TRT blood work


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
Got my blood work coming in June sometimes. The only protocol from my doc that I am not following is I am pinning aqua three times a week before workouts. Other than that just on his test 200mg of cypionate a week plus the HCG I got from him and injectable tri aminos

My questions is how soon should I lay off aqua for my test levels to come back without that affecting it??¿¿

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SkinNbone said:
Got my blood work coming in June sometimes. The only protocol from my doc that I am not following is I am pinning aqua three times a week before workouts. Other than that just on his test 200mg of cypionate a week plus the HCG I got from him and injectable tri aminos

My questions is how soon should I lay off aqua for my test levels to come back without that affecting it??¿¿

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SkinNboneAqueous has no ester, so it's through and out of the system in less than a day. So, if you're concerned about your test levels for the Doctors benefit, lay off it for at least a week. Other than that, I'm not sure why you would be concerned. Your on TRT, which takes the place of your natural Test Production. Which, I'm assuming is pretty low, since your Doc has you on 200mg of Cyp.
Yeah my natural levels are fucked(194). Doc said he will do some adjusting but he told me he wants me on the high end of normal he said he want me at 1000-1200 so if he needs to prescribe me prop he will. Just don't want to piss him off cause I was an open book to him.

Before I found him I got blood work done from family doc in dec2012. So after I found out how low my test was I got back on 750mg a week and deca to bulk. Well i told my TRT doc exactly what and how much I was taken and when he did my blood work test levels was 1500+. Problem is my e was fucking 101
So I started his protocol. The only thing he doesn't know about is the suspension.

I thought it was in your system for 2-3 days?

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No. Suspension is only in your system about a day. But, if you're taking high doses of suspension (which, I have no idea what your dose is) I figured this and that's why I told you a week. But, I have a hard time believing 200mg of Cyp is gonna get your Test up to 1200. 200mg of Cyp is only like 135mg of actual Test.
Only taking 100mg of suspension each shot that's one cc.
Well we going to see what my next blood work says and that's why he told me height get me prop to take every week as well. This doctor kicks ass bro. He just put me on cypionate for now till my test comes back down from 1500+ and said we will make adjustments to get me to stay between 1000-1200. I will keep u posted if u like bro

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I'd say he rocks, I'm only a lil over your levels and I can't get back on trt
Kudos for being able to shoot aqueous test. Stuff kills me. It'll be out quick. But like Tsize said if you lay off a week your more than fine. I'm trying to figure out how your gonna get to the 1000-1200 range on 200mgs. My doc has me on 500mg/week and I'm in the 1400s when that's all I'm on. Ps he's fine with that too.
Mr rock. I was an open book to my doc and told him I would kick the deca and 750mg of test a week so he agreed to put my on 200mg cypionate until my next blood test and see where I am at. I also have injectable tri aminos HCG e blocker and injectable b 12 and fish oils. All from him. The whole package cost me 377. About halfway done with my test HCG and b12. Going to order in a couple weeks but before I am done with my next bottle blood work is due
So like I said he will probably also add prop to my TRT protocol. I will get everyone updated here. I also can give y'all website to the clinic and you can check them out

Look out for fag-ghost
SkinNbone said:
Mr rock. I was an open book to my doc and told him I would kick the deca and 750mg of test a week so he agreed to put my on 200mg cypionate until my next blood test and see where I am at. I also have injectable tri aminos HCG e blocker and injectable b 12 and fish oils. All from him. The whole package cost me 377. About halfway done with my test HCG and b12. Going to order in a couple weeks but before I am done with my next bottle blood work is due
So like I said he will probably also add prop to my TRT protocol. I will get everyone updated here. I also can give y'all website to the clinic and you can check them out

Look out for fag-ghost
SkinNboneDefinitely keep us posted!! And,...loving this Doc!
@SNB, have you ever tried TNE instead of Test Susp? It leaves your bloodstream just as quickly, usually within 8-12 hours. TNE is no joy to pin, but when compared to Suspension, in my experience, it's a joy ride.

Like Ts said above, give it 24 hours and you should have no worries.
As stated above, I'd give it a week just to be one the safe side. No need to go in with some jacked levels and piss him off. (The pro hormone story worked once with my doc when it was high)
If you want to get him to give you a script for a little more than what you need, drop the cyp in half and let him get blood with less in your system. That will tell him he needs to up the dose but make sure you get the levels back to the range he wants them before the next visit. It's somewhat of a trial and error to get the levels just where he wants them. My doc has me doing bloods every six months, is this the protocol that you will be using or has he said yet?
Yea since I just started TRT blood work after first three months (which is coming up) then after every six months. sir never took TNE

Look out for fag-ghost
Hey mr Sizemore....u not getting my PM's??? I am getting back "sorry no content"

Look out for fag-ghost
As me & Skin know, some dudes posted up a study on how test suspension was released in horses, and it showed it took up to week to be fully released. Anyhow, my concern would not be showing elevated T levels, but showing elevated E levels. If the Doc is decent, he is going to be like "These estro levels are beyond what that much test could have yeilded," and start asking a bunch of questions. My other concern is a SHBG issue, where you coming off that much test all of a sudden right before the test could cause the numbers to scew. I would back it up two weeks, I mean look at what you are risking over just a couple weeks of being on? You got the rest of your life to do it up, with a good willing doc, so long as you don't piss him off, or get caught in a lie.
Hummm strange. I wonder if that's cause I just joined up? I am also on OLM. I will hit u up when I fully awake lol

Look out for fag-ghost
SkinNbone said:
Hummm strange. I wonder if that's cause I just joined up? I am also on OLM. I will hit u up when I fully awake lol

Look out for fag-ghost
You can't PM from tapa talk remember. They come up blank.
It's because of the security here, tapa don't read the encryption.
Ahhhhh didn't know this broski. Well unfortunately iPhone is all I got. No comp but getting one soon

Look out for fag-ghost

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