark and clear injectables, pins) and have never gotten in trouble. I personally would feel safer mailing it to where I was going internationally, just so I’m not getting locked up in a foreign country. But too each there own.

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