Trump & WorkForce & Meds


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
Damn Trump isn't even President yet, stocks are soaring and a lot of companies are coming back into America.

If your not following the News and what all he's accomplished so far I'll post what's happening.

Also the greatest thing is, he's stating that he will lower the price of prescription drugs!
We need all the jobs we can get over here in the US and I think trump can make this happen.
Alot have left as well..
Does job's equate to higher wages or often as it happens less.

He also stated Mexico was gonna pay for the wall..
Maybe they will pay for the wall with the added importation taxes we are currently lacking... doesn't mean they have to write a check directly and state in the memo "border labor/costs"

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blasson date=1481172933 said:
Maybe they will pay for the wall with the added importation taxes we are currently lacking... doesn't mean they have to write a check directly and state in the memo "border labor/costs" Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
blasson date=1481172933alot of maybes flip flops.lies just like both parties
grim date=1481173091 said:
alot of maybes flip flops.lies just like both parties
grim date=1481173091You can't say anything is a lie yet. He hasn't even taken office. It blows me away just how many psychics we have in this country. You'd think these people would be winning the lottery every single week.
trump is president. we all should give him full chance to do his thing (within constitutional boundaries) and then at the end or towards the end make fair judgments. a judgment is only fair if it is based on evidence and proof. otherwise its an opinion that is presented as fact which it is not. give the dude time and lets talk seriously with him later and on checkpoints.
drakonrep said:
trump is president. we all should give him full chance to do his thing (within constitutional boundaries) and then at the end or towards the end make fair judgments. a judgment is only fair if it is based on evidence and proof. otherwise its an opinion that is presented as fact which it is not. give the dude time and lets talk seriously with him later and on checkpoints.
drakonrep agreed but hes president elect not prez 😛
T-bar said:
You can't say anything is a lie yet. He hasn't even taken office. It blows me away just how many psychics we have in this country. You'd think these people would be winning the lottery every single week.
T-bar lies from his candidacy

Not from being president

He lied ALOT while running..
i am ALL for judging people, including leaders the most, based on their actions during and after their runs. every country should do this. politicians have the utmost influence over hundreds of millions of people and need to be held accountable. resignation or impeachment isnt a punishment, it is a forced holiday with a golden handshake of countless millions paid by tax payers. if i mess up at my job i cant just say sorry dude and leave. and we are talking about world leaders here.
we from usa often go around the world and preach about freedom and criticise (rightly so) all dictators and terrorists. but if we simply apply the same rules to our USA then half our presidents should be in jail.

but as they say the weak cannot sue the strong, therefore justice is not blind, therefore there is no absolute justice. it is a illusion of good and right simply based on who is stronger. we as humans are doing the same as monkeys and who has a bigger stick. but we pretend with all kinds of words to cover it up and make it something elevated. reality is bigger stick wins and this is wrong and sad
Great post drakrep
Like Hillary didn't lie also her whole career? Someone tell me a politician who hasn't lied or back flopped. Remember daddy Bush in 1990 saying "read my lips, I won't raise taxes." And what did he do? He raised taxes.
Daredevil date=1481249463 said:
Like Hillary didn't lie also her whole career? Someone tell me a politician who hasn't lied or back flopped. Remember daddy Bush in 1990 saying "read my lips, I won't raise taxes." And what did he do? He raised taxes.
Daredevil date=1481249463Hillary made them all look like Sunday School teachers.
Actually trump lied more, was fact checked by numerous sources.

But I didn't and dont support hillary.

Nice deflection though..
grim date=1481265770 said:
Actually trump lied more, was fact checked by numerous sources.

But I didn't and dont support hillary.

Nice deflection though..
grim date=1481265770Check out
Non partisan group that fact checks. Trump was lying so often they were on the verge of hiring an entire team to cover him. At one point he averaged a lie every 4 min he spoke.
Daredevil date=1481161617 said:
Damn Trump isn't even President yet, stocks are soaring and a lot of companies are coming back into America.

If your not following the News and what all he's accomplished so far I'll post what's happening.

Also the greatest thing is, he's stating that he will lower the price of prescription drugs!
Daredevil date=1481161617And the market dropped on election night as it looked as though he'd win. Very typical.
A lot of companies are coming back to America. Can you name 10? Curious I haven't heard of any coming back that left.
Carrier for the most part is staying here. Japan just dropped 50 billion into our economy to run a telecommunications company that will employ upwards of 50,000 people.

Bro can you tell me one thing Trump has done since winning the election that will hurt our economy?
He hasnt really done anything yet..

Huge tax breaks to keep clerical positions in.

Supposed promise of jobs to allow a merger that didn't go through previously.

Hes not even pres yet able to do anything, yet hes still made uncomstitutional statement, cried, and pissed off our allies..
You said coming back. Carrier didn't leave, and its one plant abut 1000 people. And was crony capitalism at its finest. Everything the Republican party railed against in the last eight years.

Three Goldman Sachs exe. Thats brilliant idea, the guys that were the tip of spear for '08 crash (I can see how this hurts the economy)

The U.S.economy is 17.9 trillion. 50 billion adds .002% to it. IF this investment goes through as they plan (which always happens right) then 50,000 jobs can help due to people spending money. Provided the job pays the same or more than what that person was earning. And provided you hire people that weren't working. If not its a wash.

I'll ask again, you said a lot of companies came back. Can you list 10?
I said a lot of companies are coming back. I did not say came back.

When I said "coming back" to me that means anticipating their return.

"Came back" means they have returned.

Maybe your misunderstanding me?

I lost hope in the American Govt until Trump won. I like the selection of people he has chosen for different positions. I don't believe you care for him, which is fine, but at least give the man a chance. He's entitled to 4 years of attempts to make America better.

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